Professor of Gemology at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 The dispute between Hermione and Ron

The two of them originally had a fight about the fall before class, and after class, the conflict reached a climax.

"Professor Trelawney is right. Do you remember what she said in class, right? Harry, she said that Hermione should stay away from stones, as it would hurt them." Ron said while packing his school bag.

"Yes." Harry hesitated, "Uh... yes."

He nodded again.

"It's just a coincidence." Hermione looked at the gravel that had been collected in the corner of the classroom with some confusion, "I just didn't hear Professor Morris's reminder before class."

"What if this is part of the prophecy? Destined?" Ron said. "By the way, when did you sit here? I didn't see you come in at all."

"Come on, if Trelawney is half-truthful, so is that ridiculous ominousness, but do you think that's possible?" Hermione said.

Ron choked suddenly and looked at Hermione in shock.

"I think Divination is a complete mess," Hermione said, stuffing the book into her bag. "It's just random guessing, if you will."

"The ominous thing in that cup is not just a mess!" Ron said excitedly.

"You didn't sound so sure when you told Harry it was a sheep."

"I've really had enough of you, Hermione." Ron randomly tucked the book into his robe, "No matter how ridiculous the things you believe are, you will believe them, and the things you don't believe will not be believed no matter how many proofs there are."

"What I believe in is not absurd, but you have to know that this kind of baseless prophecy——"

"That cat is ridiculous!" said Ron. "It's so weird! And it just stares at Scabbers! It even chases him!"

Harry glanced at Gray with a helpless expression, as if to say that he was used to it and they had been arguing for a long time.

Ron took Scabbers out of his robe pocket.

"Look at it!" He carried Scabbers in front of Hermione and said to her angrily, "It's so skinny! Keep that cat away from it!"

If Ron had taken out a big mouse from his pocket before, it would have been fat, round, and sleeping, but now what Gray saw was an extremely thin mouse with hair falling out and a frightened expression.

"Crookshanks doesn't know it's wrong!" Hermione said with a trembling voice. "Cats like to chase mice, Ron!"

"Scabbers needs to rest and relax! How can he relax with this thing next to him?" Ron was dissatisfied. "Since that time, I have been taking Scabbers with me everywhere! I'm afraid that your cat will eat it!"

"Pfft..." Malfoy laughed as he passed by, "Arguing so hard, it seems that the Weasley family is as poor as a mouse."

"Go away!" Ron and Hermione shouted to Malfoy at the same time.

"Ouch! It hurts! Is this how you treat the wounded?" Malfoy covered his bandaged arm and glared at Ron.


The surrounding broadleaf trees rustled in the wind.

"That rat is now with a man named Ron Weasley, and he carries it with him all the time," Gray said.

"Carrying a mouse with you all the time?" Sirius said while eating a pie. "There are people who like disgusting things like mice so much that they even carry them with them all the time."

"It was being chased around by a cat and Ron was afraid it would be eaten."

"It's best if you eat it!" Sirius suddenly said, "No, that won't work... I will kill him with my own hands!"

"Remember what we said before? Sirius." Gray reminded him.

"Understood, of course I remember, after catching Wormtail, I brought him to the Ministry of Magic. But..." Sirius paused, and he had already finished the pie in his hand. "Time is running out, and that stinky rat thought he was hiding." Is he safe if he is with his master? Impossible. He knows that I am here to seek revenge, and he also knows that I may come to Harry. It would be dangerous for him to be around Harry all the time... This guy is so treacherous. very."

"But will he escape Hogwarts for a while?" Gray said. "First of all, he knows you are coming here, but Hogwarts is the safest place now. There are dementor handles and professors. Secondly, he is reluctant to leave the days of having food and drink with Ron Weasley. He will always be lurking nearby and wait until you, the 'fugitive', are caught."

"Damn it, you treacherous thing!" Sirius cursed.

"Calm down, we need a terms of catching mice."

Sirius thought: "That child takes great care of it and is not even willing to hand it over to you, the professor, for treatment. It really gives that stinky mouse an advantage."

"Wait...that cat chasing it?" He suddenly thought of something, "I want to find it and have a good talk with it."

"You want to talk to a cat?" Gray was a little surprised. "It's in Hogwarts. If you enter rashly...will your Animagus form be discovered?"

You know, besides Dumbledore, there is someone who can recognize the appearance of the big black dog - Lupin. (Whether Snape knew this remains to be verified)

"Don't worry, I have my own way." Sirius blinked, "I won't let others find out. I just want to meet that cat, teach it the tactics of catching mice, and discuss with it what if it If we can really catch the stinky rat and bring it to us, it will be very smooth, silent and reasonable!"

It's a bit risky, but it's really reasonable. Anyway, Sirius met Crookshanks during the original development of the story, so there shouldn't be much of a problem. If Gray tried to help Crookshanks again at school, That will go well.

"Just don't let them find out..." Gray said.

"I'll keep my balance."


Gray walked down the corridors of Hogwarts.

"There are three students waiting for you." Emery Switch said suddenly.

Gray saw Harry and three people standing at the door of his office. When Ron saw him coming, he patted Harry.

"Did you get into any trouble?"

"Precisely, yes, Professor." Ron pushed Harry forward.

"What's the matter, Potter?"

Harry took a deep breath.

"Professor, my aunt and uncle—well—they forgot to sign my form," he said.

Well, Gray knew what to do.

"So - uh - do you think it's possible - I mean - for me to go to Hogsmeade?"

"I'm sorry, Potter." Gray shook his head slightly, "I am not your guardian and have no right to sign for you."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

"But - Professor, my aunt and uncle - you know, they're Muggles, and they don't know what Hogsmeade is, and they think it's - well - ridiculous, and they won't sign, and You also know that my aunt and I... had some unpleasant things, so they didn't sign for me." Harry said, while Ron nodded desperately to encourage him, "If you help me -"

"I'm afraid not. I very much hope that you will come to me for help when you are in trouble, but in this matter, I'm sorry, Potter, I really can't help you."

With that said, Gray walked into the office.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Emery Switch made a sound not far away.

"Going to him for help if you have a problem? Now that the problem is here, he doesn't help at all!" Ron said.

"You can't say that about Professor Morris. He did the right thing. Harry is safest at Hogwarts now," Hermione said.

Ron was even more annoyed when Hermione put on that "it's all for your own good" expression.

"You started again." Ron was dissatisfied.

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