My main world is in Naruto
Chapter 495 Cutting crops
Leaders are interested in new farm tools.The old man naturally took it out as a treasure.He grabbed Ginny's scythe and gave it to the leader.The leaders took these things to the roadside and tried them.Everyone thinks it should be promoted.But the captain said that this scythe was left by the gringo from the church in the city, and only Ginny's family had it.Others have been looking for it for a year and haven't found a second one.So I hope the leadership can solve it.
At home, grandma just picks the potatoes when she picks them.Potato roots and other things entangled with grass roots can still be used next year.The reporter took pictures of grandma, which made the old lady very happy.
Because Ginny's family is taken care of by the leader.The captain didn't assign any heavy tasks.Not to mention how laborious it is to harvest sorghum without a harvester, even harvesting corn and carrying it down the mountainside is a laborious task.There are only two cows in the team.It's simply not enough. Now that I have a cart or something at home, the work will be much easier.No, the bicycle was borrowed by the uncle again.Grandma Ginny was just breaking old corn husks under the tree.Then they are piled together to dry.After drying, break off the old corn kernels.Ginny knows how useless it is to break corn kernels.
And Ginny didn't think it was a big deal to get a corn thresher.The threshing machines seen in the last world when it was extinct were all steam-powered.Let's make it a hand-cranked one that doesn't go too far.There are also two tin cans at home.It was the trophies captured by the U.S. military while my father was still alive.Modify it slightly.Attach a few nails.Attach a crank handle.A threshing machine is ready, with old corn entering on the right and polenta paste coming out on the left.The old corn kernels are falling down.
At this time, the leaders had not left yet.In addition to condolences to the families of the martyred soldiers, they also come to the countryside to help the common people harvest crops.The troops are also good.Even students.During this period, people would go to work in the countryside.Nothing political.It is the glory of labor.Go to the countryside to help farmers harvest.Seeing the hand-operated thresher made by Ginny attracted another group of spectators.When the old Red Army found out that it was Ginny who invented this, he praised him for being a small inventor and a formidable young man.Then there were leaders carrying sorghum on shoulder poles.I thought Ginny was being clever.Just ask how you thresh sorghum?There was a bicycle beside the road. Ginny, the accountant (who counted centimeters), put the bicycle at an angle and asked someone to turn the pedals.As the sorghum ears were pushed upward, the sorghum grains crackled and fell.The efficiency can only be said to be average.Now, in the absence of mechanical equipment, it is faster to use animals to pull stones and use rollers to thresh grains.
The meeting will be held after everyone's harvest is finished.After the completion of socialist transformation in 1956, theoretically speaking, the small-scale peasant economy was still a hotbed for the emergence of capitalism, so their "capitalist tail" still had to be cut off.Farmers raise a few chickens and grow some vegetables to sell in the market. Because it is "capitalism", they must be "cut" and confiscated or punished.
Therefore, it is now stipulated that chickens and ducks in the village cannot be sold privately.There are also regulations on the number of chickens that can be raised at home.But do it step by step.First of all, anything sold privately will be confiscated.Relevant departments will come to inspect at the end of the year.Chickens should also be put away as quickly as possible, no more than three.You can only raise one sheep.There can also be no more than two trees in the yard.Even so.But in fact, the chickens and meat sold privately were confiscated.Although there are regulations.But in terms of execution, we still have to consider that some families raising chickens and ducks cannot be killed with a stick.Still leave some time for everyone to deal with the things on hand.
During the Spring Festival of 57, Jinni received a magazine, which contained Jinni's urban three-dimensional planting plan and drawings of new agricultural tools.There are instructions from the chairman later.Also included is a royalties of eight yuan.It was said that these things and some planting techniques would be printed into atlases and distributed to communes across the country for promotion.In this way, a crop of crops can be planted on the balcony on the roof of the unit.A few potatoes grown in the summer coal shed at home can be used as a month's ration (one basket of soil can grow three to five kilograms of potatoes.)
During the Spring Festival, Ginny's family killed chickens and stewed meat, which was considered a good year.Ginny knew that if it weren't for Captain Cui's tight grandma, she would be reluctant to kill the hen.
At home, grandma just picks the potatoes when she picks them.Potato roots and other things entangled with grass roots can still be used next year.The reporter took pictures of grandma, which made the old lady very happy.
Because Ginny's family is taken care of by the leader.The captain didn't assign any heavy tasks.Not to mention how laborious it is to harvest sorghum without a harvester, even harvesting corn and carrying it down the mountainside is a laborious task.There are only two cows in the team.It's simply not enough. Now that I have a cart or something at home, the work will be much easier.No, the bicycle was borrowed by the uncle again.Grandma Ginny was just breaking old corn husks under the tree.Then they are piled together to dry.After drying, break off the old corn kernels.Ginny knows how useless it is to break corn kernels.
And Ginny didn't think it was a big deal to get a corn thresher.The threshing machines seen in the last world when it was extinct were all steam-powered.Let's make it a hand-cranked one that doesn't go too far.There are also two tin cans at home.It was the trophies captured by the U.S. military while my father was still alive.Modify it slightly.Attach a few nails.Attach a crank handle.A threshing machine is ready, with old corn entering on the right and polenta paste coming out on the left.The old corn kernels are falling down.
At this time, the leaders had not left yet.In addition to condolences to the families of the martyred soldiers, they also come to the countryside to help the common people harvest crops.The troops are also good.Even students.During this period, people would go to work in the countryside.Nothing political.It is the glory of labor.Go to the countryside to help farmers harvest.Seeing the hand-operated thresher made by Ginny attracted another group of spectators.When the old Red Army found out that it was Ginny who invented this, he praised him for being a small inventor and a formidable young man.Then there were leaders carrying sorghum on shoulder poles.I thought Ginny was being clever.Just ask how you thresh sorghum?There was a bicycle beside the road. Ginny, the accountant (who counted centimeters), put the bicycle at an angle and asked someone to turn the pedals.As the sorghum ears were pushed upward, the sorghum grains crackled and fell.The efficiency can only be said to be average.Now, in the absence of mechanical equipment, it is faster to use animals to pull stones and use rollers to thresh grains.
The meeting will be held after everyone's harvest is finished.After the completion of socialist transformation in 1956, theoretically speaking, the small-scale peasant economy was still a hotbed for the emergence of capitalism, so their "capitalist tail" still had to be cut off.Farmers raise a few chickens and grow some vegetables to sell in the market. Because it is "capitalism", they must be "cut" and confiscated or punished.
Therefore, it is now stipulated that chickens and ducks in the village cannot be sold privately.There are also regulations on the number of chickens that can be raised at home.But do it step by step.First of all, anything sold privately will be confiscated.Relevant departments will come to inspect at the end of the year.Chickens should also be put away as quickly as possible, no more than three.You can only raise one sheep.There can also be no more than two trees in the yard.Even so.But in fact, the chickens and meat sold privately were confiscated.Although there are regulations.But in terms of execution, we still have to consider that some families raising chickens and ducks cannot be killed with a stick.Still leave some time for everyone to deal with the things on hand.
During the Spring Festival of 57, Jinni received a magazine, which contained Jinni's urban three-dimensional planting plan and drawings of new agricultural tools.There are instructions from the chairman later.Also included is a royalties of eight yuan.It was said that these things and some planting techniques would be printed into atlases and distributed to communes across the country for promotion.In this way, a crop of crops can be planted on the balcony on the roof of the unit.A few potatoes grown in the summer coal shed at home can be used as a month's ration (one basket of soil can grow three to five kilograms of potatoes.)
During the Spring Festival, Ginny's family killed chickens and stewed meat, which was considered a good year.Ginny knew that if it weren't for Captain Cui's tight grandma, she would be reluctant to kill the hen.
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