Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 520 Matou Dirty Inkstone

"Zirty Inkstone!!!"

Matou Kariya looked at the broken and dark soul that was constantly struggling in Uchiha Li's hands with hatred.

"Hahaha..." He laughed a few times happily, "Finally...you have today too!!!"

"How could... Kariya!!! What have you done to this ruin!!!"

Matou Zangyan's soul was a little panicked at first, but he quickly understood his situation.


He started shouting.

"Let me go! I am not a participant in this Holy Grail War!!"

"This is not the first time I have seen someone like you, Matou Zouken."

Uchiha Li firmly controlled his soul, and the spiritual power in his hand spurted out, turning into a spiritual chain to bind him.

"It is not uncommon for people to pursue immortality as humans. If humans want to pursue immortality, they must either break the limits of human beings or break away from their human identity. It seems that you have chosen the second option!"

Matō Zouken, however, kept to himself and continued shouting: "Caster! Where is your master! I want to talk to him!!!"

And Uchiha Riya said to himself: "Judging from the traces of corrosion in your soul by time, you are not Kariya-kun's father."


Matou Kariya couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this.

Uchiha Li turned to the extremely shocked Matou Kariya and said: "Kariya-kun, this man is indeed not your father, because I can judge that he has probably lived for about 500 years."

"It can be seen from this..." Matou Kariya felt like he was struck by lightning, "Since 500 years ago, has every head of the Matou family been this old man?"

Seeing that the negotiations with Uchiha Rei were ineffective, Matou Zōyan, as the party involved, quickly said: "Yes, my original name is Makiri Zolgen. Even the magic ritual of summoning the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War was my name." It was built together with the ancestor of the Tosaka family, Nagato Tosaka, and the Einzbern family's 'Holy Maid of Winter' Justina Rizleich von Einzbern!!"

Faced with a situation where he had no way to resist and seemed certain to die, Matou Zangyan had no choice but to throw away his last bargaining chip.

"Caster! If you and your Master want to ensure that you get the Holy Grail, it is best to have my help! As one of the three people who originally constructed the Holy Grail ceremony, I will give you a lot of indispensable help!!!"

Regarding this, Uchiha, who had already known it from Alaya, smiled and said nothing.

He even knew more, including what Matou Zouken was hiding.

The magicians and heroic spirits who come to participate in the Holy Grail War will think that the Holy Grail is a treasure that can grant any wish and miracle.

Little did they know that this was actually a magic ritual constructed by the Tohsaka, Matou, and Einzbern families in order to realize their own wishes. In their conception, the other magicians and heroic spirits who participated in the war were just created as the Great Holy Grail. Cannon fodder comes from deception.

"Is this true, Master?"

Lancelot was a little shocked by Matou Zangyan's words, and turned to ask Matou Kariya.

"I don't know." Matou Kariya was also shocked. He shook his head and said, "I have escaped from my family and everything related to magic a long time ago. If it were not for Sakura this time, I would not participate in any Holy Grail. war."

He didn't care about what Matou Zouken said, but looked at Uchiha Li nervously, fearing that he would be persuaded by Matou Zouken's words.


He reminded loudly: "Don't be deceived by this old immortal! And forget our deal! If this old immortal really had that kind of ability, he would have obtained the Holy Grail long ago!!!"

"Don't worry, Kariya-kun."

Uchiha smiled playfully.

"I have no intention of breaking the contract."

As he spoke, he opened his right hand again and grabbed Matou Zangyan's soul's head, and squeezed it tightly with his five fingers.

In an instant, with a shrill howl, Matou Zangyan's soul was crushed by him, turning into dark spots of light and dissipating.

"All right."

Uchiha Li clapped his hands and squatted down again to look at the little girl lying on the ground.

"Now let's start dealing with the dead bugs inside this kid."


Matou Kariya was stunned with his sword, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Uchiha Li did not follow the method he said before to remove the worm from the little girl's heart.

That would be too much trouble.

He directly stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the little girl's chest. His spiritual power penetrated into her heart again, wrapped around the dead insect, and left a mark around the insect.

Then, he raised his hand, formed a seal with both hands, and once again stretched out his right hand and pointed it at the ground aside.

"The art of psychic!"

As he remembered with a bang, a red insect corpse appeared on the ground under his palm.

"It's done."

Uchiha Li clapped his hands again and smiled at the stunned Matou Kariya.


Matou Kariya still hasn't come back to his senses.

"But isn't there a way to talk to Kariya-kun before? I suddenly thought of a more labor-saving way!" Uchiha said with a smile, "No way, I am a little forgetful as I get older, and I often forget that I am young. Please bear with me, Mr. Kariya, for the spells I learned back then."

"So Sakura is okay?"

Matou Kariya lowered his head, hurriedly reached out and grabbed the little girl's hand, and closed his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked at Lancelot.

"It's okay! Is it really okay?"

Lancelot knelt down to check, and nodded affirmatively to Matou Kariya.

Only then did Matou Kariya become truly happy, and looked at the still sleeping little girl with a loving look on her face, and kept murmuring something in her mouth.

"This child..."

Uchiha Li suddenly smelled it.

"So you gave her the sleeping potion? I thought it was a spell that made people sleep."


Matou Kariya raised his head and glanced away from Uchiha, before holding the child in his arms.

"I don't want Sakura to go through any more horrible things."

"So, is this Kariya-kun's daughter?" Uchiha Li frowned, "I didn't have time to say just now that this child's body has traces of modification."

"It's all Tokiomi's fault!!!"

Matou Kariya suddenly became excited, and his expression became ferocious again.

"And that old immortal monster Zang Yan!!!"

He lowered his head and looked at the little girl again, and said gently but nervously: "Don't be afraid, Sakura, that old immortal has completely disappeared. As long as Uncle Kariya defeats Tokiomi again, you will be happy."

Tokiomi?Tokiomi Tohsaka?

Is there anything else going on with the Tohsaka family here?

Uchiha Li was a little confused and looked at Lancelot questioningly.

Lancelot shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

At this time, Matou Kariya's spirit seemed to have returned to normal, and he began to talk to Uchiha Li and Lancelot about the tragic fate of the child named Sakura.

It turns out that this child was originally the daughter of Tosaka Tokiomi, the head of the Tosaka family.

The child who is now named Matou Sakura, whose real name is Tohsaka Sakura, is the second daughter of the Tosaka family, one year younger than the eldest daughter Tosaka Rin.

Since the magic seal of a magician family can generally only be passed down to one heir, the older Rin became the heir to the Tohsaka family.

On the other hand, due to the dissatisfaction of the Matou family, the magic circuit in their bloodline was gradually severed. Matou Zangyan asked the head of the Tohsaka family, Tokiomi Tosaka, to adopt a person with a magic circuit as his heir to continue the descendants.

For some unknown reason, one year before the Fourth Holy Grail War, Tokiomi Tosaka agreed to Matou Zouken's proposal and adopted Sakura to the Matou family as his adopted daughter.

However, Sakura's attributes were not compatible with the Matou family's magic. Therefore, from the first day when Sakura was adopted into the Matou family when she was five years old, Matou Zangyan forcibly modified Sakura's body and implanted a large number of The imprinting insect, a lower-level familiar that can transfer the host's vitality to the magician, began to humiliate and abuse Sakura.

In the end, Sakura, now named Matou, has become a completely different child from the Sakura Matou Kariya knew earlier.

"Empty and dim eyes like a doll. The emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy in those eyes, I have never seen them in this year."

Matou Kariya's voice was hoarse and his tone was sad, and he looked at Sakura's sleeping face with great pity.

"The face of the innocent girl who once followed her sister Rin and played like a puppy has long since disappeared."

As he spoke, his expression became ferocious again.

"And all of this is Shiji's fault!!! If he hadn't abandoned Sakura, this child wouldn't have suffered those hardships!!!"

He began to mutter nervously to himself again: "I must... kill him... kill Tokiomi..."


Uchiha raised an eyebrow.

He didn't understand. Although this child had indeed gone through many tragic things, but...

He had an intuition that Matou Kariya might have other factors that he didn't reveal.

Otherwise, he, a man who had long since fled his family and away from magic, would actually do this for this child.

Also, his hatred for Tokiomi Tohsaka is somewhat abnormal.

He never thought that maybe it was because the child was originally too qualified but could not inherit the family's magic circuit. In this case, Tokiomi Tosaka was deceived by Matou Zouken?

However, Uchiha Li did not question it.

After all, he didn't know Tokiomi Tohsaka, so maybe he was just so crazy about selling his daughter.

Uchiha Li, who was not too interested in this, reminded him! : "Kariya-kun, this child is fine now, you will be next."


Matou Kariya raised his head.

"to you."

Uchiha nodded affirmatively.

"I guess Mr. Kariya himself should be very aware of his physical condition. You are just showing off your strength by participating in the Holy Grail War. Every time you use your magic power, you are overdrawing your life. If you continue like this, you won't be able to hold on much longer."

Matou Kariya nodded. He was very aware of his physical condition. After all, everything he was doing now was at his own request.

He had previously made an exchange agreement with Matou Zouken. If he could win the Holy Grail, Matou Zouken would return Sakura to the Tohsaka family.

Since Matou Kariya has not received any magic instruction from Zouken since he was a child, he does not have the ability to be a magician.

However, in order to participate in the Holy Grail War, he asked Zangyan to have the marking worm injected into his body a year before the war began, but his body also became corrupted due to this relationship.

In him, the imprinted insect mainly embodies the function of expanding the magic circuit, acting as a magic circuit, and converting the vitality of the implanted person into magic power.

But it was precisely for this reason that Matou Kariya's life was only a few months old before the Holy Grail War began.

His magic was obtained at the cost of his own body and life, and his magic circuits were formed by other creatures parasitic in his body.

And the burden of stimulating it and activating it is a severe pain that cannot be compared to the pain of other magicians.

Although he had noticed it for a long time, Uchiha Li still felt a little shocked when he heard the details from the person involved.

In order to save this child, Matou Kariya actually did this.

Although Uchiha Li felt that his thoughts and actions were full of stupidity and impulsiveness, he had to admit that this man had indeed accomplished something that many people could not do.

And Lancelot obviously didn't know the specific situation. At this moment, he could only look at Matou Kariya worriedly.

Uchiha pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Kariya-kun, now you only have two choices."

Said to Matou Kariya.

"First, I can save your life, but the price is to give up magic completely, right away."

"No! I haven't..."

Matou Kariya objected excitedly.

Uchiha interrupted him: "If you insist on not giving up, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about it."

He said to Lancelot: "Have a good talk with your master, Lancelot. You must know that even if he gives up magic now, he will not be able to fully recover. I can only guarantee that he will survive for a few more years. .”

He turned and walked towards the sewer exit.

"Kariya-kun, if you give up now, you may still have a chance to survive until the child reaches adulthood. If you don't give up and continue to fight, you can only hold on for a few days at most."

He waved his sleeves, and a piece of paper talisman flew out and folded into a paper crane, flying to Lancelot.

"If you have made a decision, please use paper crane to contact me. Please remember, the longer you delay, the weaker Kariya-kun will be."

Uchiha Li's back disappeared.

"By the way, I suggest you two move as soon as possible. After all, Assassin has discovered this place..."


Enzang Mountain.

Uchiha Li watched the paper man clone that borrowed Abe Seimei's appearance appear in the formation in front of him.

"Bring it."

He stretched out his hand.

The paper man clone took out from his sleeve a puppet covered in pitch black and wrapped with spiritual chains.

Uchiha Li wrapped his palms with spiritual power and took the doll shrouded in black mist.

He revealed the Mangekyo Sharingan, looked at the doll in his hand carefully, and said, "Matou Zouken."

Then, he loosened the chains on the doll a little.

"I see, the one who hid it the most is you, Caster!"

Matou Zouken's voice came from the doll.

"Everyone has been deceived by you! With such eyes, you are not Abe Seimei at all!!!"


Uchiha Li chuckled.

"I think even if Master Qingming knew about it, he wouldn't mind if I borrowed some of his old man's names."

"who are you?"

Matou Zouken's soul was bound in the doll, and he felt great pressure under the gaze of Uchiha's demonic eyes.

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