Opening his palms, blue silver grass emerged from it, spiraling up, forming a circle of white soul rings.

Lan Zimo's Blue Silver Grass is indeed different. It is exuding a cyan halo. The surface of the grass blades reflects a metallic luster, and pink veins flow on it. It is beautiful and mysterious. The soul ring also became different. There was a thin cyan line on the soul ring, which formed a circle.

Lan Xiao felt a strong breath of life from the Blue Silver Grass. He had only felt this kind of breath in his home star Douluo Star, but it seemed to be different, but he couldn't tell where it was different.

He touched the blade of grass with his hand, and his fingers made a cut, which was extremely sharp.

Lan Xiao had no idea what was going on, so she had no choice but to ask the person involved.

Lan Xiao asked: "Zimo, do you know what is happening with your martial spirit now?"

Lan Zimo used the blue silver grass to wrap around Lan Xiao's injured finger and said: "Dad, my blue silver grass has evolved. It now has the ability to deprive life and give life, and it has also become very sharp, like a carving Just like a knife, it can easily cut through metal." After saying that, Lan Yincao also let go of Lan Xiao's finger, and the wound on it recovered as before.

Taking away life and giving life, as sharp as a carving knife. This characteristic is a bit like the legendary living gold carving knife used by Lingbing Douluo, the founder of the Spirit Pagoda. However, the deprivation and granting of living gold only applies to metals. Unless special methods are used, ordinary people who come into contact with living gold can only have their vitality drained away by it.

Life force, time, and space are listed as the three most difficult powers to control. People who can possess these three abilities are as rare as a feather. However, the minimum achievement of the possessors of this ability is Super Douluo. But, such a powerful ability was obtained so easily? What price is needed in exchange? And if you use it too much to deprive your life, you will be judged as an evil soul master.

Lan Xiao asked worriedly: "Zimo, what is the price for depriving life and giving life?"

"Soul power consumes a lot. With my current soul power, I can only activate my ability once. Moreover, depriving life means absorbing the life force of others to replenish oneself. Giving life means consuming one's own life force to give it to others." Lan Zimo replied.

As if he noticed something, Lan Zimo looked at Lan Xiao in a panic and asked, "Dad, I won't become an evil soul master."

Lan Zimo, who has read so many books since he was a child, naturally knows that evil soul masters are evil beings that everyone can kill!

Lan Xiao touched Lan Zimo's head and comforted: "No, Zimo is so smart. He must know that no matter what ability he has, good will lead to good and evil will lead to evil. Therefore, as long as Zimo doesn't use it in the future, If you do bad things, you won't become an evil soul master."

After receiving his father's affirmation, Lan Zimo said: "Well, I won't."

Lan Xiao said: "Okay, this is an amazing ability. The ability that your Bluesilver Grass evolves this time has given you a very strong ability, and it itself has become different. Since it has completely evolved, give it to it Come up with a name.”

Lan Zimo asked: "Name?"

Lan Xiao smiled and said, "Yes, the name."

Lan Zimo thought for a while and said: "You used to be Blue Silver Grass, but now you have gained the ability of life. Let's call it Life Blue Silver."

"Life Blue Silver? A very nice name."


Nan Cheng looked at the piled food plates and yelled in his heart: What on earth did I raise two! How come both of them are so edible! If this continues, I won’t be able to afford it anymore!

At this time, Lan Zimo was sitting on the dining table, controlling the life blue silver, rolling up various tableware, constantly dividing the food in front of him, and bringing it to his mouth. He even said it euphemistically: adapt to the new martial spirit and strengthen control. force.

Lan Xiao also looked helpless and said, "Zimo will finish eating later to test the game's soul power and mental power."

"it is good."

Soon, Lan Zimo finished eating, but in the end, he realized that he didn't eat as much as Lan Xuanyu.

Well, happy.

After eating, the two brothers came to Lan Xiao's room. The soul power tester and the mental power helmet were already placed on the table.

Lan Xiao's room is very simply decorated, with a wooden bed, a table, a chair, a bookshelf and a window, all in the same solid wood brown color. There is also a rabbit doll on the table.

Lan Xiao took out the soul power tester and said, "Xuanyu, you come first."

"it is good."

Lan Xuanyu held the handles on both sides with both hands and poured soul power into them.

The light beam on the soul power test slowly increased, one grid, three grids, seven grids... and finally stopped at twelve grids, indicating soul power level twelve.

It has been a semester, half a year, and the soul power has only gone from level 11 to level 12 now. If it were a normal Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, then such a training speed would be no problem. But that's not the problem. Regarding Lan Xuanyu's problem, Lan Xiao has also thought about it. The result can only be that the blood flowing in Lan Xuanyu's body is too strong, and the soul power he cultivated is turned into the nutrients of the blood, which leads to He improves so slowly.

Lan Xiao, take notes, put him down, and put on the mental testing helmet.

Human mental power has long been digitized. Whether a soul master is strong or not, mental strength is also an important evaluation method.

From low to high, the levels of mental power are divided into: Lingyuan realm, Lingtong realm, Linghai realm, Lingyuan realm, Spiritual realm realm and Shenjie realm.

If measured using data, zero to fifty is the spiritual realm. Those who have just awakened their martial souls are in this category.

Put on your helmet and let the testing begin.

Lan Xuanyu's eyes were covered, and a passage could be seen on the screen, with tall forests on both sides, and there seemed to be a small house at the far end.

"Concentrate and go see that little house." Although this was not the first time, Lan Xiao still reminded him.

Lan Xuanyu looked at it intently, and the numbers on the helmet began to beat.

"Beep." I remembered a crisp sound, and the number soared, breaking through fifty in an instant...

Finally, it stopped at sixty-seven!

Lan Xiao said calmly: "Okay, it's your turn, Zimo."


The light beam of the soul power tester rose again, one grid, five grids... the index stopped at fifteen grids, and the soul power was level fifteen.

Putting on the helmet, the numbers started to jump, and finally, they stopped at seventy-one!

"All right."

Lan Xuanyu asked: "Dad, how are you?"

Lan Xiao said: "Your current soul power is level 12 and your mental power is 67. You have reached the psychic realm."

"What about brother?"

"My brother's soul power is level 15, and his mental power is level 71, which is higher than yours. Xuanyu needs to work harder."

"Wow, no wonder my brother is so powerful. By the way, how is dad's promise to me?"

"Don't worry, I bought the tickets a month ago."



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