Fencing from Naruto

Chapter 15 Inner Dilemma

Time passed while waiting, and half a month passed in a flash.

Mizuki sometimes thought that two older children like him and Kakashi could actually manage their lives in order, whether with or without parental care.

Of course, most of this is Kakashi's credit.

Without Kakashi, Mizuki felt that he would have to eat out every day, or he would have to eat the fried rice with fried eggs that he made himself.

Just when the morning training was over and Mizuki was eating lunch cooked by Kakashi, Hatake Shigesaku opened the door and walked in.

The door creaked, which touched Ruishu's nerves, and he turned to look.

Hatake Shigesaku walked slowly, without the energy of the past, and his face looked very tired.

Just as Ruishu expected, an important event happened.

Hatake Shigesaku was slightly hunched over, his brows furrowed all the time. Even after closing the door to his home, the severe accusations he had just received still followed him closely, weighing on his body and mind.

But when he saw the two children looking at him with surprised expressions on their faces, obviously worried about his depressed state, he immediately tried to calm down, frowned, and sat at the dinner table as if nothing had happened.

Hatake Shigesaku looked at the food on the table and said "oh" in surprise.

"Kakashi, you have developed a new dish, including eel."

There were more dishes on the table today than before, and he scanned them with his eyes.

"However, Kakashi, you still lack a certain grasp of the heat. Look at this... what is this?"

Shigesaku Hatake pointed at a piece of pitch-black food on the table. He couldn't name it for a moment, but he finally recognized it as scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"This is too confusing. I feel that only high-level fire escape can achieve this effect."

Kakashi lowered his head and said nothing.

Mizuki raised his hand sheepishly.

"Sorry, uncle, I did this."

Hatake Shigesaku was stunned in embarrassment, and then laughed twice to lighten the atmosphere.

"I'm just kidding, Mizuki, it's good if you try. Don't pay attention to what I just said and keep working hard."

He picked up the chopsticks to test the specific consistency of the scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Kakashi raised his head and looked at Shigesaku Hatake and asked:

"Dad, why did you look so unhappy when you came in?"

"Do I look unhappy? Oh, I'm probably too tired. I haven't slept for days and nights while doing the mission."

Hatake Shigesaku responded hastily.

Mizuki saw Hatake Shigesaku's eyes wandering as he spoke, obviously lost in his thoughts again.

He knew that Hatake Shigesaku would definitely not tell his and Kakashi's two children his deep thoughts.

Looking deeper into the motive behind Hatake Shigesaku's suicide, it was probably due to his inner struggle.

Mizuki knew that his uncle was a man who had extremely strict requirements on him. He followed the growth path of a top-notch elite ninja. On the one hand, he conducted extremely demanding training to improve his strength.

On the other hand, the concept of "performing missions is the bounden duty of ninjas" is implemented to the end.

If it weren't for Hatake Shigesaku's terrifyingly high efficiency in completing tasks, the name "Konoha White Fang" would not have been widely circulated.

But the contradiction is that Hatake Shigesaku himself is an extremely emotional person.

After relatives, friends and comrades died on the battlefield, this became more and more obvious, and the most prominent form was "fear of death."

He was afraid that the familiar figure would suddenly disappear from his sight, remaining only in his memory and photo album, so his strict standards gradually changed from "complete the task perfectly" to "complete the task and protect the lives of his companions."

Gradually, the results of Hatake Shigesaku's mission became more and more imperfect. The completion of the mission became lower and lower, but the survival rate of his teammates became higher and higher.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the lives of his teammates gradually outweighed the mission in his heart.

But he is still the ninja who demands that he complete the task. He believes that failure to complete the task assigned to him is a complete failure.When you can only choose between the mission and the life of your companions, it's like having to choose one of your arms to be removed, both are miserable.

Hatake Maosaku finally encountered this task that was extremely unfriendly to him.

In the end, he followed his inner thoughts.

He thought this was right, but the teammates he rescued ridiculed him:

"If one day the enemy's troops come to the city, you will also choose to surrender because you are afraid of death, right?"

Hatake Shigesaku kept repeating this sentence in his mind. He held the rice bowl and chewed slowly, with a bitter taste in his mouth, not caring about the taste of the food.

He was speechless by this question at that time. He clearly knew that the two were completely different.

But what's the difference?He couldn't tell.

Shigesaku Hatake couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking: "I'm not really a coward as they say."

He shook his head helplessly.

But I'm not afraid of death either.

Kakashi and Mizuki saw Hatake Shigesaku's appearance, but neither dared to say anything. Kakashi didn't know what happened, while Mizuki could only pretend not to know what happened.

After finishing the meal, Hatake Shigesaku wandered back to his room.

Kakashi then said with a worried look: "Brother, it seems that there is a big problem with dad."

Ruishu nodded heavily and replied:

"I'm afraid it's because of the mission. Kakashi, please stay with your uncle first, and I'll go out to inquire."

Kakashi agreed, and Mizuki hurriedly ran out.

He now needs to find a medical ninja to get the medical scroll. Although there are many medical ninjas in Konoha, he feels that Tsunade is the most reliable.

Tsunade shuttles between major casinos every day, her whereabouts are uncertain, and Mizuki doesn't know her exact location now.

However, he knew that his classmate Shizune was related to Tsunade and might know Tsunade's location.

He anxiously ran to the door of Shizune's house, and took a breath at the door before knocking on the door.

After waiting for a while, the door was opened, and it happened to be Shizune standing behind the door.

Wen Jing, who has short black hair, was a little stunned when she saw Ruishu's anxious look. Her big eyes blinked, looking honest and cute.

"Mizuki, what's the matter?"

Mizuki had no time to introduce the topic and said straight to the point: "Do you know where Tsunade-sama is?"

Shizune paused for two seconds, then screamed "Ah".

"No, you are here to collect debts from her, right? What did Tsunade-sama do? Did she even borrow your money?"

Mizuki waved his hand quickly and explained: "No, no, I want to ask her for a medical scroll."

He added in his mind: "It's true that I also have a debt relationship with her."

Shizune stroked her heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm scared to death...but I don't know where Tsunade-sama is. She should be busy evading debts at this time."

Mizuki was disappointed in his heart and stood there anxiously muttering to himself: "Where can I find a medical ninja?"

Shizune said: "Actually, I just learned a little bit of medical ninjutsu from Tsunade-sama, but I don't know how to make medical scrolls."

Mizuki was grateful for Shizune's kindness, but thought that carrying a medical ninja into his home in the middle of the night would be better than sending the person directly to the hospital.

Shizune continued: "Mizuki, if you are very anxious to see Tsunade-sama, then I will go find her for you right away. I know where she often goes to hide from debts."

Ruishu thanked him excitedly: "Sorry for bothering you."

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