Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 534 Death of Emiya

"You do not know."

Weird lines appeared on Emiya Kiritsugu's face again, which made his expression look very fierce.

He stared at Kotomine Kirei with his empty eyes, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "In that case, Kotomine Kirei, then prepare to collect the body of your father."

boom! ! !

The gunfire rang out at a speed that even Kotomine Kirei could not react to. The bullet penetrated Kotomine Rimasa's temple, and a cloud of blood spattered on Emiya Kiritsugu's face with dark lines.

Emiya Kiritsugu stretched out his hand to push the body of Kotomine Rimasa away, waved his left hand forward several times, and actually blocked the flying black key of Kotomine Kirei with his bare hands.


Kotomine Kirei looked down at Kotomine Rimasa who was lying in a pool of blood, and the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a strange arc.

Immediately afterwards, he slammed his foot on the ground, his muscles all bulging, he made a fist with one hand and held three black keys in the other, he quickly bullied himself up and attacked Emiya Kiritsugu.

Emiya Kiritsugu fired repeatedly at extremely fast speeds, and the bullets fired from the barrel were almost lined up.

This strange situation made Kotomine Kirei pause, and then started to dodge.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu's strength greatly increased due to unknown reasons at this time, and bullets hit Kotomine Kirei one after another.

For a moment, Kotomine Kirei could only try his best to avoid bullets hitting his vital parts. Fortunately, the robes he wore were all made of thick Kevlar fiber, and were tightly framed with protective charms specially made by the church's agents. Can protect against bullets and curses.The muscle armor, which has been exercised to the extreme, also protects the bones and internal organs from the impact of bullets.

Since he couldn't dodge the bullet, Kotomine Kirei simply protected his head with his arms and rushed forward.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu did not dodge. He put the gun in his hand back into his waist and took the initiative to meet him.


He directly stretched out his hand to hold Kotomine Kirei's right hand holding the black key.

boom! ! !

The other hand stretched out like lightning to punch the opponent.


Kotomine Kirei noticed the great power contained in Emiya Kiritsugu's fist and was involuntarily pushed back two steps.

He looked at the strange dark patterns on Emiya Kiritsugu's skin with some surprise.

"It seems you have been possessed by a heretic!"

He looked at Emiya Kiritsugu coldly, preparing to try the only miracle that the Holy Church allowed to practice - baptismal chanting.

At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu had strode forward. The pupils of his eyes were dilated, the black eyes were spreading, and the whites of his eyes were shrinking.

He has given up on the firearms and weapons he is good at, and has not used his magic. He seems to be relying on his suddenly strangely powerful body to compete with Kotomine Kirei in taijutsu.

Kotomine Kirei didn't retreat either.

The two collided violently and began a fist-to-flesh contest.

The fists, feet, shoulders and elbows of the two people kept colliding with each other, and then they hit each other, making a muffled sound that shook the air.

Kotomine Kirei's black key kept piercing Emiya Kiritsugu's body, but it often only left weak blood marks on his body.

At this moment, the strange lines on Emiya Kiritsugu's skin would suddenly become active, squirming like insects, and even bounce off the skin, shattering the Black Key's blade.

Although the lines will become lighter in this way, they will recover quickly.

You know, the black key is a weapon used to fight against what the Templar Church defines as "demon".

"The Exorcist's Talisman" has a stronger meaning.

Therefore, it has a structure with low physical attack power and emphasis on spiritual interference power.The blade of the Black Key is woven with magical power.

Based on Kirei Kotomine's judgment of Emiya Kiritsugu at this time, a weapon with the power of purification, the Black Key, should have a strong deterrent effect on him.

Seeing that his weapon, the Black Key, did not have the expected effect, Kotomine Kirei began to chant while responding to Emiya Kiritsugu's brutal fist attack.


As I destroy, I also create.I both hurt and help.No one can escape from my hands, and no one can escape my eyes.

Back to the dust.

The defeated and the aged are called by me.Commit yourself to me, learn from me, and be loyal to me.

Give you some rest.

Don’t forget to sing, don’t forget to pray, don’t forget my name, my body is light, and I will liberate you from the heavy suffering of all things.

Remove the camouflage.

For forgiveness, revenge, for trust, for betrayal, for hope, for despair, for light, for darkness, and for the things of life, to die in obscurity.

Rest is what I bring.Burn your sins and engrave them in your brand.

Eternal life can only be bestowed by death.

——Forgive me here, I, the body-bearing person, swear this. "

The huge white [Holy Seal of the Lord] lit up in the air, casting a soft golden light.

A scream escaped from Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth, and wisps of black smoke appeared on his skin. Kotomine Kirei took the opportunity to kick him in the chest, knocking him back.

"[May the Lord have mercy on this mourning soul (Kyrie Eleison)]!"

Kotomine Kirei once again took out the handles of six black keys from his robe and held them in his hands.

When the sharp blade was generated again, the [Holy Seal of the Lord] dissipated, and blue-white flames ignited on the cold and shining blade.

Kotomine Kirei crossed his hands and quickly threw the black key in his hand again.


Six sharp blades burning with blue and white flames instantly pierced Emiya Kiritsugu's body and pinned him to the ground.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……"

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his head and howled like a beast.

at this time.His eyes were pitch black, and even the whites of his eyes turned pure black.

The dark shadow-like lines on his skin made a "sizzling" sound under the burning of blue and white flames, and thick black smoke kept rising.

"It is indeed a heresy."

Six burning sharp blades appeared in Kotomine Kirei's hands again.

He walked up to Emiya Kiritsugu and looked down at him.

"Pathetic fellow."

Kotomine Kirei raised his hands again and inserted the black key in his hand into Emiya Kiritsugu, pinning his limbs to the ground.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Emiya Kiritsugu had lost his mind. His whole body was wrapped in blue-white flames, but he did not die from this fatal attack. Instead, he opened his mouth wide and kept wailing.

Kotomine Kirei looked attentively at Emiya Kiritsugu's extremely miserable appearance, and raised the corners of his lips stiffly again, with an inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

After watching for a while, he turned around and walked to the body of his father, Kotomine Rimasa, and squatted down to look carefully at the frozen expression on the old man's face.

The corners of his mouth twitched and his facial features were tangled, as if he didn't know what expression to put on at this time.

After a long while, he stretched out his hand to hold Kotomine Rizheng's cold hand and brushed up his sleeves.

The curse marks left over from the previous Holy Grail War were densely arranged on Kotomine Rimasa's skin.

With a flash of red light, these command spells were transferred to Kotomine Kirei.

Kotomine Kirei let go of his hand, stood up, and walked to Emiya Kiritsugu again.

"Ho... ho..."

Emiya Kiritsugu had stopped howling miserably, blood was pouring from his mouth, and weird sounds kept coming from his throat.

Kotomine Kirei frowned at this scene, took out a black key again, and knelt down.

He raised the hand holding the sharp blade, pointing the blade downward, with the sharp tip hanging above Emiya Kiritsugu's open mouth.

"I had expectations for you, Emiya Kiritsugu."

He said indifferently.

"I once wondered why a man like you would devote yourself to pursuing something so wholeheartedly, even though he seems to be the same type of person as me.

But the results were really disappointing.

The 'saint' who pursues world peace is really boring. "

The arm holding the sharp blade swelled, and he moved downwards neatly, thrusting the sharp blade from Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth, through his head, and even penetrated deeply into the ground.

The sound coming from Emiya Kiritsugu's throat suddenly stopped.

The blue-white flames that enveloped him swept through him again and then dissipated.

The magic power that formed the black keys of Kotomine Kirei also dissipated at the same time, leaving only the handles of the black keys clanking to the ground.

He stood up and looked down at Emiya Kiritsugu's body.

Although there were multiple penetrating wounds, Kotomine Kirei's exquisite throwing techniques kept his body intact.

Only the pool of blood under him continued to expand.

The strange patterns and lines on his skin have completely disappeared, and his eyes have returned to normal.

His eyes remained open, and his pupils had shrunk, even smaller than normal.

And his mouth was open, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was slowly flowing.

Kotomine Kirei quickly looked away, straightened his somewhat messy clothes, turned around and walked to the other side.

He bent down and picked up Kotomine Rimasa's body and walked toward the back of the church.

However, just as he crossed the first row of seats in the church, a rustling voice suddenly came from behind him.

Without hesitation, he threw his father's body to the ground in front of him, quickly put the body down, then quickly rolled forward in a circle, and then changed his direction.

With the sound of the wooden seats and the stone floor breaking simultaneously, the remains of the seats and fragments of stone bricks flew in front of his eyes.

Twisted tentacles seemed to be made of shadow-like material. They seemed imaginary and real, twisting wildly. Several sharp tentacles shattered the seats and pierced the ground in front of him.

Kotomine Kirei quickly took out the black key and threw it, hitting the tentacle with a hard collision sound.

The black key fell, and Kotomine Kirei activated the command spell on his body without hesitation.

Red light lit up on him, and his speed increased instantly, avoiding the attacks of several tentacles again.

He didn't have time to check his father's body that was damaged by the tentacles. He suddenly jumped up and kicked on the seat beside him to avoid the incoming tentacles again.

Red light kept shining on him, and in a short period of time, he consumed most of the command spells he inherited from his father.

At this moment, he was surprised to find that Emiya Kiritsugu, who had been completely dead, stood up unsteadily again, and it was obvious that those illusory tentacles were extending from his body.


His voice became extremely unpleasant, like rubbing a stone against glass.

"Caster...where is..."

His eyes have turned completely white, and if you look carefully you can find the pinpoint pupil in the center of the eyeball.

"Kotomine... Kirei... Caster... where is... Airi... where is..."

Kotomine Kirei dodged the tentacle attack while retreating towards the glass window.

"Where? Where! Where!!!"

Emiya Kiritsugu's voice became harsher, containing bursting anger.

And those weird tentacles became more and more violent, beating everything in the church faster.

Kotomine Kirei was hit hard in the chest by a tentacle before he could move his hand.

Although he was protected by the cassock, he still spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and his body flew out like a cannonball, smashing the stained glass windows of the church and landing on the ground outside the church.

"Cough cough..."

Kotomine Kirei spat out a few mouthfuls of blood again, stood up with his hands on the ground, and saw several tentacles that had grown huge suddenly shattered the church wall, and then stretched straight towards him.

Kotomine Kirei used the Command Seal again to quickly retreat, hiding behind a big tree, and quickly moved away before the tree was broken by the tentacles.


Emiya Kiritsugu was still calling his wife loudly.

At the same time, several tentacles even penetrated the towering roof of the church.


Emiya Kiritsugu seemed to have sensed Irisviel's position at this time, and instead of talking to Kirei Komine, he walked deeper towards the back of the church step by step.


Kotomine Kirei covered his chest, leaned his back against a wall, and breathed heavily.


Enzang Mountain.

"Tsk...why didn't that guy continue to hide?"

Uchiha Li was a little confused about what he sensed.

Of course, he was referring to the visitor from another world who projected his power on Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Maybe the other party knows that both me and Archer already know of his existence?"

He turned to look at Madara.

"Madara-senpai, what do you think?"

"Just like a jinchuriki," Madara said.


Uchiha Li raised his eyebrows.

"Emiya Kiritsugu's condition," Madara continued, "and the rampage situation you described, just like the tailed beast Jinchūriki."

Uchiha Li nodded.

"Indeed, he is now considered a kind of Jinchuriki."

He looked at Madara again.

"You mean, the other party's exposure was only due to the 'Jinchuuriki''s uncontrolled rampage?"

Is it really that simple?

He wasn't sure about that.

"I always feel that things are getting more and more complicated. I have no choice but to let nature take its course."


After Kotomine Kirei took a breath, he left the vicinity of the church.

However, he did not go far, but hid in the distance and observed the dilapidated church.

a long time.

His pupils shrank and he saw an incredible sight.

I saw the intact Emiya Kiritsugu helping Irisviel walk out of the church.

He seemed to be the same as when he arrived, as if he had not experienced anything before.

All traces of battle and injuries were gone from his body.

He hugged his frail wife tightly and slowly walked towards the vehicle he had parked nearby.

Kotomine Kirei looked at this scene and couldn't help but stand up.

At this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly turned around and looked exactly this way.

The two looked at each other accurately across several streets.

Kotomine Kirei suddenly stopped and allowed Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel to drive away.

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