Underworld Douluo: Saved the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect at the beginning

Chapter 2 Swallowing the power of the soul saint, the mutation of the soul ring

"Hehehe, you brat, since you want to die so much, then I will help you. Look at my martial soul's true form..."

An unlucky soul saint who was named by Long Brahma, never dreamed that he would be facing his own grave step by step.

And the martial spirit avatar he summoned became quite dull like the original body, and walked towards the Gate of Underworld step by step.


"Crack, click, hoo!"

It felt like a guy getting electrocuted.

From the moment this soul sage stepped into the gate of the underworld, every bone in this guy's body was twisted.

A face that was originally covered with black cloth became extremely twitching.

That is a stream of soul power being continuously extracted, and then integrated into the Gate of Underworld, becoming the nourishment of this mutated martial spirit.

But the brain of this unlucky Soul Saint himself was still controlled by fantasy, and even though his body was suffering tremendous pain, he was still smiling!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

This is really a miserable look, but this guy's other two companions have no idea.

Until the last moment, this guy's Wuhun Brown Bear also turned into a trace of energy and merged into the Gate of Underworld...


Like a pile of mud, after all the soul power and soul rings were squeezed out of the body, the body of this unlucky Soul Saint fell into the rubble behind the door...

In fact, this guy is no longer a soul sage, he is just an ordinary person who looks a little bit strong!

Sadly, even though this guy fell to the ground and twitched non-stop, he was still smiling...


After extracting the entire power of the Soul Saint, the Gate of Underworld seems to be a lot bigger.

Originally, the door looked about two meters high, but now it is at least three meters five.

Moreover, those transparent vines that control the opponent's mental ability seem to have become thicker.

It seems that this guy has absorbed the power of this Soul Saint and enhanced his own strength.

And our martial spirit master Long Brahma also benefited a lot.

The second soul ring, which should have disappeared long ago, reappeared at some point.

Moreover, he also mutated his second soul skill - the Underworld Immobilization Curse!

However, unlike the first group attack, this one seems to be only targeting individual enemies.

The specific situation is that you can use methods similar to mental power to make the other party's behavior stop.

But the pause time must also be divided according to the level of the enemy. Anyway, the stronger the enemy, the less obvious the effect.

Originally, Long Brahma's spirit rings were quite standard, and they were basically cultivated to assist his Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun.

But since this kid's martial soul mutated into the Gate of Underworld, his soul ring after reawakening has also mutated.

The reason for this is not clear to Long Brahma himself. Maybe if he meets that master outside in the future, he can ask for a clear explanation!

After all, even the Wuhun Palace has only a limited understanding of mutating martial souls.

There are so many secrets here that we need to explore!

Very good, feels very good!

"Next, it's your turn!"

Since he was not worried that the opponent would run away, Long Brahma easily started to follow the same pattern.

The Soul Sage, who looked slightly stronger, had already laughed so hard that his mouth was cramping, but he still walked towards the Gate of Underworld step by step like a puppet...

About a quarter of an hour later, there were three more headless corpses on the ground.

Can you cover up what happened before?

I believe that the people in Wuhundian will not examine each corpse one by one, so they are not so boring, right?

However, Long Brahma originally thought that getting the power of the other two soul saints would allow him to continue mutating his soul ring.

But he didn't expect that he still only had two soul rings so far, and the height of the Gate of Underworld was still at four meters.

This result is somewhat unsatisfactory.

But it also reflects an experimental data from the side, that is, the cultivation of the martial spirit of Gate of Underworld is much more difficult than the martial arts we know.

Fortunately, Long Brahma's soul power has always been maintained at the ninth level, which is infinitely close to the innate full soul power, so it is still enough.

It seems that if you want to continue to upgrade, you must draw on the power of more powerful people.

If you can absorb a titled Douluo's soul ring and soul power, that would be the best!

But in front of a master of that level, can Long Brahma take three steps?

Therefore, it is better for us to be realistic and try our best to avoid super masters and use weak persimmons to operate.

After all, as the old saying goes, quantitative changes can also lead to qualitative changes!

Anyway, this time there are not 8000 or enemies who came to attack the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

Just avoid the large army groups where the enemy is concentrated, and specifically look for these lonely guys to attack.

And even if he absorbed the power of the three soul saints, Long Brahma only had two soul rings at this moment.

Those masters of Wuhundian might not be willing to take a look even if they passed by.

This also allows someone to successfully pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger...

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