Pandaren Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 82 People who abandoned their cars, gather together! (Please subscribe! Monthly ticket!)

Lanfeng and Frank, who were not traveling with the children, arrived at Hogwarts Castle early in the morning.

Although the house elves had tidied up the Frank and his wife's dormitory office, they still wanted to decorate it themselves, so they had been busy in the dormitory before the dinner.

Lanfeng went to Dumbledore to discuss refunding the money. Now that the professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class have been replaced by the Franks, the Lockhart Autobiographies bought by the students have become extracurricular readings. Naturally, the losses cannot be passed on to the students. We have to bear the responsibility, so we need to discuss a feasible method.

Grab, grab, grab.But just when Lanfeng and Dumbledore had a disagreement over whether the refunded money should be given to the students or sent to their homes, Professor Snape broke into the principal's office.

I saw that he was still wearing his black, bat-like black robe, but the robe was covered with mud, and there were a lot of grass clippings stuck to his hair. He was covering his right shoulder with his left hand, which seemed to be injured. There were also minor scratches on his face, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Xixiyue's writing is interesting. "Dumbledore! Harry is missing!" This was the first thing Professor Snape said after entering the office. His tone was urgent and he seemed to be in a panic.

Dumbledore stood up after hearing this and waved a chair to move under Snape's butt: "Severus, calm down and tell us everything you know!"

Snape must have been exhausted, and regardless of the stains on his body, he sat down and began to tell:

It turned out that Snape had been worried about Harry's safety because of the Quirrell incident at the end of the last school year, so he stayed around No. [-] Privet Drive throughout the summer until Harry was taken to the Burrow, because he believed that Ya Arthur and Molly could guarantee Harry's safety, so he didn't follow him. Until today, he boarded the Hogwarts Express and took over Harry's protection.

嘘戅Read the pen interestingly yueBI戅.But until the train set off, he didn't see Harry. He thought he had missed it, so he started searching from car to car, but he didn't even see Harry's shadow. During the process, he also ran into Hermione is also looking for Harry.

So he panicked, even though he could face Voldemort calmly, he panicked, because the Hogwarts Express was set up with magic and could not apparate, so he opened the door at the rear of the train and jumped off, even though he was ahead of schedule. He cast a protective spell on himself, but due to the high speed of the train, he still fell heavily. Not only was he in a mess, but his right shoulder was also twisted.

But he didn't have time to deal with it, so he apparated directly to Hogsmeade Village, and then ran to Dumbledore's office.

After listening to Snape's story, Lanfeng and Dumbledore both frowned. Dumbledore pointed at the table with his finger, thought for a moment, and then said, "I'll go to the Burrow and ask Arthur what he's doing." What's going on?" After saying that, he apparated and left.

Lanfeng didn't know what he could do, so he simply cast a spell to clean up Snape's body, and then helped him treat the sprain on his right shoulder. At the same time, he asked curiously: "Professor Snape, tell me in secret, Harry Is he your illegitimate child? Look, you both have black hair, and then..."

"Professor Lanfeng! Stop your baseless speculation, Harry and I have no blood relationship at all!" Although the injury on his shoulder had healed a lot, Snape's expression was still ferocious.

"Then you were so good to him!" Lan Feng muttered, but then he thought about it, Harry must not have seen Snape's figure in the Mirror of Erised, otherwise Harry would have been frightened.

At this time, only the sound of fluttering was heard. It turned out that Fox, the stupid bird, had come back from nowhere, with a newspaper in his mouth, with the two big words "outside the number" written on it.

Lanfeng walked over, took the newspaper from its mouth, spread it out and read the content:

"The Ford Anglia flew, much to the astonishment of the Muggles! Two Muggles in London were convinced they saw an old car flying past the Post Office Building... at midday as Mrs. Hettybellis hung out her laundry in Norfolk …Mr Angus Fleet of Peebles reported to the police…that there were six or seven Muggles in all.”

Lan Feng focused on the key points and read, but unexpectedly, Professor Snape stood up suddenly, grabbed the newspaper in Lan Feng's hand, read the article quickly, and then murmured: "Post Office Building, Post Office The building, that's not the direction to the Burrow, it's Harry, it's Harry driving the car, Harry's in that car."

Then Professor Snape suddenly grabbed Lanfeng's arm: "The flying car, Professor Lanfeng, is Arthur's car. Harry is driving it now. You have to find him!"

"Stop, stop, stop, you mean Harry didn't take the train, but drove a flying car." Lan Feng was confused, "Are all the children today so good at playing?"

Professor Snape did not answer Lanfeng's question: "They will definitely follow the Hogwarts Express. Professor Lanfeng asks you to go against the railway to find them!" Then he pushed Lanfeng toward the window.

Lanfeng didn't know where Professor Snape got such strength, and his body weighing more than 300 kilograms was actually pushed by him. But since Professor Snape raised this possibility, he couldn't just sit back and watch, so he pushed Open the window, turn over, summon golden auspicious clouds in mid-air, and disappear in a flash.


There are dense clouds above, and rolling mountains below. The railway connecting Hogwarts and London is like a thin line in the mountains. If you don't look carefully, you will ignore it.

Lanfeng went back against the railway to look for it. After flying for a while, he saw the smoking Hogwarts Express speeding forward. Because he didn't want the students to find it, Lanfeng hid himself and was about to get into the clouds to look for it. A green thing rushed past it.

"Huh? What?"

Lan Feng quickly turned around and caught up.

In the turquoise car, Harry and Ron were bored and lay on the seats. Because it was very hot, they took off their blouses, but the sweat could not stop flowing down. There was no water in the car, which made them thirsty. It was unbearable, and my body lost strength due to lack of water.

Harry adjusted his glasses, which kept sliding down, and said weakly: "If we had entered platform nine and three-quarters, we might be sitting on comfortable seats, drinking ice-cold pumpkin juice."

Ron stuck out his tongue: "It won't be far, let's go down and have a look." Ron stepped on the brakes and the car lowered.

The train was still below them, winding around a high snow-covered mountain.Below the clouds, it was much darker.

Grab, grab, grab.Ron stepped on the accelerator and climbed up again, but the engine began to whine.

Harry and Ron looked at each other uneasily.

"These two naughty kids." Lanfeng sat next to the car in Yuncai and drove along with the car. "They are really going to cause trouble for people."

As the sky grew darker and the whine of the cars grew louder, both Harry and Ron pretended not to notice.

The stars were shining brightly in the night, and Harry put on his smock and tried his best to pretend not to notice the wipers on the windshield swinging feebly, as if in protest.

At this moment, on the dark horizon, on the top of the high cliff across the lake, stood the silhouette of the turrets and towers of Hogwarts Castle.

But the car began to tremble and gradually slowed down. "Boom!" "Boom!" Ron Pingming stepped on the accelerator, but the car just couldn't run. It flew lower and slower, and flew slower and slower.

And just a short distance away from Hogwarts, the engine completely stopped, and the car plunged towards the calm, dark, mirror-smooth water.

Lanfeng naturally discovered this situation, used a floating spell to stop the car's downward trend, raised it against the water surface, and flew towards the castle.


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