Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 616 He is lying

Orochimaru did not move, his whole body was bathed in the black flames of Amaterasu, and after leaving a weird smile, he was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"what happened?"

Sasuke frowned, he didn't believe Orochimaru died like this.

"Oops, where is the daimyo!"

Jiraiya suddenly turned around and ran towards the village faster than when he came.

"Hey! I left a shadow clone over there!"

Sasuke reminded him angrily as he followed.

He could feel that his shadow clone was still fine!

"Still careless."

Jiraiya's face looked very ugly.

He didn't have time to explain to Sasuke, he jumped up and entered the villa, passed the shadow clone of Sasuke guarding in front of the house, and directly opened the door of the house.

Sasuke and Neji followed inside.

"Jilai also!"

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire, who was sitting directly above the room, his eyes lit up when he saw them.

"You're back!" He looked at the three of them hopefully, "Have all those intruders been killed?"

Jiraiya didn't answer. He ignored the other people in the room and stared intently at the daimyo above.

"What's wrong?" The daimyo raised the fan in his hand to cover his face, "What's wrong with Yu Ke?"

Jiraiya remained silent, his face heavy.

Sasuke and Neji, who were standing behind him, glanced at each other and invariably used their respective eye skills to carefully observe the daimyo's body.



The expressions of the two changed at the same time.


A waiter next to the daimyo stood up and stood in front of the daimyo.

"Ninjas, you are offending the Daimyo-sama!"


Instead, the daimyo smiled gently, patted the waiter on the shoulder with his fan, and asked him to step aside.

"These are all powerful ninjas who saved Yu's life. Don't be rude."

"Yes, my lord!"

The waiter reluctantly withdrew.

"Lord Daimyo," Jiraiya said, "I just came to confirm your safety. Since you are fine, I will go outside to deal with the messy things."

"go Go."

The daimyo waved the fan in his hand.

"Thank you for your hard work. When this matter is over, I will reward you vigorously."

"Thank you very much, Lord Daimyo."

Jiraiya smiled carelessly, turned around and pulled Sasuke and Neji out of the house.

After walking out of the house, Sasuke looked at him strangely, "Why not..."

Jiraiya's expression was very ugly, "Now we are throwing a tantrum."

"But..." Neji said hesitantly, "It's not an option to continue like this."

"I'll think about it again." Jiraiya stretched out his hand, "Besides, there are some things we can't do."

"Tsk, what a hassle."

Sasuke said unhappily.

"Damn! I was tricked by that guy Orochimaru!"

"Let's discuss it together."

Jiraiya took the lead and walked towards the outside of the villa.

When the three of them walked out of the villa, others were already waiting outside the gate.

"Is there nothing wrong with the daimyo, Jiraiya-senpai?"

Asma was lighting a cigarette with a lighter in her bloody hand.

Jiraiya winked at him, and Asuma immediately turned aside and almost dropped the lighter in his hand.

"follow me."

Jiraiya said something and led everyone to an uninhabited place.

"The current situation is very complicated." Jiraiya said solemnly, "The daimyo's life is not in danger, but his life is already in Orochimaru's hands."

"What's going on?" Asuma asked.

"The daimyo is parasitized. There are several snakes in his body, but he doesn't seem to notice anything strange." Neji said, "I don't know when this happened. We have not used our perception ability to detect the daimyo before. Case."

Jiraiya said: "Although I have sensed it, I only sensed the real situation of the daimyo just now when I was in sage mode."

"Speaking of which, I suspect that neither Kisame nor Kabuto are actually dead."

Sasuke gritted his teeth.

"You're really being tricked!" He punched the tree next to him with a fierce punch.

"Now I want to ask for your opinion."

Jiraiya said to everyone.

He looked at Shikamaru, "Especially you, a boy from the Nara family. You are Shikaku's son, so you shouldn't be much worse than your father!"


Shikamaru raised his head and asked in shock.

"Not who are you?"

Jiraiya stretched out his big hand and patted his shoulder.

"Don't you want to imitate your father's lazy character!"

Shikamaru suddenly grimaced when he heard this, and the others looked at him teasingly.

hateful!What do you want me to say!

Shikamaru screamed inwardly.

This is a major event related to the name of a country!

He instinctively wanted to avoid this trouble.

"Let's all think about it."

Jiraiya said something.Then, he said the last words Orochimaru said.

Now everyone's eyes were focused on Sasuke again.

"That guy Orochimaru is lying!" Sasuke was furious. "Uncle, I don't have that kind of idea! Damn it! I must kill Orochimaru!"

Neji said: "Master Li really doesn't have that idea, otherwise he wouldn't have left the planet and gone to an unknown and dangerous place."

"Yeah yeah."

Shuiyue and Xiangphosphorus echoed.

Everyone's eyes immediately converged.

While Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, he secretly made up his mind that next time, he must kill that lunatic Orochimaru!

But Neji saw it more clearly than he did.

He wasn't sure if these people believed it, especially the two Konoha jounin wearing ANBU masks who had been standing there silently.

But then he thought about it, Master Li probably wouldn't care about this kind of thing, so he put aside the issue.

"Anyway, let's think about how to deal with the daimyo first." Jiraiya said.

"Jiraiya-sama?" A ninja wearing an ANBU mask asked, "I wonder if Hokage-sama can use medical ninjutsu to solve the hidden dangers of the daimyo-sama."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Jiraiya said seriously.

"The thing lurking in the daimyo's body is a snake transformed from Orochimaru's demonic power, and it does not possess an entity."

"This..." Asuma was also in trouble.

"It seems that only Li Neng can solve this matter." Jiraiya looked at Sasuke.

"There's no telling when uncle will come back." Sasuke said, "Maybe by the time he comes back, everything will be too late."

"No, there are still people who can solve it." Shikamaru said.

Everyone looked at him quickly.

"Since the demon power is parasitic in the daimyo's body." He also looked at Sasuke, "Aside from your uncle, only the demon itself can solve this matter."


Sasuke's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He actually forgot about this possibility just now!

He nodded to everyone, "Although I am not familiar with most of the monsters, I can tell my swordsmanship teacher about this. Onikiri-sensei is one of the monster commanders in Oeyama."

"Then it's up to you, Sasuke!"

Jiraiya was overjoyed.

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