Fencing from Naruto

Chapter 2 Sharp Sword, Sharp Eye

In his previous life, as a suburban diamond goalkeeper, a veteran top laner in thousands of games, and a unique skill brother of Jian Ji, Mizuki knew very well what Jian Ji's skills were and what their effects were.

Just looking at the description of the passive, he found that the real damage and recovery of Sword Girl's passive were still there, but there was no short-term movement speed bonus after hitting the flaw.

Health recovery has also been changed from a numerical value to a percentage.

But these adjustments are currently secondary to him.

The main aspect is that although he is now embedded with the Wushuang Swordswoman template, he does not have a sword in his hand.

A famous champion support once said: If I don’t have a sword in my hand, I can’t protect you.

Not to mention that Fiona's sword in the setting is a Western-style stabbing sword, which may not be found in the Naruto world.

Because he didn't think he could win, he didn't even bring a kunai and entered the arena with bare hands.

During the battle, he didn't have time to read the skill description carefully, and he didn't know what effect it would have.

Hinata Kazuma was extremely surprised when he saw Mizuki's nonchalant look after receiving a soft punch.

The advantage of Soft Fist compared to ordinary Taijutsu is that Soft Fist is a Taijutsu that injects one's own chakra into the enemy's body, thus damaging the "meridian system" and internal organs of the enemy's chakra.

The skin can become more and more resistant to beatings through training, but the internal organs are always fragile.

When people are killed, they die. Theoretically speaking, no matter how strong a ninja is, being hit by a soft fist is often fatal.

Although the purpose of Hinata Kazuma's attack just now was not vicious, it was just to disrupt the flow of chakra near Mizuki's shoulder and make one arm incapacitated.

But nothing happened, which is a bit strange.

He responded with more concentration, thinking secretly:

"Judging from the performance at the beginning of the fight, he is not as strong as me, but this time his judgment of weaknesses is really accurate and sophisticated. If it weren't for good luck... Could it be that he deliberately hid his clumsiness before and deliberately sold his flaws to lure me into taking the bait? "

Thinking of this, Hinata Kazuma did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He stretched out his hands to protect his body, bent his body slightly, took cautious steps, and slowly approached Mizuki.

Mizuki didn't know that the opponent in front of him had gone through intense psychological activities one after another in just a few seconds.

He just took the opportunity to peek at the skill descriptions in the system while the other party was seriously preparing his movements.

[Breaking through the air: thrust forward a certain distance. If it hits the enemy, the CD will be reduced by 60.00%. Cooling time: 16 seconds. 】

It seems unremarkable, it should just provide a period of rapid displacement, and the damage caused is based on one's own level, but why is there a cooling time, and it is a bit long.

[Laurent's Eye Knife: Resist all incoming damage, debuff effects and control effects, and stab forward. The enemy who is stabbed will be temporarily unresponsive. If the control effect is successfully resisted, the blocked person will Will fall into a brief coma.Cooling time: 26 seconds. 】

"Wuhu! Take off!"

Mizuki couldn't help but exclaim softly.

The essence and charm of the hero Sword Girl lies in her passive breakthrough and W skills.

The passive brings recovery ability and damage, and Laurent's inner sword is set to block everything.

(Except for towers and pike's)

By blocking everything, I mean including the stones fired by the child's rubber bow, as well as the Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Jade.

Mizuki thought to himself that even if he was an ordinary genin now, he could still stand up to a strong man like Madara Uchiha for at least 1.5 seconds.

But what makes him a little curious is how to define the control effect of the Naruto world, such as illusion?

Before he had time to look further, he saw Hinata Kazuma approaching menacingly again.

Hinata and Shin moved forward with both palms, walking quickly. It seemed that they were unconvinced and wanted to have another head-on confrontation.

Mizuki could feel Laurent's inner eye knife calling to him.

At that time, my uncle, I was also a terrible man who predicted W and blocked the stone man's ultimate move to the face, and was reported as a script by the opponent.

The image of dominating the Summoner's Rift came to mind. Ruishu's eyes became confident and he was extremely focused.

Hinata Kazuma was originally wandering slowly, but suddenly accelerated forward, waving the soft fist of his left hand. The palm of his left hand was already within a stone's throw of Mizuki's abdomen. The other hand stayed behind to look after Mizuki, alert to Mizuki's sudden attack.

Ruishu saw the right moment and suddenly exerted force.

Now, Laurent has a sharp eye!

[You don’t have a sword in your hand, so you can’t release Laurent’s Heart Sword. 】

[You don’t have a sword in your hand, so you can’t release Laurent’s Heart Sword. 】

Mizuki tried to release the skill twice in a row, and the system immediately reported the embarrassing situation to him twice in a row.

For a moment, he felt that there was something wrong with his IQ.


Hinata Kazuma stared, surprised to find that his attack failed.

"It's obviously close enough." He whispered to himself, very confused.

Mizuki stood three meters away from him, gasping for breath in shock.

Fortunately, I triggered my habitual reaction and used the Sky Breaking Slash backwards to keep the distance. Otherwise, I would have fallen down when he hit the internal organs through the abdomen. Just now, the soft fist even grazed my belly.

Fortunately, although it cannot attack, the displacement of the air-piercing slash can still be used.

Hatake Shigesaku in the stands said "Huh" and murmured: "The speed of that step just now seemed a bit fast."

He didn't stare carefully just now, and he couldn't see clearly.

Hinata and Ma were still getting more and more confused because of the successive strange things, but suddenly they saw Mizuki covering his face with his hands in discomfort.

"I'm a fool." Because of what he just did, Ruishu commented on himself.

Hinata Kazuma was puzzled and thought to himself: "Why did he suddenly scold himself? After these two confrontations, it is obvious that I did not take any advantage and even suffered a bit."

His thoughts changed, and he suddenly felt that Ruishu was taunting him in a roundabout way.

If you call yourself Tiehanhan, then I am worse than Tiehanhan?

Hinata Kazuma showed displeasure and said in a deep voice: "There is no need for you to laugh at me in this way."


Mizuki put his hands down from his face, thinking that I was obviously talking about myself, so he hurriedly explained:

"You misunderstood. I think you are very powerful. I am talking about myself."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the misunderstanding was even bigger.

Obviously sometimes I don't want to be yin and yang, but I say the most yin and yang words that make people feel the most yin and yang.


Hinata Kazuma groaned and his face darkened.

"It's useless to say more, let's see the 64 Bagua Palms of the Hinata family."

Mizuki thought to himself that this explanation didn't make sense at the moment, or that it would be more reliable to resolve the battle quickly.

Hinata Kazuma took a stance, his gaze was like an eagle, and his white eyes were like a precise radar, scanning everything around him.

"You are already within the range of my Bagua array."

Hinata Kazuma uses his location as the formation eye, and the nearby venue has become the Bagua formation in his mind for him to perform the 64 Bagua Palms.

Mizuki observed the other party. No matter when, he could always rely on his passiveness to detect an obvious flaw in Hinata Kazuma.

Since Laurent's inner eye knife cannot be used now, it stands to reason that the e-skill "Death-Slaying" cannot be used.

Mizuki focused on the description of the ultimate challenge.

[Unparalleled Challenge: Find the four flaws of the target. If you hit all four flaws within 8 seconds, or hit at least one flaw before the target dies, you will recover 6 (+0.045 extra ad)% per second. Maximum health, lasting 2-5 seconds. After the first flaw, every time you break a flaw, the healing effect will be extended by 1 second. Cooling time: 3 minutes. 】

After reading the description, Ruishu had a countermeasure in mind.

Even though Hinata Kazuma is in the Bagua Formation now, it seems that his footwork is steady and he is making every move, but in fact there are always flaws. As long as I can break the flaws and interrupt his 64-hand rhythm.

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