Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 522 Banquet Invitation

"how do you want to do it."

Madara asked.

Uchiha Li had extinguished the spiritual power used for lighting in his hand, and the two of them stood in the darkness, looking at the complicated and dizzying magic circle in front of them.

"This is the crystallization of the wisdom of magicians. It is an amazing achievement that combines the essence of magic knowledge. Of course I want to learn from the old man."

Uchiha raised the doll that held the soul of Matou Zangyan in his hand.

"This is a learning process by analogy. I think I can absorb a lot of useful knowledge from it, which may be able to further improve or enhance my spell abilities."

"Outside things?"

Madara walked aside and leaned against the rock wall with his arms folded.

"I hope you still remember the purpose of our coming to this world."

"It doesn't matter." Uchiha smiled and said, "Isn't there still Berserker? Let's let the paper man clone remotely command him to do something. It won't delay our mission."

Madara sneered: "Mission, I remember that you only found some questionable clues, but in the final analysis, your mission has still made no substantial progress so far."

Uchiha took a few steps forward and said, "Thank you for your concern, but after going through so many things, I think you should have some trust in me, this junior."

Madara sneered and said no more.

"Come over here, Madara-senpai."

Uchiha Li had already squatted down and carefully observed the texture of the magic circle under his feet.

"Perhaps this junior will need to use your superior pupil skills to analyze some of the more essential things in the magic circle."

Madara did not refuse after hearing the words, and walked forward, opening the Samsara Eye at the same time.

Although it is not apparent on the surface, Uchiha is clear that Madara is not a person who refuses new knowledge.


Looking upward, under the big tree that the Ten-Tails clone transformed into, Uchiha Li's paper man clone is always guarding the barrier cautiously.

At sunset he received a message from Lancelot.

Matou Kariya has woken up. Although his body is still not fully healthy, he can move around without any serious problems.

Since a Servant who lost a Master during the Holy Grail War may have the Holy Grail pick a Master again, a Master who lost a Servant is not safe because the Holy Grail will lose its Servant when it selects an alternate Master later on. The Master will be selected first.

Many magicians who participate in the Holy Grail War tend to eliminate the root causes.

Knowing this common sense, Matou Kariya asked Lancelot to escort the two of them out of Fuyuki City, the location of this Holy Grail War, in order to ensure the safety of himself and Matou Sakura.

Anyway, he has now lost all his magic circuits and has completely degenerated into an ordinary person, so leaving Fuyuki City and staying away from the dispute has become his best choice.

After all, he had figured it out.

It can be said that his own wish to participate in the Holy Grail War has been fully realized.

Although it was inconsistent with the original intention of returning Sakura to the Tosaka family, now that Matou Zōyan has "died", he believes that it is more appropriate for Sakura to stay at the Matou family and be adopted by him than to return to the Tosaka family.

In short, Lancelot wanted to agree to his request to fulfill this fate, and sent a message to Uchiha Li for permission.

Although Uchiha Li was analyzing the Great Holy Grail in the underground cave, he still had some consciousness on the paper man clone, and he had no objection to this.

Because he wanted to make Lancelot obey his orders more in the future, he was not opposed to doing such a good deed.

In response, he once again created a clone and asked him to follow Lancelot.


The new paper man clone quickly arrived where the three Lancelots were.

"I am the shikigami controlled by my master."

The paper man clone looked at the wary Lancelot and said.

"This time, I will cover up your actions."

As he spoke, he took out a colorful paper figurine.

This paper figurine is drawn to look like Matou Kariya.

He patted the paper figure on himself, and it began to change from the appearance of an ordinary passerby, and soon transformed into the exact same appearance as Matou Kariya.

"This is a transformed paper figure drawn by the master. It can show the appearance of the drawn paper figure on the surface of the human body for camouflage. Without special eyes, even heroic spirits cannot see through it."

While he was talking, he took two more colorful paper figures used for disguise and placed them on Matou Kariya and Matou Sakura, disguising their appearance into unfamiliar appearances.

Matou Kariya looked at the unfamiliar Sakura and said happily: "In this case, we can leave smoothly!"

Matou Sakura looked at Matou Kariya who had transformed into a paper man with a dead look in her eyes, and then looked at Ma Matou Kariya who had become a stranger, but still silently hugged Ma Matou Kariya's legs.

"Sakura!" Matou Kariya was very excited and bent down to hug the little girl, "I knew you wouldn't admit it!"

"Uncle Kariya."

Matou Sakura yelled stiffly, and leaned her gentle face on Matou Kariya's shoulder.

"Then, you'd better leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, Kariya." Lancelot had already changed his mind, "This guy and I..."

He glanced at the paper man clone.

The paper man clone said: "My name is Izuna, and next I will disguise myself as Matou Kariya and act with Berserker."

"This Quan Nai and I will escort you away secretly." Lancelot continued, "After all, it is best for you not to be found to be involved with us now."

"I understand, thank you, Berserker."

Matou Kariya hugged Sakura and bowed to Berserker.

"Thank you for your help. Without you, maybe I would never have had the courage to resist that old man."

"You're welcome, Kariya, I always think you are a brave person, maybe even braver than me."

Lancelot raised his hand to take off his helmet and smiled gently.

Matou Kariya turned around again and bowed to the paper man clone.

"Please thank your master on my behalf for saving Sakura and me."

"I will convey it to the master."

The paper clone looked like Matou Kariya and winked at him.

"Then I'm leaving."

Matou Kariya carried Sakura out of the yard and quickly stopped a taxi.

"Let's go too and escort them out of this city."

The paper man clone also turned and walked towards the outside of the yard.

Lancelot nodded, put on his helmet and transformed into a spirit to hide his figure.


After sending away Matou Kariya and Matou Sakura, the paper man clone still wore Matou Kariya's appearance and wandered around the streets, while Lancelot still followed him in spirit form.

"So what is my new master doing?"

Lancelot asked.


The paper man clone always feels that calling the person the master is a bit of a loss.

"He was studying the so-called Holy Grail, and that man was always willing to learn strange new things."

"Holy Grail?" Lancelot was shocked, "He has already obtained the Holy Grail? How is that possible?"

"Not so, what do you think the Holy Grail is, Lancelot?"

The paper man clone asked with a smile.

Lancelot replied with some uncertainty: "A universal wishing machine? A miraculous thing that can make any wish come true?"

"That's not the case." The paper man clone was not surprised to hear Lancelot's answer. "The master has discovered that the Holy Grail War is not what it seems. The so-called Holy Grail is just the magic power accumulated in a land for many years. That’s all, it’s just that huge magic power can indeed be exchanged for a lot of wishes.”

"Is this true?" Lancelot asked eagerly, "The Holy Grail is not omnipotent."

"The master said so."

The paper man clone looked up at the sky.

"But I don't know much about it. You can ask him about the details when you see him."

The paper man clone doesn't want to show that he knows everything, after all, his identity is now a shikigami.

Lancelot's mood seemed to drop instantly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The two walked in the dark and then met the huge Rider and his petite Master head-on.


Rider raised his hand to say hello.

"Whose master are you?"

He touched his plush chin.

"I can feel that there is a servant hiding around you, but unfortunately I can't tell who it is."

Weber reminded in a low voice: "Idiot! Didn't I collect information? This is a magician from the Matou family, and his servant is Berserker!"

"Oh, it's Berserker. I'm very impressed with Berserker." Rider nodded repeatedly, "But I have no impression of Berserker's Master, hahahaha..."

He smiled and scratched the back of his head, looking honest.

This guy is definitely good at pretending, and he is truly worthy of being a king.

Uchiha slandered, and remained calm in front of him, pretending to be Matou Kariya's usual expression of bitterness and hatred.

"Cough cough cough..." He covered his mouth and coughed a few times, his face growing paler under his hood, "I'm not a noteworthy person. Sorry, Berserker's image is not suitable for today's public. Show up for the occasion.”

"It's okay, I understand."

Rider waved his hand and pointed at the game peripheral T-shirt on his body that was about to burst with muscles.

"Not every heroic spirit will accept the fashion styles of the new world like me!"

He was obviously very proud of his "doing as the Romans do" and didn't care at all about Weber's disdainful look at his dressing sense.


The paper man clone covered his mouth and coughed a few more times.

Lancelot, who was hiding aside, asked: "What's wrong with stopping us? Rider. If I'm not wrong, we can't start a fight here during the day."

"It's so boring, Berserker." Rider complained, "I'm looking for a solution to distribute the sum of the Holy Grail."


Lancelot suddenly felt that the Conqueror might have lost his brain when he was summoned.

"Anyway, I want to hold a banquet at Saber's castle tonight. Since I met you, I might as well invite you."

Rider looked like he was easy to talk to.

"After all, I remember that you and Saber are quite related, right, Berserker."


Lancelot didn't reply for a while, and the situation was a bit awkward.

Weber's face was already red with embarrassment, and he kept winking at Rider.

But Rider didn't seem to see it, and still said to the hidden Lancelot: "How is it, Berserker?"

"A banquet? Then I will agree on behalf of Berserker, cough cough cough cough..." The paper man clone said and agreed.

Lancelot then said: "In that case, I will keep the appointment."

"Hahahahaha, that's good!" Rider looked very happy, "I'm going to buy some wine first, see you in the evening!"

After saying that, he dragged Weber's small body and rushed to the nearby market.

After the two left, Lancelot's voice sounded again.

"You've just……"

"It's the master's wish." The paper man clone said quickly, "I didn't make my own decision."

"I see."

Lancelot fell silent again.

“Speaking of which, we don’t have a cool frame like Rider, so we’d better find the necessary means of transportation first!”

The paper man clone looked around with great interest.

Lancelot, who had little knowledge of the world, did not refute his intention to steal the car.


Before night came, the paper man clone finally got a car and drove Lancelot out of the city.

The car bumped along halfway and was handed over to Lancelot.

The moment Lancelot took over, the white car was instantly wrapped in black and red energy and rushed forward like an arrow.

"Can you turn the weapon you have into a precious weapon?" The paper man clone looked at the rapidly passing scenery outside the car window and murmured, "Can a vehicle be considered a weapon?"

"If you want to use it to hit someone, it can be regarded as a weapon." Lancelot responded.

"……Ha ha……"

In response, the paper man clone responded with a few dry laughs.


When the vehicle drove into the Einzbern Castle, the first thing you saw was the completely destroyed magic barrier, the holes in the wall, and the deep ruts.

"It's really rude. The King of Conquerors always reveals his true nature as a King of Conquerors inadvertently."

The paper man clone sighed meaninglessly.

"You are here!"

As the two got out of the car, Rider walked out of the destroyed wall carrying a large wine barrel, and Webb stumbled behind him.

"You actually invited someone else, Rider."

Saber and Irisviel followed closely behind.


Saber stopped for a moment when she saw Lancelot.

"Sorry, I……"

"No need to apologize, King!" Lancelot interrupted her, "Of course you can call me by my first name!"

"I'm sorry, I revealed your real name, Sir Lancelot." Saber still looked very guilty.

"I said there is no need to apologize!"

Lancelot suddenly raised his voice and said forcefully.

"You are my king, no matter what you do, there is no need to apologize to me!"

Before Saber could refute, Rider interrupted impatiently: "Let's go! We can have a better conversation after drinking!"


The group of people came to sit in the garden. Rider put down the wine barrel and sat directly on the ground.

Saber sat opposite him, and Lancelot consciously sat behind Saber.

The three different masters stood far behind their servants.

Next, Rider opened the wine barrel, took out a long-handled bamboo spoon and started scooping out the wine.


What a mashup.

Uchiha, who temporarily put his mind into the paper man clone here, complained in his heart, but did not speak.

After drinking a spoonful himself and letting Saber drink another spoonful, Rider spoke.

"I didn't want to come to you, Saber." Rider was very rude when he opened his mouth. "You have lost your qualifications in this Holy Grail question and answer test."

"What do you mean, Rider!"

Saber frowned, her eyes stern.

"Are you here specifically to insult me?"

"No, you still don't understand, little girl." Rider shook his head, "Look at the subordinate sitting behind you. He must understand better than you, but you still haven't been able to understand him."


Saber immediately seemed dwarfed and was speechless.

"There is no need to care about other people's words, my king."

Lancelot spoke.

"You just need to..."

"What are you doing, Rider?"

Golden light particles gathered, and Archer suddenly appeared beside him.

"Is this the banquet you invited me to?"

He looked at everything in front of him with disgust.

"Not only did you arrange such a shabby banquet, but some so-called bastards also came to participate. Are you trying to make me laugh out loud?"

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