Pandaren Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Raised a master? (Please vote for recommendations! Welcome to join the group!)

Mines, bamboo forests.

A panda walked into the tent with a kitten lying on his shoulder. The kitten was soundly asleep, but no matter whether the panda was walking or bending down to get into the tent, it had no intention of falling. It firmly occupied an area of ​​​​[-] acres on his shoulder. Divide land.

In the tent, Lao Lu and Bai He gathered around the dining table, grabbing the last piece of braised pork on the plate. Their cheeks were bulging, and they were beating hard with two pairs of chopsticks. The bamboo shoots on the other plate had already been divided up.

Lan Feng walked quietly to them, stretched out his hands and patted their shoulders: "No wonder you let me go out to see them!"

"Clap!" "Clap!"

Two pairs of chopsticks fell on the table. Lao Lu and Bai He hurriedly chewed the things in their mouths with their backs to Lan Feng. Lao Lu was faster. After swallowing hard, he turned around and said, "They are all novices." , you must let me...Zouwu?!"

"Where? Where? Where?" Bai He heard Lao Lu exclaim, turned around with his cheeks puffed up, spit out a few grains of rice, then quickly covered his mouth and looked at Lan Feng's shoulder with wide eyes.

I saw a shrunken Zuowu beast lying there, its two fangs submerged in its mouth due to its reduced size. The mane on its neck became a pattern like a scarf, and its body was still colorful, like a gem. The tail is still like a bright red satin, surrounding the body, a little less majestic and a little more cute, like a kitten.

Lao Lu held his chin and circled Lan Feng, staring at the sleeping Zuowu: "Tsk, tsk, tsk! Tell me what's going on? Did you get sent here by your iron-eating beast lover?"

"Fuck you!" Lan Feng cursed with a smile, sat on the sofa, waited for Lao Lu and Bai He to sit down, and explained, "I just went out, and it was sleeping on our tent. I thought I couldn't miss this opportunity. Then the surrounding space was imprisoned, and then...cough cough cough, I'm a little thirsty." Lan Feng glanced at Lao Lu.

Lao Lu was puzzled: "Then you're thirsty?"

"I said I'm thirsty now!" Lan Feng pretended to pinch his throat.

Lao Lu finally understood that this was Lan Feng's hint to him, and pulled the tea tray: "Okay, I'll make tea for you!"

"Then, this little guy was very sensitive and woke up immediately. I thought he was going to run away, but to my surprise, he opened his eyes, glared at me, then wrapped me up with his tail, rubbed me for a while, and then continued to sleep. "Cough, cough, cough, my throat is dry..." Lan Feng pretended to cough a few more times.

Bai He, who was anxious to hear what was going on, took the thermos from Lao Lu's hand, poured a glass of boiling water, and handed it to Lan Feng: "Drink quickly!"

The high temperature spread from the cup to the palm of his hand. Lanfeng quickly put the cup on the table and touched his earlobe with his hand: "It's hot!"

Bai He also temporarily forgot about the scene of Lan Feng beating the tengu, and stepped on the coffee table: "Hurry up, don't kick me!" He felt that this would be an opportunity to learn more about Zuowu, which was very important to him as a researcher. is attractive.

"Then I used the spells recorded in your book to make it smaller, put it on my shoulders, and returned to the tent." Lan Feng didn't want to bite him again, so he hurriedly said the next thing.

Bai He frowned and said slightly disappointedly: "Just go ahead?"

"Just go ahead! Otherwise, what else do you want? Let me have a fight with it?" Lan Feng held up his hands and curled his lips.

"Hey~ what's going on?" Bai He put his feet down from the coffee table, shook his head, took out the notebook from his bag, turned to the part where he recorded Zuowu, and took out a pen, "What are you talking about, be more detailed. ."

Lan Feng was a little embarrassed: "I said it in detail. How much can happen if I just go out for a few minutes?"

Bai He thought for a while. It was true that Lan Feng had not been out for long, but there were still some details that he wanted to know clearly: "When you went out, were you on tiptoe?"

"No, I thought there was some danger. I rushed out to fight. How could I be so sneaky?"

"That means there was movement." Bai He wrote it down in his notebook, "So Zou Wu knew you were out of the tent, but he didn't escape immediately!"

"Pah!" Bai He slapped the pen in his hand on the table, "It came specifically to find you!"

"Looking for me?" Lanfeng pointed at himself.

Before Bai He could continue to explain, Zuowu on Lanfeng's shoulder made a "scared" sound. He turned around and saw that he was baring his teeth at Lao Lu. It turned out that Lao Lu couldn't help but be curious and wanted to reach out and touch it. Unexpectedly, it was... He was very vigilant and noticed Lao Lu's movements immediately.

Lanfeng slapped Lao Lu's hand away and asked in a tone as coaxing a baby: "Are you here to find me?" He stretched out a finger and pressed it on its paw. Unexpectedly, little Zuowu raised his head. , took out his paw and placed it on Lanfeng's finger.

"Hey!" Lanfeng put his fingers on its paws again, and little Zuowu immediately regained the upper hand.

Bai He closed the book and sighed: "It seems that the reason is already obvious."

"What's the reason?" Lan Feng asked while playing the game of "who's on top."

Bai He picked up the cup of boiling water and blew it while looking at little Zou Wu who was working tirelessly to put his paw on it: "What is Zou Wu lacking the most?"

"A sense of security!" Lao Lu responded quickly.

"Yes! Security, so where is the safest place in the world?"

Lan Feng suddenly realized that this little guy probably didn't run far at all at that time, and had witnessed the whole process of beating the Tengu, and found a safer place than in the bamboo forest.

Lan Feng was a little proud: "It seems that it is impressed by my strength. Sometimes it is so easy to conquer a pet!"

"Hehehe!" Bai He gritted his teeth and smiled, "It's not clear who the pet is. It rubs you with its tail to leave a scent on you and swear ownership; now it won't let you give it away. The claws are pressed down, which means that in its heart, its status is higher than yours, and maybe it only regards you as its bodyguard."

"Ah?" Lan Feng was a little surprised and retorted, "Isn't it afraid that I will hurt it?"

Bai He took a sip of water: "Come on, I am known as a mythical beast after all. I can definitely feel that you have no ill intentions, and... Who told you to be a giant panda? What bad thoughts can a giant panda have?"

Lanfeng took his hand back and said to Xiao Zuowu, "Do you really think so?"

Xiao Zuowu nodded, then shook his head, and finally didn't know how to express himself, so he simply lay down and went to sleep.

"Huh! My task is finally completed." Lao Lu also collapsed on the sofa, "I thought it would take half a month, but I didn't expect it to be completed in two days."

Bai He also echoed: "Yes, it's too fast, but you can't leave in a hurry. You must let me record Zuowu's data clearly, which will be useful for future annual inspections."


The goal of coming out was accomplished. The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. They sat on the sofa in a daze, feeling the tranquility of the years. Bai He suddenly lay down on the backrest, raised his head and asked, "What is it like to experience time travel?" Lao Lu He also turned his head and looked at Lan Feng.

"Hmm~" Lan Feng thought about it for a while, "It's really uncomfortable. I still can't forget that when I died in my previous life, it hurt so much. Then I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was already in another world. ; Strange people, strange environment, because of my specialness, the responsibilities imposed on me, and the danger of death at any time. For a person who has died once, it is really painful!"

Lan Feng breathed a long sigh of relief: "However, when I find something more important than life, all this will be nothing. But don't try it easily!"

The atmosphere was a bit solemn. Bai He was just out of curiosity, but he didn't expect Lan Feng's answer to be so serious, so he quickly changed the subject: "I don't want to try it! I'm living well, tell us about your situation. , you should have a lot of interesting animals over there, how many of them can you keep as pets?"

"Why not!" Lan Feng became interested, "My home is like a zoo. There are Devilsaurus and Chimera. My favorite is Misha's bear cub, but I entrust it to my hunter friend to take care of it. , I didn’t bring any with me this time, after all, we can’t guarantee the safety of the transmission.”

Speaking of pets, Lanfeng thought of another thing: "I wanted to ask Kaizi for a phoenix to raise, but unfortunately he didn't give it to me. I asked Dumbledore for it, but he didn't give it to me. Maybe I will never have a chance to have a phoenix in this life. We have one here." Phoenix?"

Bai He looked a little strange and asked: "Dumbledore? He is the principal of the British Magic School. He has a phoenix?"

Lan Feng nodded: "Yes, his name is Fox. He is a silly bird, but he can use the teleportation technique, which is quite convenient."

"Does it only move?" Bai He asked, "Didn't you find anything else?"

"What?" Lan Feng was a little confused.

Bai He said word for word: "The phoenix is ​​a very magical and powerful beast. In addition to having powerful magic power, it can also transform into a woman. Generally, the phoenix conquered by a male mage will become his wife." , Phoenix will not allow other females to get close to its owner. So your he married?"

Lan Feng shuddered, and could not help but picture the scene in his mind of the stupid bird Fawkes transforming into a beautiful girl, and then kissing Dumbledore. The scene was too beautiful to watch.

Lan Feng said hesitantly: "The phoenix in the West is different from the one here. Maybe it's just a bird."

Bai He shrugged: "Maybe, we don't have much information about the West here, and I don't know much about it." Then he smiled slyly: "Oh, by the way, do you still want to catch the phoenix? The ancient sycamore tree is not far from here."

"Come on! I'm optimistic about you, and I will help you hide it from your younger siblings." Lao Lu was cheering from the side.

Lan Feng grinned and joked: "Okay, let's go right now, and I'll catch one for you by the way. I just don't know what will happen if Sister Chen finds out about this! I'm really curious~"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! That's all for this topic. Let's go back to the base quickly, record the data, and tell you. I haven't seen your sister-in-law for two days. I'm so surprised! I can't wait to fly back right away." Old Lu seemed to be being used by someone. The needle pricked me and I jumped up from the sofa.

Seeing Lao Lu's appearance, Lan Feng and Bai He smiled happily. Little Zuowu on Lan Feng's shoulder also woke up and looked at the man who wanted to touch him doubtfully.

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