Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 85 New Choice

Faced with Jiraiya's request, Uchiha Li told the general abilities of Nagato and Obito very simply.

"As for Uchiha Itachi, we only had one round of genjutsu confrontation. And that shark-faced one didn't take any action."

"Thank you." Jiraiya looked a little solemn. Without knowing his abilities, if he faced Nagato, he would most likely be defeated.

"Sasuke's uncle, I also have something to ask you!" Naruto stood up at this time.

Uchiha Li lowered his head and looked at him: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Naruto lowered his thumb and pointed at his belly: "Kyuubi just told me that an Uchiha broke the seal on my mother when she gave birth to me. Do you know who it was?"

"I see." Uchiha Li nodded, "I probably know, but I can't be sure. Did Kyuubi tell the characteristics or abilities of that person?"

Upon hearing this, Naruto immediately closed his eyes and calmed down, as if he was communicating with the Kyuubi in his body.

After a while, he raised his head again and said, "I know! Kyuubi said that man wore a one-eyed mask and could also do kaleidoscope and time and space ninjutsu!"

He squinted his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then murmured: "Why is it similar to the Obito you just mentioned?"

After hearing this answer, even though he had already made a guess, Uchiha Li couldn't help but feel a little surprised on his face. He said with some emotion: "It should be him. I didn't expect him to achieve this."

Naruto asked anxiously: "Who is that Obito? Why would he do such a thing!"

Uchiha Li glanced at the silent Jiraiya and replied: "Uchiha Obito was once your father's student and a member of the same team as Kakashi. Moreover, Kakashi's Sharingan is his given.”

"What? Isn't that his former companion? Why is this happening? Why on earth is this?" Naruto's face was full of anger and confusion.

Uchiha Li shook his head: "Everyone has always believed that Uchiha Obito died in the Third Ninja War. Before he died, he gave his Sharingan to Kakashi. As for why he didn't Death, and why it changed so much, I’m afraid no one knows.”

"So dad was killed by his own students?" Naruto's tears flowed down involuntarily, "This kind of thing...this kind of thing is so unreasonable!!"

"Come on, Naruto," Jiraiya also had a trace of sadness in his eyes.

It's not just his overly outstanding disciple.

At this moment, he also thought about the Third Hokage who also died at the hands of his disciple Orochimaru.

He encouraged Naruto: "Work hard to grow up. One day you can stand in front of Obito and question his reasons for doing that kind of thing."

"I will!" Naruto clenched his fists tightly, his eyes burning with persistence, "I will definitely do it!"

"If you follow me, you may be able to see him soon." Uchiha suddenly said.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya looked at him in surprise.

"As I said, Onmyoji has the ability to predict misfortune and fortune." Uchiha explained with a smile, "The last time Obito targeted me, he failed, and he seems to be making a comeback recently. "

"Really? Lustful Sento, let's wait for Obito with Sasuke's uncle!" Naruto shouted excitedly, "I want to protect Sasuke's uncle!"

"Idiot!" Jiraiya grabbed his collar, lifted him up and looked at him with contempt, "You are no match for that kind of person now! The most important thing for you right now is to seize the time to practice. !”

"I don't care!" Naruto's limbs kept fluttering, "I must teach that bastard a lesson!"

"What a difficult boy!" Jiraiya simply stretched out his other hand and grabbed both of Naruto's wrists.

"The Uchiha boy!" Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Li, "I will not participate as I still have this troublesome boy with me!"

Who knows if what this kid said is true.

Even if it's true, who knows what kind of guys are coming?

Moreover, the Akatsuki organization happened to want to capture Naruto, who knew if there would be any traps.

Of course he wouldn't dare take Naruto to take risks with such uncertainties.

"It's okay, I just said that." Uchiha had no objection.

"So, what words do you need to bring to the Great Toad Sage?" Jiraiya asked.

"There is only one sentence." Uchiha smiled meaningfully, "Thousands of years have passed. I hope they can make the right choice this time."

"Is that it?" Jiraiya's eyes flashed, "Then, goodbye, Uchiha boy, I hope we won't be enemies next time we meet."


White smoke rose, and Jiraiya and Naruto had lost track.

"Will we meet next time? Who knows." Uchiha Liya turned and left.

The sound of flapping wings sounded, and ash flew down from the big tree nearby and landed on Uchiha Li's shoulders.

"Cuckoo cluck cluck..."

"speak English."

"You brought a message to Miaomu Mountain, but what about Ryūchi Cave and Shigu Forest?"

"There is actually no meaning in bringing words. They will make their own choices when the time comes."

"Then why did you do that?"

"It is said that Tomamaru of Myoboku Mountain also secretly played some role in sealing Kaguya. Although I don't know if it did that because it was afraid that Kaguya would completely take away its power. I remind it now, just to see if it can Cause some new changes.”

"What changes?"

"The current situation in the ninja world can be said to be clear at a glance. I hope that the forces of psychic beasts will also get more involved. At least, they will play a certain role in covering up the actions of the monsters."

"As expected of Li! But unless summoned by the contractor, the psychic beasts will basically not take the initiative to appear in the world."

"It depends on what they think."


Miaomu Mountain, the main hall where the Great Toad Immortal lives.

"Really, that's what that person said." Fukasaku Sage turned to look at the drowsy Toad Sage, "Sir, what do you say?"

"..." The Great Toad Immortal began to snore.

"Stop sleeping! You old fool! The child's father is asking you questions!" Shima Sennin's sharp voice sounded.

"Mother, forget it." Fukasaku Sennin stopped it, "Let's wait until the elder wakes up next time."

"Hmph, forget it." Shima Sennin jumped out of the hall, "Little Jiraiya, little Naruto, come with me, I will prepare delicious food for you."

"Well..." Jiraiya waved his hands with a look on his face, "Ah hahaha, no need to trouble you, we have already eaten."

He dragged Naruto, who was still sulking, to follow him: "Just find us a place to rest."

After several people left the hall, the Great Toad Immortal suddenly opened his eyes.

Those huge eyes were shining brightly, showing no trace of his usual old look.

"Fukasaku." His vicissitudes of voice sounded, "It seems that the old friends have not completely disappeared. Now, it is time to make a choice again, and this time it is also related to the life and death of the ethnic group."

"Yes, Sir." Fukasaku Sennin bowed his head respectfully, "All members of Miaomu Mountain will obey your instructions."

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