"Hey, eat me a "sound of desire""

A thick purple light obscured Zhu Zhuqing's figure. Although the experienced Xiao Wu was so focused on choosing clothes that he didn't hear clearly what soul spell Tang Jing recited, he immediately knew which suit it was when he saw the crackling lightning special effects surrounding the purple light. .

So based on Xiao Jing's aesthetics, what I should be given is that set of "false love." Thinking about the hint Tang Jing gave her just now, Xiao Wu secretly guessed Tang Jing's plan.

The result was not as expected by Xiao Wu. Along with the familiar sound of "Hey, give me a "False Love"", Xiao Wu was also shrouded in a burst of light with lightning special effects.

"Hey, give me a "Backlight Time""

Next up is Ning Rongrong's. Although, after eating all the sausages, we have to give him the suit, and we can't really isolate them.

Tang Jing's soul skills can be changed very quickly. We are not a magical girl who transforms into a new school idol in half a song or one sentence. The three beautiful girls stood in a row, and a youthful and beautiful atmosphere came over them. Tang Jing suddenly wanted to make them Nico Nico Ni.

Of course, he just wanted to think that some of these three people could easily cause diplomatic problems, and Tang Jing would not dare to take advantage of them until their relationship was good enough.

"How do you feel? Do you want to change it?" Tang Jing's after-sales service was considerate and thoughtful.

"No, it's very suitable." Xiao Wu didn't care about which suit she wore. Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong had no objections. Everyone present was obviously more concerned about what suits the remaining male students would get.

"Look at what I picked out for the mistress."

Xiao Wu stepped on Buling Buling's [Road of Illusion], and with the help of the speed bonus of the suit's lightning special effects, she "flashed" to Tang Jing with a single jump, and thrust the phone screen in front of him.

Tang Jing glanced at the suit Xiao Wu chose and couldn't help but exclaimed "Wow!". He originally thought Xiao Wu would choose a sexy one, but he didn't expect to choose this suit. He was indeed the number one youngster in the Old Tang family. Preserved eggs, you can come up with such unconventional ideas.

"Isn't it great?" Xiao Wu frowned.

"Awesome!" Tang Jing gave a thumbs up, then stretched out his hand to make a rua motion, "Do you want to?"

Xiao Wu gave her a knowing look with a smile, and Tang San was almost sweating when he heard it. The happier the little old man in the family is, basically means how depressed he will be.

"Then I'm going to start." As he said that, Tang Jing walked through the crowd and ran to Flanders. It was true that Tang San wouldn't hit him, but this stinky guy would use blue silver grass to poison him, even though it was only a small amount of poison. But it's also very uncomfortable.

"Hey, give me a hit of "Jinhu Shaohua""

Another burst of brilliant light dissipated, and Tang San appeared in front of everyone wearing a fancy little skirt.

Her short black hair was lengthened and braided with two rings on the back of her head. She was also wearing a black and red skirt that combined a Japanese style with a lo-skirt. The red knee-length stockings were not alluring at all, but she was constantly being shy. The wagging tail and the twitching little ears are the best.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but stretched out her hand to rub Tang San's furry pointed ears. Tang San was so awkward and unable to refuse, so he could only pinch the folding fan in his hand and make a clicking sound.

If that's the case, it seems to be okay, almost the same as the one I had before. Oscar silently compared "Jinhu Shaohua" and "Good Morning Little Chef" again, and felt that this was not bad, and he was not ashamed.

It's just that it looks familiar to Ma Hongjun. This set is probably the dyed version of his previous Soto Soul Fighting Arena. Look at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing. Tsk, dyeing it can be regarded as a new set. Tang Jing's soul skill is really perfunctory.

Unlike Oscar, whose lower limit is constantly being refreshed, and Ma Hongjun, who is still complaining, Dai Mubai has never dressed up as a woman. Seeing Tang San, who was blushing because of Xiao Wu, he felt bad all over. The whole face is turning green.

No matter what these three people are thinking, it will not affect Tang Jing's choice, but if it is other girls -

"Well...Tang Jing, I also chose a suit for them." Ning Rongrong seemed to have made up his mind. While everyone was still sighing at the suit Xiao Wu chose for Tang San, he ran to Tang Jing and put forward his own ideas, " What do you think of this set for Dai Mubai?"

Tang Jing was a little surprised that Ning Rongrong would take the initiative to talk, but he still took the mobile phone handed over by Ning Rongrong naturally.

Tsk tsk tsk, "Tuberose Kiss", that's right, little princess, she has learned to avenge her private revenge, instead of only knowing how to bully others. She has grown up.

But... Tang Jing couldn't help but glance at Tang San. Xiao Wu gave all these photos to Ning Rongrong, so does her royal photographer know?

That's a problem, but it's not the focus right now.

Tang Jing returned the phone to Ning Rongrong and said quickly, "Hey, give me a "Tuberose Kiss""

Then he backhandedly enlarged the Linglong Pagoda and hid inside. After what happened yesterday, Tang Jing had deep doubts about Dai Mubai's ability to control his emotions, so he had to take out the necessary insurance.

This time the light was not the light purple that matched the color of the suit, but the pink of dokidoki.


Except for the Lonely Trio and Ning Rongrong, who had already known about the [Tuberose Kiss] suit, everyone present took a breath of air when they saw Dai Mubai, who had been replaced by Zhuang Wangcheng, and his pupils were shaken to the tenth level.

Dai Mubai's long golden hair was now shrunk to his chest, and the ends of his hair were permed and curled into two cute low ponytails, softening his tough face a little.

Of course, if that were the case, it would not be enough to shock everyone. Even with the netted white stockings, it is no surprise that Teacher Zhao is famous in front of her.

But the dress in this suit is so cool. The theme is a bikini-style top and bottom, and the bra on the top is even connected with a layer of transparent gauze.

Dai Mubai's chest and abdominal muscles were looming behind the transparent gauze, making them particularly eye-catching. After the person involved saw what he was wearing, he immediately squatted down and hugged his body tightly, his face was ashen.

After Dai Mubai finished changing his clothes, Ning Rongrong immediately started recording, taking a close-up of Dai Mubai's whole body and his girlish posture after squatting down. It can be said that Ning Rongrong's revenge has been very effective.

Seeing this scene, Tang San felt that the [Jinhu Shaohua] on his body was particularly fragrant, and Xiao Wu, a little old man, still had some sense in his heart, so the pain was not in vain.

Oscar Ma Hongjun, who was waiting for his fate to be judged, was worried, fearing that he would also be put into such a shameful suit and be photographed.

Oscar even ran directly to the Linglong Pagoda and said to him: "Xiao Jing, why not stick to the same routine you used to run around in before. I think that routine is pretty good, no need to change, really."

"I think the set used in the Soto Soul Fighting Arena is pretty good, just the one before." Ma Hongjun followed closely, saying that he also liked the previous set [Jinhu Zhuozhuo] very much and didn't want it. Get a new suit.

Seeing that Dai Mubai was autistic and didn't look like he wanted to cause trouble for him, Tang Jing calmly came out of the Linglong Pagoda and patted Oscar and Ma Hongjun on the shoulders with an upright expression.

"Don't worry, what's the relationship between the three of us? It's very appropriate. I will definitely give you a complete set."

The more Tang Jing said this, the more uncertain Oscar and Ma Hongjun felt. However, the two of them could not change anything and could only let Tang Jing recite the soul curse.

"Hey, take a bite out of me [Coco Mood]"

"Hey, take a bite out of me [Coco Story]"

These two sets of suits are the same style but different colors. They are both strapless and slim-fitting. If worn on a beautiful girl like Ning Rongrong, it would be absolutely beautiful. But if worn on Oscar and Ma Hongjun →_→

"Cute, really cute." Tang Jing quietly directed his surveillance eyes to videotape Oscar, who had the potential to be a cross-dressing boss. Before [Good Morning Little Chef], Tang Jing felt that Oscar had great potential and was the type that Xiao Ai would want.

Xiao Ai has always wanted a handsome (deleted) tool model (deleted) boyfriend dressed in men's and women's clothing.

As for Ma Hongjun, if Tang Jing is blunt, he looks like a big balloon with two rubber bands tied in the middle. The top is convex, the middle is convex, and the bottom is convex as well. The two places where they are fastened by clothes are concave.

The overall image looks only a little better than Dai Mubai. After all, it's just because of the ridiculousness brought about by the figure, not shame.

"Okay, it's all done." Tang Jing looked at the seven Shrek people who had changed their costumes and nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Flanders to take credit, "Dean, you can do it."

"Not bad, the effect of the exercise has been achieved." Flanders pretended not to see Dai Mubai's pleading eyes and expressed that he was very satisfied with Tang Jing's masterpiece.

"Okay, that's it for today's class. You go back and prepare now. You will have one day to rest and adjust. Tomorrow, Teacher Zhao will take you to the Star Dou Forest for a new class - to help Oscar obtain the third Three soul rings

"You all must remember that this is not just Oscar's business, it is also a kind of experience for you. Before encountering the thousand-year soul beast, Teacher Zhao Wuji will not take action. Everything depends on you. Myself. Okay, let’s figure it out now…”

"Wait a minute, Dean. No one has seen my third soul skill yet. We can't just go to the Star Dou Forest like this."

Seeing that today's class is coming to an end, my plan has just begun. Tang Jing thought that this was not possible, and hurriedly raised objections before Flanders said they should disband.

"And my third soul skill is a very powerful buff skill. I think it is very necessary for everyone to get used to it in advance."

After hearing Tang Jing's words, everyone who was lucky enough to watch or participate in the battle of the previous entrance test couldn't help but recall the third soul skill of a certain soul singer king.

Tang Jing calls this thing a buff?

Flanders, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing all cast questioning glances, and even the autistic Dai Mubai raised his head.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you looking at? My soul skills are very strong, okay?" Faced with these questioning looks, Tang Jing stared back without hesitation, "You can't because of the releaser's singing skills. Just question the ability of this soul skill."

Because he was terrible at singing, he turned a good buff skill into a group sonic attack, and he could say it loudly with a proud face. There was probably no one else but Tang Jing.

In the end, Tang San shook his fox tail and explained his third soul skill to Tang Jing.

"Xiao Jing's third soul skill is very special. It is different from ordinary soul skills. In addition to Xiao Jing himself, other teammates marked by Xiao Jing can also affect the effect of this soul skill."

"Xiao Jing's third soul skill, a musical hit from me, can add all-round amplification to teammates. The better all the marked people can sing, and the better I can dance, the greater the amplification of this soul skill will be."

It is this kind of judgment mechanism that allows Tang Jing to use this buff skill as a large-scale sonic attack. It is really too ugly to sing, and even an absolute tone-deaf person cannot achieve this level.

Of course, Tang San didn't say anything about this kind of thing that would harm his brother's face, but everyone understood it.

"In this case, everyone really needs to get used to it." Flanders definitely doesn't want to waste such a good soul skill, but...

"Tang Jing, is today enough to get used to it?"

What he was waiting for was your words. Tang Jing smiled and gave Flanders a thumbs up, his white teeth flashing a dazzling light in the sun: "Don't worry, Dean. If you don't think about dancing, just singing will definitely no problem."

“I even danced songs for them, songs that everyone in Shengta Primary School can sing.”

""Singing Tower""

""Singing Holy Tower"?" Dean Flanders read the name of this song, his face looked a little strange.

It’s no wonder that Flanders felt awkward. Tang Jing’s selection of this song, apart from being simple and easy to learn, was inherently private.

Look at all the people present, the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the prince of the Tianluo Empire, and the noble lady of a certain generation who married the royal family of the Tianluo Empire. If the King of the Sirius Empire knew that these people were learning "Singing Holy Tower", he would probably He suffered a myocardial infarction and died on the spot.

"That's right, this song was created by a certain musical genius in the Holy Tower who wishes to remain anonymous. The melody is beautiful and the lyrics are catchy. Even children who have just entered elementary school can learn it in one day." Don Shameless Copying the song: Jing closed his eyes and praised loudly.

Not to mention the obvious political leanings of this song, it is indeed a very good song in itself. In that case——

Flender said he was leaving get off work first: "Then I'll leave everything to you, Tang Jing. Remember to leave enough time for everyone to rest and adjust."

"Okay, no problem, just leave it to me."

Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai: No, I'm not worried.

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