Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 510 Great Disparity in Combat Power

"Hey, what's going on?"

The severe pain made Uchiha Ryunosuke break away from the mental induction created by Uchiha Li's words.

"Do you feel it, Ryunosuke?"

Uchiha looked at him with a smile.

"Clear and true death."


Ryuunosuke Uyu was stunned for a moment when he felt the warm blood gushing out from where his hands were holding the knife.

"So that's how it is...so that's how it is..."

At this moment, he felt extremely real pain.

As time passed, the vitality taken away by the flowing blood made him clearly feel that death was coming step by step.

"It turns out that what I wanted...has always been here..."

He suddenly tightened his grip on the dagger and violently cut his abdomen across.

clap la la...

Instantly, blood gushed out from his abdomen.

He knelt down weakly on the ground, his hands loosened, and the dagger still fell into the pool of blood on the ground.

"It's so warm..."

He suddenly put his right hand into the wound in his abdomen, closed his eyes and felt the body temperature in his abdominal cavity intoxicated.

"What... it's that simple... but I haven't found it..."

He muttered to himself, his face getting paler.

At this moment, his facial features were distorted by pain, but he still had a strange and satisfied smile.

"Thank you...Mr. Devil..."

His body fell limply to the ground.

"It's so nice to get to know you...so cool..."

Uchiha looked at the young man lying on the ground in silence. Blood kept pouring out from under him, and the blood stain on the ground was getting bigger and bigger.

"I finally got...cool..."

The voice of Ryuunosuke Uyu was almost inaudible, but he used his last strength to turn over and lie flat on the ground, with his hands crossed on his chest.

After completing these actions, the ferocious color on his face disappeared, revealing a satisfied smile.

Then slowly stop breathing.

Uchiha stood up and took a step back to avoid the blood on the ground.

At the moment of Ryuunosuke Ubu's death, firefly-like light spots floated out of Uchiha Ri's body, and at the same time he felt that his body was beginning to dissipate.

He quickly formed a seal with his hands, and then stretched out his left hand to grab it.

The bright red Command Seal on the back of Yuyu Ryunosuke's right hand turned into three dazzling red lights and flew out instantly.

Uchiha Li firmly grasped the red light in his hand, and then patted the back of his right hand.

The red light dissipated, turning into a red pattern that appeared on the back of his hand.


Uchiha Li raised his right hand and looked at the command spell on the back of his hand.

At the same time, he felt that his body's previous tendency to dissipate had stopped.

But he knew this was only temporary.

Before that, he already knew that he was replacing Caster, one of the seven classes of heroic spirits in this Holy Grail War.

Heroic spirits of this class usually do not have the ability to act alone.

Now that he has obtained the command spell, the energy in his body that was about to dissipate and turned into magic by the magician has been temporarily stabilized, but he is unable to fight.

If he consumes energy in battle, his body will dissipate again.

What's more, he can feel that Madara seems to have become his shikigami. If he wants to summon Madara to fight, he will have to violently consume the magic power in his body.

However, this is also the reason why he chose Liudong Temple, which is rich in underground magic power, as his base.

Although he can always use genjutsu to control Ryunosuke Uyu to use him for his own use, there is no need to worry about him using command spells to forcefully order him.

But it is obvious that Ryunosuke Uyu is a complete amateur as a magician and has little power, so he cannot supply much magic power to him.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't maintain his fighting power at all, let alone summon Madara.

The death of Ryunosuke Ubu was doomed from the beginning.

Uchiha put down his right hand, stepped over Ryunosuke Ubu's body, opened the door and walked out of the wing.

It was completely dark at this time, and the whole temple was silent.

Uchiha Li walked out of the courtyard and walked straight to the back of the temple.

He walked through several courtyard paths until he reached the mountains.

"Is this right here..."

Feeling the unusually surging spiritual veins under his feet, Uchiha smiled with satisfaction.

He opened his bright red Mangekyō Sharingan and easily saw through the spiritual nodes that formed the Great Holy Grail.

Reaching out and taking out a stubby branch from his sleeve, Uchiha Li raised his hand and threw the branch on the spiritual vein node.

The branch inserted into the ground and began to rapidly and automatically extract the spiritual veins from the ground. Then it suddenly expanded and turned into a monster. It opened its mouth and began to howl.


This roughly humanoid monster was only about one person tall, with sharp wooden spines growing on its body.

It is exactly the same as the monster that split from the Ten-Tails in the Rain Kingdom War.

"Okay, shut up! Let's get started!"

Uchiha Li scolded him.

The monster shook, closed its mouth, and its skin suddenly turned into wood. Its body continued to lengthen and grow taller, branches and leaves sprouted from its head, and it turned into a big tree in an instant.

This was a gift given to Uchiha Ri by King Yama some time ago.

It was originally prepared for the subsequent war against the Otsutsuki clan.

The Ten-Tails that connects the different spaces in the depths of hell has been completely controlled by King Yama before it grows up, and such a split body has become a useful prop.

It inherits part of the characteristics of the Ten-Tails and can extract earth energy from anywhere and convert it into the spiritual supplement that Uchiha needs.

Uchiha Li originally wanted to go directly to the Otsutsuki clan's lair, which was also a guarantee.

But he didn't expect that this small prop would come in handy this time.

After being disguised as a heroic spirit by Alaya, in order to adapt to the relevant rules of the Holy Grail War, he carried various props with him. The space paper talisman hidden in his sleeve has turned into a skill. In the terms of the Holy Grail War, It's a treasure.

Correspondingly, he also lost the Caster class skill, [Prop Creation].

Another class skill [position construction] is still retained.

Uchiha Li stepped forward and reached out to stroke the rough bark of the big tree transformed from the split body of the Ten-Tails.

A steady stream of magic power poured into his body from his palms, quickly filling his body.

Uchiha Li let go and thought about his current disadvantage.

Although replenishing magic power in this way is fast and continuous, it also prevents his body from leaving this place easily.

Because replenishing magic power must come into contact with the big tree, if he exhausted his magic power by fighting elsewhere, he would not be able to replenish it at all.

So he decided not to leave this place easily, and used the paper mannequin to test other participants.

As for Madara, he can definitely be used as a trump card.

After Uchiha thought clearly, he directly threw a paper man used as a clone, and then watched it transform into the same appearance as himself.

The paper man clone opened his eyes and looked at Uchiha Li, and said, "I understand, but I'm afraid he doesn't have much fighting power in this state."

"It's ok."

Uchiha Li handed him a stack of small paper shikigami and various paper charms.

"Let's focus on gathering intelligence. For some reason, Alaya didn't tell us the future he saw. Your first priority is to collect information on other combatants as soon as possible. We must find out what Alaya said. Who is the guy who will cause the extinction of humankind?"

"I see."

The paper man clone took the little paper man and the paper talisman and put it in his wide sleeves.

"Then I'll go."

He turned around, jumped lightly onto the tree in front of him, then jumped continuously, landed on the roof of the temple, and quickly left Liudong Temple.

"Then, I'm going to start decorating here too."

Uchiha Li looked at the surrounding environment, then took out a stack of paper charms and began to arrange a barrier around them.

He did not try to include the entire Liudong Temple to prevent others from easily developing abnormalities in the temple.

If you choose to place the barrier in the mountains, you may be able to avoid detection by some enemies.

If possible, he decided to avoid using his body to fight the enemy in the first few days of these seven days.

After the relatively simple barrier was set up, Uchiha Li returned to the temple, took out Ryunosuke Ubu's body, and cleaned up the blood stains in the room.

After throwing the body deeper into the mountain, Uchiha returned to the barrier and sat cross-legged under the big tree, his senses connected to the paper man's clone.

At this time, the paper man's clone had arrived in the city below the mountain and stood on the top of a high-rise building.

He summoned four paper shikigami at random.

"Go." He ordered, "Go and monitor the so-called three families, Tohsaka, Matou, Einzbern, and the Holy Church."

Four palm-sized paper figures stood at his feet, waving their little hands.

"Indeed." The paper man clone touched his chin, "The location of Einzbern cannot be determined."

After that, he raised his hand and summoned several similar little paper figures.

"Then, just spread out and search for any unusual clues in the city."

A group of small paper figures nodded at the same time, jumped away, jumped over the fence on the top of the building, floated away in the wind, and then folded automatically in mid-air, turning into small paper cranes and flying away quickly.

The paper man clone also took out a transformation talisman and slapped it on his body, transformed into an ordinary young male, opened the iron door at the top of the building and walked out.

At this time, Uchiha Li sensed the paper man clone that kept walking up the stairs, carefully recalled the common sense stuffed in his mind, and issued an order to the paper man clone.

The paper man clone was stunned for a moment, then walked out of the stairwell and pressed the down button of the elevator.

Taking the elevator to the ground floor, the paper man's clone used a simple illusion to confuse the administrator, and came to the street through the door.

It was already late at night, and the streets were deserted except for a few drunken uncles wandering on the roadside.

The paper man clone walked aimlessly, sensing the position of the little paper man shikigami from time to time.


At this time, a silent invasion was taking place at the residence of the Tohsaka family, one of the three imperial families.

The figure, who was completely black and wore a white skull mask on his face, jumped, spun, and sneaked lightly in the courtyard of the Tohsaka Residence, avoiding the magic workshop defenses carefully arranged by the owner of the mansion.

He quietly approached the core of the defense.


After commenting, he stretched out his hand to destroy the red gem on the core device.

A sharp sound broke through the air, and before the intruder could react, a sword fell from the sky and pierced his right hand, which was intended to destroy the core.

"You're just a bug crawling on the ground, who allowed you to raise your head?"

The tall figure standing on the roof appeared in the eyes of the intruder.

There were circles of golden ripples in the air behind the figure, and countless swords, guns, swords and halberds emerged from the ripples.

The golden light behind him made the figure look a little blurry, and the intruder could only vaguely see his outline. He seemed to be wearing gorgeous armor, standing with his arms folded, and his arrogant posture wildly filled everyone nearby. An inch of air.

In an instant, several more rays of light flashed through, and several different weapons fired rapidly from behind the figure.

"Unexpectedly...that guy..."

When the intruder was surprised, a sword instantly pierced his head.

Then, two or three weapons fell from the sky one after another, smashing the invaders and the surrounding ground to pieces.

The broken white skull mask fell to the ground.

"You guys don't have an audience with me."

The figure on the roof said his declaration in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Insects should look like insects, crawl on the ground, and then die."


After half an hour.

The clone of the paper man wandering on the street stopped and reached out to catch the paper crane that burst out of the air.

He closed his eyes slightly, then opened them again and threw the paper crane away.

"Go ahead and keep watching."

The paper crane nodded humanely, flapped its wings and flew away again.

At this time, Uchiha Li, who was far away on Enzo Mountain, also knew about the invasion battle with huge disparity in strength that Zhihe saw through the senses connected with the paper man's clone.


It seems that those so-called heroic spirits cannot be underestimated.

Uchiha Li undoubtedly has a more intuitive understanding of the existence of heroic spirits.

Judging from the attack method, the heroic spirit guarding the Tohsaka family's residence should be...

Uchiha Li carefully recalled the introduction of the seventh middle school class, and finally made a judgment using the elimination method.

About... Archer?


Uchiha Li had always taken the meaning literally, thinking that Archer was an archer who used bows and arrows as weapons.

It seems that there is no such strict division.

That's not archery, but sword shooting.

Therefore, he is not [-]% sure of his judgment.

That kind of fighting style for archers is too awkward.

As for the heroic spirit who died tragically during the invasion, it was much easier to judge.

Assassin, assassin.

However, he always felt awkward about this battle.

Although Assassin is indeed not strong in frontal combat and is only suitable for stealth assassinations, but...

This defeat was too easy.

Based on his understanding, unless Assassin's master was a completely ignorant novice, he would not have made the decision to let Assassin break into the Tosaka family.

No matter how Assassin was a covert assassin, it was too foolish to break into a magician's mansion with a magic workshop and a heroic spirit servant so recklessly.

Thinking about it, the correct way is to take advantage of the magician participating in the battle to go out and the servant to fight with others before assassinating the master?

Uchiha thought for a while.

Decided to keep an eye on the Holy Grail War as a neutral institution, the Holy Church as the war supervisor.

It must be possible to make a correct judgment on whether there is something fishy about this matter after observing Master Assassin who has lost his servant and goes to seek refuge.

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