Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 526 Make Small Actions

"I still want to try."

Lancelot was obviously determined. No matter how complicated the complicated experiences he had during his lifetime had made the relationship between him and King Arthur, now, in this different era, he still expected to be like the distant past before everything happened. Likewise, serve the King of Knights as a knight.

"Is this so? I know."

Uchiha Li looked at Lancelot until the other person became a little stiff in his sight.

Because Lancelot also knew that his current request was unreasonable and violated the promise he had made because of Matou Kariya.

"Go ahead, I agree to your request."

Uchiha Li reached out and patted his shoulder. The metal armor was hard and made a dull sound.

Lancelot finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then looked at Uchiha Li in confusion.


"Can't you figure out why I agreed to this?"

Uchiha Li pulled back his hand and smiled.

Lancelot nodded silently.

"I have recently collected some information about the wishes that everyone involved in this Holy Grail War places on the Great Holy Grail."

The Uchiha turned away and talked about other things.

"Finally, I discovered that the most dangerous one is Saber's master, Emiya Kiritsugu."

Lancelot's expression changed.

Uchiha Li also changed his expression and continued solemnly: "I originally just came to this world to have some fun. After discovering that the Holy Grail was contaminated, my goal became purification. Sasuke-kun just wanted to grow a little longer. experience.

In the Rider camp, Webero wants to prove his ability, and Rider wants to get a real physical body.

Archer camp.The Tosaka family wanted to fulfill their long-cherished wish to reach the source. Archer took the Holy Grail as his own and intended to punish those who coveted it.

Lancer camp.Kenneth wants to add to his reputation as a genius, while Lancer wants to make up for his past regrets and truly be loyal to the end.

The Assassin camp no longer exists, and the Saber camp, or the Einzbern side, is more complicated.

Not to mention what the Einzberns think, but Saber's wish is to change the history of Great Britain, and Emiya Kiritsugu wants to wish for world peace on the Holy Grail. "

"World peace?" Lancelot seemed a little unwilling to believe it, "Is this true?"

"it is true."

Uchiha nodded.

"So, both Saber and Emiya Kiritsugu are idealists in my opinion. Especially Emiya Kiritsugu, he is a crazy gambler who has paid all his chips. If they can successfully make a wish, For today’s Holy Grail, it’s hard to predict what kind of results it will have.”

Lancelot asked again: "The Great Holy Grail...can't be purified?"

"It's easier said than done." Uchiha shook his head, "The huge magic power of that size cannot be easily shaken, not to mention that unless the magic circle that constitutes the Great Holy Grail is dismantled now, the hole can only be opened through the return of the heroic spirits in the Small Holy Grail. Only then can we come into contact with the magic power inside the Great Holy Grail.”

Lancelot said: "Then dismantle..."

"Of course it cannot be demolished."

Uchiha raised his hand to stop him.

"If it is dismantled now, the malicious magic trapped inside the Great Holy Grail will surge out. Until a method is found, neither I nor other heroic spirits will be able to deal with it. By then, the city will probably be devastated."

Before Lancelot could speak again, Uchiha continued: "The method I can think of now is to achieve the final victory and seize the Small Holy Grail. I will position the ceremony of opening the Holy Grail above the sea. Wait until the filthy The magic power pours into the sea, and the power in the Great Holy Grail weakens. By then, I should be able to make preparations and arrangements to purify it at the same time."

"This is the best way I can think of to deal with it."

Uchiha Li looked at Lancelot expectantly.

"And I will start preparing for this matter next, so I am afraid that the task of dealing with other heroic spirits will depend on you, Lancelot."


Lancelot said with some difficulty: "You mean, if I can't convince King Arthur, the best way for me is to defeat her completely."

"You decide what to do, Lancelot."

Uchiha Li patted his shoulder again, then turned and walked out of the house.

"However, I think the King of Knights wouldn't be willing to bring about the ruin of all living beings because of himself, would he?"

Looking back at Lancelot, Uchiha walked straight out with two paper man clones and left this dilapidated abandoned factory.

Lancelot stood still and did not move for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally put on his helmet again, and his body turned into black mist and dissipated in place.


Enzang Mountain.

Uchiha Li returned to this place through the summons of the paper man clone who stayed in this barrier.

It seems that he was influenced by the character set by Uchiha Ri. As soon as the fake "Sasuke" saw Madara, he roughly told all of Uchiha Ri's whereabouts today.

"So, you still think the Einzbern side is hiding something?" Madara looked directly at Uchiha Li, "So you encouraged Berserker to go test it?"

He understood Uchiha Li's intention almost instantly.

"Besides that, there is one person worth noting."

Uchiha sat directly on the ground.

"Kotomine Kirei of the Holy Church, although he is a priest, he is essentially a chaotic and evil man."

"Whether it is extreme justice or extreme evil, is it easier to provoke deeper evil?" Madara grinned.

"Sure enough, Senior Madara can understand this."

Uchiha Li also laughed.


Madara sneered and didn't go into details.

Uchiha Li said: "Let us see what Lancelot will experience."

After saying that, he directly showed his Mangekyo Sharingan and looked at Madara.

Madara's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan rotates at the same time, and the two people's pupil power comes into contact, creating an illusion world with Uchiha Ri's pupil power as the main body.

At the same time, Uchiha Li connected to the small thing left on Lancelot's body by patting his shoulder, and the scene in front of Lancelot was immediately revealed inside the illusion world.

In the illusion world, Madara's consciousness turned into his own form, and he sarcastically said, "It seems like you kid is doing a lot of tricks."

"This is all to successfully complete the commission."

Uchiha Li's conscious body was slumped on a soft sofa constructed with the same illusion, holding a bucket of popcorn in his arms.

"Lancelot and I already have a contract through the Command Seal. As long as the contract exists, I can do more."


Madara didn't say much, and took the opportunity to sit next to Uchiha. The two of them watched the "movie" while grabbing virtual popcorn.

So Uchiha Li, who had absolutely no hands-on skills, could only give the popcorn to Madara and build a new bucket.

Because of his previous experience, Lancelot repeated his old tricks this time and got a car from nowhere.

Perhaps in order to save magic power, he did not use the method of converting the vehicle into a Noble Phantasm, but drove the car towards Einzbern Castle.

"Looks like he needs a helping hand."

Uchiha sighed.

"Such an upright action will not find Emiya Kiritsugu."

As soon as he finished speaking, a paper crane appeared on the screen.


Uchiha Li's voice sounded.

"Because the magic barrier was completely destroyed by Rider, Saber's group has now changed their base. Let's follow the paper crane's lead."

After that, the paper crane was hung on the pendant in the car like a decoration.

Lancelot turned the car around and drove into the city again.


While Lancelot was driving to Emiya Kiritsugu's new location, Uchiha Ri and Madara were chatting in the genjutsu space.

"Senior Madara, you said that since Alaya saw the future, why didn't he tell me the details of the future?"

Uchiha Li threw away the popcorn bucket in his hand, letting it turn into nothingness again, and lay down on the soft sofa.

"In that case, my commission will be much easier to complete."

"If it were that simple, you wouldn't have received the commission." Madara mused, "Maybe Alaya's enemies have the ability to counter or mislead the prophecy, and when the time comes, those who know the future Instead you fall into a trap.”

"Since you came to this world, you have done a lot of extraordinary things." Madara continued. "If the enemy is really that powerful, your actions may have been seen by the opponent."


Uchiha thought for a while and then shook his head.

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be. Since Alaya has accepted me as the task executor, it means that I am capable of dealing with that guy. What's more, I am now borrowing the identity of Master Qingming, and with the local bonus, I can Doing some outrageous things can be considered excusable.”

"hope so."

Madara said casually.

"I don't know what's going on in the original world." Uchiha said. "I shouldn't accept any more commissions from now on, at least until the threat to the home planet from the Otsutsuki clan is eliminated."

"This kind of thing is not something you want." Madara stabbed him.

"I just feel a little tired, scheming in another world, and planning a war when I go back." Uchiha said feebly, "I'm afraid that after experiencing too much, I will lose enthusiasm for the war against the Otsutsuki clan. ."

"Don't make excuses for your laziness, kid." Madara sneered, "We all know that if there weren't so many things involved, you kid would be able to stay in the country forever."

Uchiha smiled and said: "Maybe, but unfortunately there are too many things that we can't help ourselves."

While the two were talking, Lancelot in the picture had already driven to the new destination of Emiya Kiritsugu and his party under the guidance of Origami Crane.

He stopped the vehicle, got out of the car and immediately entered his spiritual body. After jumping on a roof, he looked at the target old house with a traditional style from a distance.

At this time, Saber and Irisviel opened the door from the courtyard and walked out, getting into the black car parked at the alley.

After Lancelot watched the two people drive away, he quickly jumped around the house to investigate, and found that the magic defense inside was empty and empty.

He turned around and ran to the car he drove over, opened the door and got in again.

The vehicle started, and under the guidance of Zhihe again, it chased in the direction Saber left.

"Saber's right hand hasn't had time to recover." Uchiha speculated, "It seems they want to end things with Lancer's group."

Madara smiled and said: "I'm afraid Saber's Master has already planned to let Saber contain Lancer openly, and he can easily kill the Lancer Master who has been beaten into a cripple by him secretly."

"That is indeed Emiya Kiritsugu's style of doing things." Uchiha Ri agreed, "Saber is more like a samurai and prefers fair and aboveboard duels, while her master is more like a ninja and prefers to achieve the goal with the least effort."

"This is determined by different status and abilities."

Madara said indifferently.

"As a king, Saber should avoid doing evil things unless necessary. On the other hand, if Emiya Kiritsugu had strong power, he would not develop such a formal style.

They are also ninjas, and ninjas with average strength can only achieve the purpose of saving labor through some tricks.But for a powerful ninja like Hashirama back then, there is absolutely no need to do that..."

started again.

Uchiha Li responded with a hum in his mouth, but he was full of curses in his heart.

This senior really admired Senju Hashirama. Even now, even though Senju Hashirama has transformed into King Qin Guang of Hell and the original Hokage has disappeared, he still misses him.

Forget it, just respect the elderly.

Listening to Madara's gushing praises for Hashirama, he listened quietly, just going in one ear and out the other.

Izuna would be furious if she heard this.

He thought endlessly.

Fortunately, not long after, Lancelot stopped the car again in the picture.

Madara also stopped thinking about his friend and old enemy.

There seems to be an abandoned warehouse ahead.

At the entrance of the warehouse, Saber and Lancer were facing each other.

After Lancelot transformed into a spiritual body again, he watched from a distance and did not get close for the time being.

On the other side, Saber and Lancer seemed to have finished talking and started fighting between them.

Irisviel stood by the black car and watched, but Lancer's master, Kenneth, did not show up.

As time goes by, the battle between Saber and Lancer gradually becomes more intense.

It was different from the last battle between the two.

Not only had the length of the transparent sword in Saber's hand been estimated by Lancer, but the injury to Saber's right hand had never recovered, and she seemed to be gradually losing ground in the battle with Lancer.

"...Is that so? Madara-senpai."

Uchiha, who was not good at this kind of hand-to-hand combat, turned to ask Madara for his opinion.

Madara understood what he meant and said: "Saber's disadvantage is obvious, there is nothing strange about it."

"It seems that if this continues, there will be no need for Lancelot to kill the king."

Uchiha sighed.


He smiled again.

"I don't believe that guy Emiya Kiritsugu doesn't have any little tricks."

Just as he finished speaking, the battle between the two heroic spirits on the screen immediately changed.

Lancer first retreated quickly, and then stabbed himself in the heart.

The expression on his face was very confused.

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