Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 502 Dinner Time

Uchiha thought about it for a while, but still had no clue about Orochimaru's purpose, so he put his thoughts aside for the time being.

He believed that no matter what Orochimaru wanted to do, he would see it clearly one day.

However, before that, he decided to talk to Yuan about this matter.

Before night came again, Yuan returned to the castle in time for dinner.

"Why are you back so soon?" Uchiha was a little surprised. "I thought you would play a few more days."

Yuan shook his head and said, "It's boring. You know I'm not that keen on banquets."

"Yes, it's dinner time, let's go out."

Uchiha opened the door to the room, took Yuan's hand and walked out of the room, and the two of them walked in the long corridor.

"Please ask King Yama to send you back?" Uchiha asked as he left his mouth.

"Otherwise." Yuan glanced at him sideways, "You clearly know that the fixed passage controlled by Kaori can only lead to the great rivers and mountains."

"Okay, it's my fault." Uchiha apologized casually.

The two didn't speak after that, and walked slowly holding hands.

"Orochimaru came to see me today..."

Uchiha Li talked about what Orochimaru said when he came to him.

"What do you think..." He looked at Yuan, "What is his purpose?"

Yuan frowned and shook his head slightly.

She raised her eyes and looked into Uchiha Li's eyes and said: "You are a human, so you cannot understand the thinking mode of monsters, and I cannot imagine the thinking mode of humans. It may be meaningless for the two of us to discuss this matter. "

"Is that so?"

Uchiha thought for a while and said: "Maybe that's true."

"So, do you think so too? Is it impossible for humans and monsters to understand each other?" Yuan suddenly felt a little disappointed.


Uchiha Li was startled by her jumping thoughts.

He suddenly realized that the difference in thinking patterns between him and Yuan was probably not the difference between humans and monsters, but the difference between men and women.

In other words, the difference in thinking patterns between men and women is greater than the difference between humans and monsters?

"Why do you think so?" He looked at Yuan in surprise and held her little hand tightly, "I didn't feel much difference. This statement is just a hypothesis. Orochimaru's words are not reliable. letter."

Yuan stared at his expression for a long time before looking away.

"Maybe." She curled her lips, "But I always feel that you are lying to me."

"how is this possible!"

Uchiha Li shouted that he was wronged.

"I don't have any secrets in front of you, and I don't think I will lie in front of you."

"Humph, just say so."

Yuan laughed.

After that, the two of them didn't speak anymore, just walked slowly in the corridor in silence.

It seems Yuan doesn’t have any good ideas.

Uchiha Li temporarily put aside the matter about Orochimaru.

After that, the two walked through the corridor and hall and walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen of this castle is very spacious.

It can be seen from the architectural scale of the entire castle that there were many descendants of Hamura who originally lived here during the construction of the castle.

Although only Otsutsuki Toneri is left, because he can control many puppets through the reincarnation eye, it does not seem empty.

After Uchiha and his party moved in, many areas of the castle became completely empty.

When Team Sasuke lived here alone before, several people took turns being responsible for cooking.

After Uchiha came back, he saw that the cooking skills of several teenagers were not very good, so he specially made a few simple paper shikigami to take care of these trivial matters in life.

Paper Shikigami do not possess complete intelligence and can only complete some mechanical and stylized tasks.

Although food made precisely from a recipe lacks emotion and creativity, it is still much better than making it yourself.

The kitchen was obviously very busy at this time.

All the paper shikigami were gathered together in the spacious kitchen, and there seemed to be a lot of food being prepared.

"Is Sasuke preparing to treat you?"

Uchiha glanced at it, then took Yuan to the dining table and sat down.

He left the function of accepting orders on the paper man shikigami.

Of course, only he and Yuan, as well as a few people from Sasuke's team, could command these shikigami to work using words.

Yuan said nonchalantly: "Those children, aren't they playing together? Treating guests is normal."



For monsters, a combat competition that does not harm lives is indeed just a slap in the face.

There is still a difference.

Uchiha suddenly thought.

Seeing that Uchiha Li was suddenly thinking about something again, Yuan asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking..." Uchiha Li raised his eyes and looked at her and said, "I'm wondering if, with your ability, you can successfully invade the Otsutsuki clan's dream and let us find what we want."

"I'm afraid not."

Yuan Bu doubted his presence and replied: "Not to mention that my ability cannot cross the empty universe and find the dream link outside the planet. Even if I can enter, there is no guarantee whether I can escape intact. You should still remember, When we broke into the Black Zetsu spiritual world, we encountered Kaguya Otsutsuki."

"I remembered... the Otsutsuki clan is really powerful in all aspects." Uchiha clicked his tongue, "Whether it is body, spirit or energy, they are much stronger than humans."

Yuan thought that he was a little worried about the future, so he suggested: "Didn't you say that the Otsutsuki clan who came to test this time can handle it? If the enemy can be captured by then, then I can try it to see if I can invade their territory." Seeking information in dreams.”

"Do not."

Uchiha shook his head.

“Back then, we just threw Black Zetsu’s spiritual power and Otsutsuki Kaguya’s spiritual tentacles, but both were damaged.

Although my strength has become much stronger now, enough to provide you with better support, but if the target is a member of the Otsutsuki clan who is in good condition, it will still be a big risk.

I don't want you to put yourself at risk. "

Yuan wanted to say more, but Uchiha Li raised his hand to stop him.

"It makes no sense to talk about it now. Let's talk about it later."

While the two were talking, the Paper Man Shikigami came out of the kitchen carrying plates of food and placed the food on the dining table.

"Sasuke and those boys, did they forget about dinner time?"

Seeing that the group of people showed no sign of returning to the castle, Uchiha raised his hand and released a paper crane.

"It might get too busy later, and our children here won't be able to let go."

Uchiha suggested.

"I guess we should go back to our room and eat alone?"

Yuan thought for a while and felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he nodded.

So, after Uchiha ordered the paper man shikigami to deliver the meal, the two returned to their room.

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