"That's what war is, and you can't expect everyone involved in it to be as naive as you are."

Rider looked at the crying Weber and reached out to pull his head.

"You treat this war as a game or a competition and get involved recklessly. You are too young, boy."

"Nonsense! I...I'm already enlightened!"

Weber shouted with a cry.

"That's the best."

Rider smiled casually.

Saber, who was standing in front of the two of them, spoke. She frowned and said, "Did you stop me because you wanted to avenge the master's mentor? If that's the case, do it as soon as possible."

She grasped the invisible sword with both hands.

"As a knight, I will not run away from such a battle."


Rider looked at Saber standing in front of the chariot, and touched his furry chin with his broad hand, as if he was thinking about something.

"What do you mean, Rider!"

Seeing Rider's lack of intention to fight, Saber couldn't help but urge him.

"Ah, are you really unwilling to join me, Saber? If you join forces with me, we will definitely win the Holy Grail."

Rider waved his hand and once again extended the usual invitation to Saber.

Saber looked at him with a frown and said incomprehensibly: "Even now, you are still saying such incomprehensible things, Rider."

At the same time, Webber was also stunned by Rider, staring at him indescribably, speechless for a moment.


Rider threw back his head and let out a heroic laugh.

He laughed for a while and then said to Saber: "Saber! Although I don't admit that you are a qualified king, you are at least a qualified knight and a brave warrior. On the battlefield, no one is better than you. Dazzling!"

"I don't know whether to be angry or grateful for such a comment." Saber looked at Rider unhappily.

Rider continued nonchalantly: "I'm afraid you didn't know anything about Lancer beforehand. It's all your master's decision."

Saber did not confirm or deny this, but remained silent.

"I know that the little girl who is called the King of Knights, with your habit of adhering to chivalry, you will definitely oppose this method of war." Rider said, "So the relationship between you and the master must be very bad."

Saber snorted softly and said stiffly: "This has nothing to do with you, Rider."

Rider stretched out his hand and said: "No, my proposal is to join my king. I will not mind your rigid character of adhering to chivalry, and I can also help you get rid of your unpleasant master."

Weber raised his head and looked at Rider in shock, his mouth wide open unconsciously.

He made a breathy sound from his throat: "You... haven't given up yet..."

"I'm getting more and more confused, Rider!"

Saber placed the invisible sword in her hand on the ground and made a clanging sound.

"Since you know that I will abide by chivalry, you should understand that I will never do anything rebellious!!"

"Is that so?"

Rider was a little disappointed.

Saber looked at him with firm eyes.

"Can you be a little more flexible..."

Rider suggested again without giving up, and made a "a little bit" gesture with the thumb and index finger of his right hand.

"No need!"

Saber Ren Jiu refused.

"Then there's no way."

Rider held the reins of the chariot tightly with one hand and drew the sword with the other.

"Since we are opponents in the Holy Grail War, we are destined to fight."

Waver reached out and tugged on Rider's red cloak and asked, "Are you going to fight Saber here, Rider?"

"Ah, in a face-to-face confrontation, such a failure is a complete defeat." Rider said, "In this case, she might agree to join my army."

"How much do you want to invite her!" Weber shouted desperately.


Rider laughed a few times and pointed the sword forward.

"Let's go!"


At the same time, Saber directly released the barrier wrapped around her sword, revealing the golden sword body.

The sacred bull in front of the chariot raised its hooves.

Golden light points converged on the golden sword in Saber's hand.


"[Via Expugnatio]!!!"

"[Sword of Promise of Victory (Excalibur)]!!!"

The thundering chariot collided with the huge golden beam, turning into a light explosion.


"Is it that direct?"

Uchiha watched this scene from afar.

"The way these people fight is really different from ninjas."


Madara snorted lightly but made no comment.


The blinding light began to dissipate.

Rider, whose chariot disappeared, protected Weber with one hand and grabbed the tree trunk with the other, and the two of them hung on the tree.

Saber stood on the road with a sword in one hand and saw no loss.

"Ah, boy, I screwed up."

Rider said.

"Quick, Rider, use [King's Force (Ionioi Hetairoi)] quickly," Weber said anxiously.

"No." Rider shook his head, "The most we can do against Saber is [Via Expugnatio]."

"Then now..."

Weber felt that the situation between the two of them was not good.

However, at this moment, Saber, who was standing on the road, suddenly dispersed her heroic spirit weapons, turned around, got on her motorcycle, and simply left.

Weber was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's going on?"

"Ah." Rider replied, "This may be a way for her to express her apology for your unpleasant teacher. It's not surprising that a knight would do such a thing."



"How do we get back to town now?"

"Ah, it seems we can only walk back."

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"



The other side of the winding mountain road.

The roar of motorcycles came from far away, and the dazzling lights illuminated the two figures standing in the middle of the road in front of them.


The sound of motorcycle brakes sounded, and Saber stopped the car and looked at the person blocking the road ahead.


Saber parked the motorcycle and got off.

"Hello, Your Majesty the King of Knights."

Uchiha Li nodded.

"It seems that you have found a good time."

Saber regained her heroic spirit weapon again.

Uchiha knew that what she was talking about was that he had just used the Noble Phantasm, so he just smiled noncommittally.

"So who is this?" Saber looked at Madara who was standing next to Uchiha Li, "This doesn't seem to be the heroic spirit summoned in this Holy Grail War, right?"

"I am the Onmyoji, Your Excellency the Knight King."

Uchiha waved his fan leisurely.

"Perhaps this is the monster I summoned."

"Go away."

Madara said coldly and stretched out his hand to push Uchiha away.

He looked up at Saber, the complex black patterns in his scarlet pupils turning rapidly.

"Sorry, little girl."

There was a smile on his lips and hand seals.

"If you want to blame it, blame it on your own bad luck."


Saber looked at the contemptuous look in the man's eyes and felt annoyed.

However, at this moment, Madara had already puffed up his cheeks.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Hot orange-red flames erupted from his mouth, forming a huge fireball and crushing her.

"What a joke."

Saber holds the sword in both hands and stabs forward.

"[Wind King Barrier (InvisibleAir)]"

A hurricane rose from the sword and pushed straight forward, destroying the fireball.

However, Madara's figure suddenly passed through the flames and hurricane and came to her side.

He holds a long-handled fan in one hand and a sickle in the other, with a chain connecting them.

The scythe in his left hand cut through the air and headed towards Saber's throat at a strange angle.

Saber's magic power exploded under her feet, she flew back, the transparent sword blade in her hand flipped over, and struck Madara's head.

Blood splattered.

Saber didn't feel any joy. Instead, she rolled forward in an awkward manner to avoid the surprise attack from behind.

When she stood still again, she found that the figure struck by her sword had turned into a wooden pile with a burst of white smoke.

This weird fighting method made her couldn't help but be more vigilant.

If she hadn't had the fixed skill of [Intuition] just now, she would have suffered a loss.

At this time, Madara had rushed up again, fighting Saber with superb taijutsu.

If that was all, Saber could still handle it, but the strange methods this man used from time to time during the battle made it difficult for her to cope with it for a while.

You can only rely on [intuition] to avoid it.

Not to mention, there is a Caster who I still don’t know much about, watching covetously.

Uchiha Li stood aside and watched the battle with a smile, with no intention of intervening.

The previous use of Rider to weaken Saber had already made Madara a little unhappy.

Although Madara, as a ninja, can accept the task of completing the mission by any means necessary, but now he wants an even battle.

Although Saber's trump card has been completely revealed, she will not be his opponent even at her best.

But Uchiha Li's design was entirely to save magic power.

He did not forget that there was a moody and unscrupulous Archer who was hiding somewhere watching the show.

The fan, the sickle, and the sword kept colliding, splashing out bursts of sparks.

And Saber actually stabilized under Madara's unfamiliar attack method to her.

This made Madara a little excited.

"Good, really good."

he laughed.

"It's been a long time since I've fought with a sword master of your level!"

"I have never seen such a messy fighting style like yours!"

Saber said solemnly.

The man in front of her was undoubtedly a strong man, especially his imaginative fighting style that seemed to come at his fingertips. Although it seemed a little unstructured to her, he was still extremely threatening.

And compared to her swordsmanship, although the opponent's weapons are not small, their fighting style is much more sophisticated.


Madara stepped back with Saber's blocked sword. At the same time, countless kunai and shurikens cut through the air and attacked Saber from all angles.

"I am a ninja. I only care about killing, not method."

"Is it a hidden weapon?"

Saber simply and crudely used [Magic Release] to knock away the incoming hidden weapon.

"A ninja is an assassin like Assassin?"

"You could say the same."

Madara smiled and put the fan back on his back.

"Different kinds."

"Then let me see it!"

A sonic boom sounded, and with the blessing of [Magic Release], Saber sprinted with her sword, her speed greatly increased.

"Fire escape? The art of the mighty fire dragon!"

However, the flames formed into a huge dragon, burning the air with unbearable heat, roaring and meandering as it rushed over quickly.

Saber's impacting body immediately stopped, and then turned in a direction to avoid the burst of magic power.

The fire dragon, however, persisted in pursuing it under the opponent's control.

Feeling the hot air behind her, Saber looked calm, her magic power exploded under her feet, her body jumped up high, and she aimed at Madara, who was controlling the fire dragon, and thrust out a sword from a distance again.

"[Wind King Barrier (Invisible Air)]!!"

A hurricane formed, and Madara dodged to avoid it.

At the same time, the fire dragon that had already caught up in the air and was about to hit Saber disappeared.

Saber fell to the ground from the scattered flames, unscathed, instantly crushed the road beneath her feet, and once again increased her speed and sprinted with her sword.


Madara praised him without dodge, his eyes flashed red.

However, Saber's footsteps did not stop at all. She looked directly into Madara's eyes, lowered her body and sprinted in front of him, raising her sword.

"Very good, very resistant to illusions."

Madara formed a seal with one hand and left instantly.

"It seems that ordinary magic can hardly harm you, but why did you avoid those two fire escapes just now?"

"It's just a warning against unknown magic."

Saber turned around with her sword in hand.

"Magic?" Madara raised his eyebrows, "Maybe."

He formed a seal with his hands as Saber charged again.

"Next, I will complete the nature change more thoroughly."

"Fire escape? The art of the mighty fire dragon!"

The same fire dragon appeared again, but it was completely different from the one just now.

Although the size of this fire dragon is similar to the one just now, the temperature has changed substantially.

The surrounding air instantly became extremely hot.

Even Uchiha Li who was standing aside shook his fan and backed away, sweating.

Saber, who was in the attack range, shrank her pupils, and the magic power under her feet exploded again, and she jumped towards the side of the winding mountain road.

The fire dragon roared and chased after Saber's motorcycle parked on the road. In an instant, the rubber tires of the motorcycle burned violently, and even the steel parts began to deform. When the gasoline in the car was ignited, a violent explosion erupted. of explosion.

"Really. Yan Ling? Shou!"

Uchiha, who had retreated far, had to put up a barrier to block the parts of the motorcycle flying in all directions.

——The following time is up and will be completed soon——

"Fire escape? The art of the mighty fire dragon!"

The same fire dragon appeared again, but it was completely different from the one just now.

Although the size of this fire dragon is similar to the one just now, the temperature has changed substantially.

The surrounding air instantly became extremely hot.

Even Uchiha Li who was standing aside shook his fan and backed away, sweating.

Saber, who was in the attack range, shrank her pupils, and the magic power under her feet exploded again, and she jumped towards the side of the winding mountain road.

The fire dragon roared and chased after Saber's motorcycle parked on the road. In an instant, the rubber tires of the motorcycle burned violently, and even the steel parts began to deform. When the gasoline in the car was ignited, a violent explosion erupted. of explosion.

"Really. Yan Ling? Shou!"

Uchiha, who had retreated far, had to put up a barrier to block the parts of the motorcycle flying in all directions.

Really.言灵?守! "

Uchiha, who had retreated far, had to put up a barrier to block the parts of the motorcycle flying in all directions.

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