Villa on the second floor.

Wearing a kitchen scarf, La Zili came to Ningsu's door with a slight smile on her face.


The steady exhalation made her understand that he was really resting, and he was really tired during this time.

Both mentally and physically.

Looking at him tenderly for a moment, she walked gently to the room on the left where No. 18 was originally.

Opening the door, Lazili walked in and prepared to change clothes.

Dinner will be ready soon. How can I do this with the smell of cooking fumes? It's completely unbearable.

While La Zili was changing clothes, No. 18 under Ningsu's bed couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Bah!

It's really shameless to change clothes without closing the door completely. "

under the bed.

A pair of eyes as bright as the cold bright moon stood out in the darkness. No. 18 lay on the ground and looked at the half-closed door outside.

She couldn't help gritting her teeth and couldn't help cursing.

In the current situation, she still has no chance to leave here.

Because it takes a little time for her to crawl out without making a sound, and it takes time for her to walk out of the room.

Of course this is not the most important reason.

The window in the corridor needs to pass by Lazili's room, this path is not feasible and the original room will make a sound when it is opened.

Because she was in a coma before, if there was any noise in her room, it would definitely attract Lazlie's attention.

Although she didn't want to admit it, her strength was far inferior to La Zili's. If she ran forcibly, she would definitely be caught up.

Then she will be the only one embarrassed.


She can only continue to stay under the bed.

Fortunately, because it is a newly bought villa, and it has been thoroughly cleaned before, the bottom of the bed is not very dirty.

Otherwise, number 18 will definitely go crazy.

As time passed by, No. 18 became more and more tormented, and she began to complain and feel incredible.

Does it take so long to change clothes?

at last.

Just as the jade teeth under her red lips were about to be bitten, she saw a pair of people wearing a small suit, white shirt, decent women's trousers and small leather shoes.

The delicate, beautiful and cool face looks very dashing with her short golden hair.

The moist and upturned cherry lips, looking at the gentle and beautiful eyes here, added a lot of charm to La Zili.

The combination of the two temperaments is fascinating.

It also made No. 18, who was hiding under the bed, dissatisfied and unwilling.

She felt that her appearance was not weaker than that woman.

But she has such a beautiful little suit, and she only has a short sleeve that looks like a child's.


You can only lower your head so as not to be seen, which is too embarrassing.

No. 18 couldn't help but swear that one day she would wear more beautiful clothes and stand in front of that woman to regain her face.

blah blah...

Walking into Ningsu's room and looking at him who was still sound asleep, La Zili didn't wake him up.

Because the chicken soup in the high pot was not ready yet, it would take about half an hour, and she wanted to let him sleep a little longer.

Pulling Zili gently left the house, and closed the door gently and carefully.

She doesn't look like her usual cool and arrogant sister at all.


Seeing the door close, number 18 let out a long sigh of relief after ten seconds, she really didn't dare to move at all just now.


It's finally time to leave this wretched place.

The delicate pretty face is full of cold colors.

She really didn't want to stay in this embarrassing place for a moment, so she seized the time and slowly crawled out of the bed from the side.

Patting her clothes carefully, she turned around and looked at Ning Su, who was sleeping soundly with a blindfold on, the expression on her beautiful eyes changed.

this is a good chance.

He was completely defenseless and with only two people in the room, it was the best chance for revenge.

She thought so in her heart.

The previous aggrieved and once puzzled.


Not reconciled.

All kinds of unwilling emotions made her dazzling white rabbit fluctuate, and slowly her hand was raised silently, and the golden energy was hazy.

The hand is getting closer.

He was still asleep and didn't wake up.

He seemed totally unaware of the approaching danger.

Looking at the familiar and memorable face, No. 18's pretty face became colder and colder, but the emotions in the beautiful eyes became more and more complicated.


Her hand was within punching distance of her heart.

The hazy golden light dissipated unknowingly.

She didn't know why, she really didn't have any murderous intention at all.

"You saved me twice, killed me once, and now I let you go again."

"In the future, we will really owe each other, all the hatred and other unwillingness, let time slowly let everything be forgotten."

He muttered calmly in his heart, at this moment, No. 18 feels that the earth is so big, why should he have contact with it.

It’s not bad to live anywhere by yourself.

Ha ha……

She smiled.

Turn around and prepare to close your hands and leave, really say goodbye to everything that used to be.


It was a meaningless sound, and Ning Su who was lying on the bed turned over.

In No. 18's eyes that turned from cold to dull and panicked, Ning Su's neck touched her hand.


Her body was stiff, afraid that he would get up, take off the blindfold and see herself now.

His heart was pounding, and the big white mass under his small clothes was rising and falling alluringly. No. 18 swallowed his saliva and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no reaction from him.

The delicate and pretty face was not cold, only a look of joy and hatred.

Her smooth forehead was covered with fine sweat, obviously she was really nervous in this short period of time.


You have to leave quickly or you will be in trouble if that woman comes on again.

She was a little nervous. After the shock just now, the peace in her heart disappeared and she was in a state of tension again.

It's the clothes that really get in the way.

She didn't want Ningsu or La Zili to see what she was like at all.

Her only self-respect did not allow ridicule.


When the 18th was about to leave, a hand grabbed her hand, and the sudden change completely froze her.

He woke up.

it's over...

What would he think, thinking that I dressed like this on purpose and had other purposes is a shameless one.

no self respect.

Don't care about people passing by?

He will laugh at himself, he will think that he is begging for mercy, or seeking asylum or something like this.

Her head was completely messed up.

There was no trace of coldness on the beautiful pretty face, only the panic of being at a loss, only the sadness of grievance and powerlessness.

Is all this really punishment?


Why do I have nothing.

Whether in the future or now, will the only self-esteem that really belongs to me disappear?

the first time.

Tears flowed for the first time on the 18th, and she cried even when she died.

Cried for no reason at all.

Why are you crying?

What broke her inner strength?

No one knows exactly why.

Maybe she doesn't know, and she can't explain it.

Sometimes some tears are sudden bursts that accumulate over time.

"Is Lazili ready for dinner?"

A dazed voice sounded, and the hand holding her became even stronger.


He mistook me for Laziri.

He hasn't found out who I am yet.

These words shocked No. 18, who was completely desperate, felt that she had lost everything, and even had the idea of ​​committing suicide. A strong sense of joy filled her heart.

"The eye mask is so tight. Although it was quite comfortable when I was sleeping, it's a bit in the way now."

"It actually prevents me from seeing the most beautiful person in the world the moment I open my eyes."

Familiar and unfamiliar.

A voice that made her happy but inexplicably bitter sounded.

She couldn't think too much or understand how she was feeling at this moment.

She had only one thought, absolutely not to let him take off the blindfold, absolutely not to let him see herself.

just now.

He died and resurrected from the future, and was absorbed and tortured by Sharu.

In the end, he was rescued by the person he hated the most and who left the deepest impression on him.

I am so lucky to see myself in this world.

Seeing the person who ended his own life with his own hands treat himself in this world with such a double standard.

She is not reconciled.

She hates the injustice of fate.

Why did he suffer so much that he could only become the executioner whom Dr. Gero hoped for in the end.

And she was saved.

This made her unhappy.

In fact, she had always thought about it and wanted to prove it.

Number 18 can also live well.

She didn't want anyone to see her. In her vague memory, Li also longed for light. She wanted to laugh at him and his abominable fate.

Her only belief in living is this!

The purpose of living is to prove that I am not really inferior to her!

You know clearly that Cellu is very dangerous, and you may die as a bait, just to atone for your past sins!

Although saying it may make people laugh.

But after dying and living again, I saw what I once dreamed of, and the life I once dreamed of was being lived by another me. very uncomfortable, but also wants his equal gaze...

I also want to be that vague and kind person who once carried a schoolbag and wrote unopened notes in a notebook, unable to remember specific hopes.

Perhaps this is the epiphany of death.

Like Dabra, death goes to heaven to become a really good person.


Her other hand held down his hand that was about to lift the blindfold at the critical moment.

"what happened?"

A hand that was much colder than usual was pressed on his own, which made Ningsu wonder what "La Zili" was doing.

Her trembling red lips were pressed together, she pressed his hand, her heart was pounding and she didn't know what to do next.

"What happened?"

He became more and more confused, and couldn't help but let go of her hand and hugged her waist and asked with concern.


No. 18's face was dull and his body was completely stiff.

She was embraced by him... hugged so intimately by a man who killed herself... What made people even more dizzy was that she was suddenly regarded as La Zili.

No. 18’s head was in a mess and he felt his heart stopped beating.

He has felt the difference.



The two senses of touch made him instantly understand that her belly was exposed.

This made him startled for a moment, and then he began to think about her various abnormal behaviors.

Is it...

She felt that she was too tired, and she saw that she had tried several times without success, and she also wanted to be intimate.

But I feel embarrassed to bring it up, so I reward myself like this, want to give myself a small benefit?

For an instant.

I don’t know how his brain circuit is structured.

She actually thought of the reason why "Lazili" didn't speak.


Not letting herself open her eyes fits her usual shy and arrogant look.

"I see my dear, don't move, I know what to do."

A voice with a hint of excitement woke her who was stunned suddenly. Before she could struggle, a pair of fiery big hands moved down.

The upturned and plump pants and the tight buttocks are being kneaded...

She was completely dumbfounded.

Why is this person so shameless!


The big hand moved up, and the small clothes couldn't stop it at all, and she, who was completely inexperienced, was so soft that she fell into his arms.


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