Fairy's Fantasy Journey

Chapter 11 Night Visit to Feiyun Night Market

Li Qiyang and the driver visited various famous places and landmarks in Feiyun City during the day, and then ended the journey at noon. He sent the driver away, trained and played with Little York, deepened his relationship with the Variety Monster, and gave various instructions. , I went back to the hotel to rest early, then I took the Variety Monster to retrieve the things stored in the Elf Center, and got on a bus back to Qiaoying Avenue. On the way, there was a chaotic moment when there were many people getting on and off, and I slipped off. After returning to Feiyun City, we waited for the arrival of night.

In the middle of the night, although Feiyun City is still brightly lit and bustling, it still doesn't have the sense of bustle and hustle and bustle during the day.

Li Qiyang has transformed into a thin man measuring 1 meters tall, wearing various hidden attires, and came to Feiyun Night Market.

Seen from a high place, Feiyun Night Market is located in a dense forest extending in all directions. It covers an area about the size of a football field. Iron walls, the floor is paved with stone bricks, all kinds of stalls are neatly arranged, and the lights on each stall are relatively weak light. There are people coming and going inside, and it is really quiet. From a distance, it looks like a legendary ghost market.

Li Qiyang observed from a distance, then returned to Feiyun City again. At the teleportation point in Feiyun City, you can pay to teleport here. When you leave, you can also go to the designated teleportation point inside and leave with the teleportation voucher. The price is definitely not cheap, but since this is a transmission contracted by a semi-official organization, its reputation is still very reliable.

At one of the portals, enduring the feeling of dizziness and weightlessness, I paid a ticket of [-] elf coins and received a pen. I didn’t know what it was for. When I went in, I saw that there were neatly arranged booths inside, like a chessboard, neatly arranged horizontally and vertically. The ground is staggered, and the ground is paved with floor tiles from ancient buildings. The floor tiles are covered with various patterns and unknown symbols. These floor tiles with different patterns are spliced ​​and connected to form a night market floor.

Li Qiyang looked at the restraining regulations that were handed to him. Simply put, there was no fighting, otherwise everyone in the market could be killed.If you have a problem, you can go to the consultation office inside. If you can't solve it, go to the combat zone and keep it private, regardless of life or death.

Friendly reminder, don't make loud noises, don't shout at each other, don't make trouble for no reason, otherwise the guards will be in a bad mood and they will kill them on the spot.

If you want to rent a stall, as long as the stall is unoccupied, just go over and replace the unoccupied sign on the stall with one already occupied. Someone will go over to take over, hand over the money, get the voucher, and tell you some rules, and then you can set up the stall and start selling. Already.

After reading the handed-in leaflet of the regulations, Li Qiyang went to wander around and slowly looked at each stall one by one. Most of the stalls had clearly marked prices or some unpriced items, and then he found a default transaction process.

Priced items and unpriced items, if someone wants to buy them, and the buyer points to the desired item, the seller will hand a small book to write the price, hand it to the buyer, and then make counter-offers in the small book. Generally, the stall owner feels that it is inappropriate. They will just put an X and don’t want to talk anymore, or the buyer will just put an X and end it.

If the buyer wants to buy and wants to negotiate the price again, he will continue to ask for a small book, fill in a price, and go back and forth three times and still fail to agree, the seller will not hand the buyer the small book, and the buyer can only give up. The seller thinks it can be done again. If the buyer does not accept it, then the transaction will fall through, and it will be extremely harmonious.

The pens collected at the door are used for this purpose, so that communication is not only quiet but also private.

The notebook is very small, with superpowers and evil systems. Some special people have strong mental powers and can even release their bodies, peek, etc., but in this venue, they cannot be used at all, and these abilities cannot be used, so You can buy and sell with confidence, and there are guards in the sky. Once discovered or someone reports, they will be killed directly. Those who report will be rewarded with large amounts of various rewards.

Li Qiyang felt that this kind of transaction process was very good, and at the same time he understood that this was actually a relatively basic place for handling unclean items. As for the truly rare props, elf eggs, etc., they should be somewhere else, because they had already got them. There are at least four small notes, all of which are some place names and store names. They should be going to higher-end places, or sales points of private organizations.

One of them is in a superpower store next to Feiyun Plaza. I have been there myself, so I remember clearly that there is also a teleportation service there. I didn’t know what it was used for at the time. I guess there are some dark spots in there. As for whether it is reliable, we can only confirm it after we have sufficient strength or someone to guide us. There is no way to guarantee safety. If you rush over to check it alone, you will probably die.

I walked around and collected a lot of small notes. I had the illusion that I had been passing notes secretly in school classes in my previous life...

At some booths, I bought a few special rare props for training and a few small props.

An old soothing bell, a small piece of hard stone the size of a human thumb, and 25 elf coins.

Three small portions of speed powder and a small bag of metal powder used by Variety Monster are worth a little more than 15.

An old power suit suitable for Ishiwanko-Pangyan Monster. It looks relatively old, but with my own ability, I can't get a new one in a short time. It is slightly damaged. Add a little sandy rock powder and a tiny broken one. The rock and gem blocks cost 65 to get them all.

Dad said that the two Pangyan monsters have the characteristics of sand blowing and sand power, and they both have inherited moves such as gravity and wide-area defense. The female among them also has a lighter body. It is estimated that the cubs she will give birth to will have a high probability of inheriting it. Two of the moves, or even all three inherited moves, so the Black Pearl still has to find a way to obtain one, the super power move of gravity. The best training prop is the Black Pearl, because it can be used without limit. Charge it with super powers and it is equivalent to a super power portable power bank.

While thinking, Li Qiyang continued to wander around and looked around. He went around every booth with people, and found that some things had no money to buy, and some things were not needed at the moment. With all the cash in his body, there were only less than [-] elves left. coins.

But looking at the things I got in exchange, it was considered to be worth the money, and then I walked around relaxedly for a while, and then I left the venue, came to the teleportation gate, took out the voucher, paid the fee and returned to the urban area.

After returning, he continued to run around, and then went to several elf centers in Feiyun City for several physical examinations. As for the examination, he must be himself. As for the identity information, it must not be, and he changed seven or eight hotels. , take a shower and change clothes, and travel half the city before I feel completely at ease.

In this way, there will be no follow-up to follow him, right?

Remember the super power marks, smells, and some weird methods. Be careful not to make big mistakes. Think about what else may not be possible, and don't really capsize the boat.

Bad people and bad deeds are not something you can do if you want to. Look at those who do something.

I really think it's easy for others to do bad things...


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