Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 512 Caster appears

While Uchiha was rummaging through his memories, Master Lancer, who was hiding on top of the warehouse on the other side, began to speak.

"Who did I think boldly stole my holy relic, Weber Velvet?"

Uchiha paid some attention and understood the entanglement between the two masters from the words of Lancer's master who did not show up and the reaction of the young master next to Rider.

It seems that Lancer's master is the mentor of Rider's master, Waver Velvet, and Waver Velvet stole the holy relic that originally belonged to his mentor and ran away to participate in the Holy Grail War without permission. This behavior obviously angered the mentor.

As a tutor, Master Lancer is going to provide extracurricular tutoring for his students, and the theme is "the cruel fight between magicians".

This frightened Webber Velvet, like a mouse seeing a cat, he hid behind the tall Rider with his head in his hands, and howled silently.

At the critical moment, Rider seemed quite satisfied with his timid and young Master. He directly told his mentor that the Master he wanted was a man who could fight alongside him, rather than one who hid secretly and did not dare to show up. coward.

Master Lancer seemed so angry that he could only snort.

Rider, who was later dubbed the Conqueror King, opened his hands and shouted loudly: "Hey! There are others here! Those guys who are hiding in the dark and peeping!"

"What do you mean, Rider?" Saber couldn't understand the words and deeds of the conquering king.

Rider gave her a thumbs up and praised: "Saber, and Lancer, the battle between you is so exciting!"

Under the confused looks in Saber and Lancer's eyes, he continued: "I must not be the only heroic spirit attracted by the clear sound of swords clashing!"

"The heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail, please gather here now!!"

he shouted, arms raised in the air.

"Cowards who are afraid of showing their faces will be despised by my conqueror, Iskander!!!"


At this time, Uchiha Li finally compiled the information about the three heroic spirits in front of him, and couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Rider's heroic words.

Did I understand the rules of this Holy Grail War wrong?

However, no one would be so stupid as to listen to his words and run away, right?

"I really didn't expect that two rats who ignored my existence and claimed to be king actually appeared overnight."


Uchiha Li turned his head and looked at the shining golden figure standing on top of the street lamp, silently twitching the corners of his mouth.

There really is! ! !

Uchiha Li recognized at a glance that it was the Archer of the Tohsaka family.

At this time, Rider said to the new heroic spirit in displeasure: "You are making excuses. I, Iskandar, am the recognized conqueror!"

"Absurd! I am the only hero who can be called a king!" Standing on the street lamp, Archer is the living interpretation of the word arrogance. "The others are just bastards!"

Faced with Archer's arrogant attitude, Rider did not get angry at all. Instead, he calmly raised his head and asked, "In that case, let me tell you your name. Since you are also a king."

"Ask me? How dare a mere bastard ask me?"

Archer seemed to feel that he was offended, his voice became angry, and he broke the lampshade of the street lamp under his feet.

"Enjoying the honor of being able to meet my king, but not knowing my identity!"

Large golden ripples lit up in the air behind him.

"You fools don't deserve to live!"

In an instant, several weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds poked their heads out from the golden ripples.

Are you going to start a fight if you disagree?So irritable?

Uchiha Li couldn't understand the thoughts of this heroic spirit at all. He was just a little annoyed that he had to find out more information!

Seeing Archer showing his intention to attack, both Saber and Lancer were on guard, and Saber stood directly in front of Irisviel.

However, just as the weapons behind Archer adjusted their angles and were about to aim at Rider, something suddenly changed here.

A black whirlwind was generated out of thin air, accompanied by a roar like a wild beast. The whole body was filled with thick black fog, and the heroic spirit wrapped in black armor suddenly appeared, roaring to the sky.

Saber frowned at the crazy figure and said, "Berserker?"

"I said, King of Conquerors." Lancer on the side laughed instead, "Aren't you going to invite that guy?"

The Conqueror King didn't mind and said naturally: "That guy seems to be unable to communicate..."

Just as Rider and his master were discussing Berserker's strength, Uchiha Li on the other side did suddenly frown.

"This filthy smell?" He was a little unsure. "Because I don't know anything about so-called magic, I'm not sure whether this is caused by the madness of the Berserker class or other reasons..."

"Would you like to go out and test it out, Caster?"

asked the paper shikigami wearing Sasuke's appearance.

"It's already chaotic enough." Uchiha Li raised his head and glanced, "With Assassin squatting on the gantry ceiling, all the heroic spirits have really gathered here."

Shikigami said: "Then, do you want to be robbed and killed on the way?"

"No, Caster will always show up."

Uchiha Li took out a piece of colored paper and stuck it on his body.

"Instead of letting others worry about temptation, it is better to mislead them openly."

In an instant, Uchiha Li changed his image.

Wearing white hunting clothes, white hair and a black crown, holding a folding fan, this is exactly what Abe Seimei looks like.

At this time, Archer, who was being stared at by Berserker, was furious.

"Who allowed you to stare at me with your eyes, rabid dog!"

The weapon behind Archer shifted its target.

"At least please me with your tragic death, bastard!!!"

A gun shot out of his face at the same time, followed by a violent explosion, and the billowing smoke enveloped Berserker.

However, several other heroic spirits present clearly saw that Berserker actually caught the sword Archer shot with his bare hands, and then casually knocked away a spear.

"You actually used your dirty hands to touch this King's Noble Phantasm. Are you in such a hurry to die, rabid dog!!"

Archer's anger increased to a higher level, the golden ripples in the air behind him expanded again, and countless weapons emitting cold light poked their heads out again.

At this moment, a light laughter sounded.

Everyone hurriedly followed the prestige.

A young man in white clothes and a black crown stood on the top of the container, with a gentle smile on his face and slowly waving the folding fan in his hand. Behind him was a young man with black hair and black eyes.

"Good evening, everyone."

As the young man spoke, ancient ideas came to his face.

"I'm being polite."

He frowned slightly as he looked at the roaring Berserker as the smoke cleared.

"It's really pitiful. This warrior's mind was destroyed by such powerful resentment, and he has turned into a ghost-like existence."

This young man who suddenly appeared began to talk to himself after appearing, but no one at the scene disturbed him.

His voice was gentle and sweet, as if it had a different kind of magic power, making everyone calm down instantly.

For a moment, even Berserker stopped roaring.

"You guy." Archer temporarily stopped attacking, staring at the newly appeared heroic spirit with his red eyes like snakes, "Caster, you just want to disturb my fun, you are overestimating your capabilities. "

"Caster? Hahahaha, as a Caster, you actually dare to show up on the battlefield?" Rider interjected, "Hey! Caster, although it is not wise for you to come here, you are brave, so do you want to join me?"

"This is what I am asking Caster, bastard!"

Archer was interrupted by Rider and immediately glared at him.

Uchiha Li chuckled again, ruining the atmosphere of the confrontation between the two.

"I'm not here to fight with you. As you can see, I'm just a Caster, and I'm not good at fighting."

Although he spoke modestly, his posture was calm when facing several powerful heroes, which made people dare not underestimate him easily.

"It's rare that all the heroic spirits gather together tonight."

Uchiha Li raised his hand, and a piece of paper talisman instantly rose into the sky, drawing a straight line of light in the night sky, and then exploded.

Everyone followed the light and saw Assassin squatting on the ceiling of the gantry, his figure revealed in the light of the exploding paper talisman.

Although he disappeared immediately, he was caught by the sight of the heroic spirits at that moment.

"Assassin? He's not dead!!!"

Weber Velvet suddenly exclaimed when he saw Assassin's figure.

Rider reacted immediately: "Did you run away? It seems that Assassin and Archer formed an alliance and put on a show in front of everyone last night?"


Faced with Rider's speculation, Archer did not speak, but his brows were condensed, as if he was suppressing boundless anger.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

At this moment, Berserker, who had been quiet for a while, roared again at Archer, who was standing on the street lamp.

"Are you so anxious to die, rabid dog!!"

Archer seemed to have nowhere to vent his anger, and immediately targeted Berserker.

And Uchiha Li.

"And you, Caster." He sneered again, "Since you dare to disturb and offend me, you will die together with this rabid dog!!!"

As he spoke, the weapons behind him turned around and shot out in two batches.

"Yan Ling? Shou!"

Uchiha Li Yang threw a few paper charms around himself and "Sasuke", instantly forming a transparent barrier that enveloped the two of them.

Archer's Noble Phantasm shot, but in the end it only left cracks on the translucent barrier.

On the other hand, Berserker relied on his powerful martial arts skills to catch the sword with his bare hands, constantly snatching Archer's precious phantom and resisting his attacks.

Smoke and dust floated away again, but both of them were unscathed.

"My lord, I have no intention of offending your majesty."

Uchiha Liwen said words of weakness, but everyone could hear that there was not much sincerity.

Just when Archer was furious, Uchiha Li held a piece of paper talisman between his fingers and drew a mark of a five-pointed star in the air.

"Yan Ling? Bind!"

The same five-pointed star pattern appeared under Berserker's feet, and several thick spiritual chains sprang out from the ground, quickly tying up Berserker who was planning to throw weapons at Archer.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Berserker howled again, black mist filled his body, and he began to struggle violently.

The armor and chains on his body made a tooth-gripping sound.

"go with!"

Uchiha Li once again raised his hand and threw a few paper charms and stuck them on Berserker. Berserker struggled for a moment and suddenly became quiet again.

Just as Uchiha launched his spell on Berserker, Archer stopped.

At this time, he looked at the chains binding Berserker, and suddenly looked at Uchiha Li with great interest, and asked: "Caster, do you want to surrender to me? But if you think it's just a matter of binding the pillars, A rabid dog can make me forgive your offense, so I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed.”

"No and no."

Uchiha Li waved his fan to remove the barrier around him, and then lightly jumped from the top of several layers of containers to the ground.

His broad sleeves fluttered in the wind, like a light bird, riding the wind and landing next to Berserker.

And everyone was surprised to find that the young man who was suspected to be the Master had disappeared from where he originally was.

This may be a deliberate display of Caster's skills, but it also made others think of him higher again.

"Everyone, don't you want to know the true identity of Berserker?"

He kept smiling and walked around Berserker calmly.

"I don't know which contestant deliberately created such a completely zombie-sane opponent, but I think this is too disrespectful to the hero."

"Are you telling the truth, Caster?" Saber seemed to be very interested in Uchiha Li's proposal, "Can you bring Berserker back to his senses?"

Lancer said: "Can this kind of thing be done? You must know that Berserker lost his mind because of the class bonus!"

Uchiha shook his fan and said confidently: "A warrior is just blinded by strong resentment. It just so happens that removing filth in this way is exactly what I am good at."

Having said this, he tightened his fan and bowed gracefully to Archer.

"I wonder what this great king and everyone else think?"


Archer suddenly laughed.

"It's really interesting, Caster. I agree! Let me see the true face hidden under the skin of that mad dog. It will definitely be a surprising show!"

"The heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail are all heroes who have left their names in history. It is too sad that Berserker can only appear in front of us in this posture."

Saber looked at Berserker with some pity.

"I agree."

"I agree too! I wonder if Berserker will be easier to talk to after he wakes up." Rider also nodded.


Lancer glanced at the place where his Master was hiding, and seeing that the Master didn't make a sound, he nodded accordingly.

"It is inconsistent with chivalry to fight someone who has no will. Caster, I will do as you say."

"Then thank you all for your trust."

Uchiha Li didn't expect that these heroic spirits actually agreed, and he suddenly laughed meaningfully.

Although he knew that this was because Berserker had no allies, and others wanted to get his information, he deliberately agreed to it, but as long as his goal was achieved, he didn't need to care about anything else.

"Caster, you... aren't you afraid that Berserker's master will summon him away with a command spell?" Webber Velvet suddenly asked.

"no need to worry."

Uchiha smiled.

"I'm sending you some important information. As an Onmyoji, I'm pretty good at contracts and other spells."

He unfolded his fan again to cover his mouth and nose, then smiled and frowned.

"So, even if the contract between the heroic spirit and the magician in the so-called Holy Grail War cannot be completely broken, it will still be very easy for me if I just temporarily disconnect the contract."

"What... what..."

Weber Velvet's eyes widened in surprise, and he grabbed Rider's arm with both hands in panic.

"you you……"

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