Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 496 Star Trail Prophecy

That morning, a piece of news quickly spread among the people stationed on the moon.

Overnight, Uchiha Li didn't know what method he used to announce that all the satellites were in place this morning.

In short, the leaders of several forces gathered in the castle hall again and waited.

At this time, Uchiha Li did not appear for the time being, and several people sat on several sofas in the hall and observed each other.

Darui looked at Minato and asked first, "What happened? Lord Yondaime Hokage, you and Lord Ri seem to have the best relationship. You should know some news that we don't know, right?"

"Indeed." Huangtu began to help, "After all, Konoha is the first village to start cooperating with Lijun. There should be a deeper trust than those of us."

Before Minato could answer, Shion asked, "Is it true? All the satellites have disappeared?"

"It's absolutely true, little miko girl." Kono said, "I think... everyone here who has the ability to confirm has already confirmed it."

As an ally of Konoha, Maki from Sunagakure Village just glanced at Minato and did not join the ranks of "asking" Minato.

But it didn't help Minato exonerate him.

"Sorry, everyone, I don't know either!"

Minato smiled very naturally and brightly.

"I think Li will be here soon. If you are curious, you can ask him yourself later. I believe he may be happy to answer your questions."

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting for a long time."

Uchiha Li slowly walked out from the corridor on one side and looked at everyone with a smile.

"But everyone seemed to be chatting happily. It seems that although everyone is from different countries, now that the moon is closer, everyone gets along very well. This is really happy."

He ignored the slightly stiff expressions of some people and walked to the empty sofa to sit down.

Then, he continued in a very natural and friendly tone: "You know, I am always a little worried before I go down.

After all, over the years, there have been constant frictions between various countries, ninja villages, and forces. It can be said that long-term hostility, grudges, and hatred have accumulated.

Now that I have brought everyone together because of my ideas, I am often worried that everyone will not be able to cooperate sincerely. "

He leaned back and leaned on the soft backrest of the sofa, tapping the armrests of the sofa with the ten fingers of his hands in turn.

With just the right amount of relief on his face, he spoke nonsense seriously.

"But now it seems that I am worrying too much."

At this time, after hearing Uchiha Li's words, except for the monks and shrine maidens who were transcendental beings, everyone else felt a little disgusted silently.

But no one showed it.

Instead, they all wore fake smiles or had expressionless faces, but they listened attentively anyway.

Uchiha Li continued: "What we need to face is the common enemy of the entire planet. If we cannot unite as one, the planet will completely lose its future.

I have always been worried about this. "

He sighed faintly, causing goosebumps to appear on everyone's body.

However, Uchiha Li's mood seemed to change very quickly, and he became happy again in the blink of an eye, and even clapped.

“But after seeing everyone today, I suddenly don’t feel too worried anymore.

With everyone present taking the lead, everyone on the planet will surely unite quickly.

In order to protect all life on the planet, I believe that everyone can do a good job. "

Minato looked at Uchiha Li's slightly exaggerated performance in shock, feeling a little amazed.

The ability to talk nonsense like this should be considered a talent!

He felt that there was no way he could do it!

Alas, I am still too young and too upright.

He thought with some annoyance.

The rest of the people were also choked by Uchiha and were speechless.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Uchiha Li's power was too powerful, not many people would be willing to believe his words and cooperate with him to complete such a crazy plan.

In the world just after the Rain Country War, everyone was very wary of the so-called intruders, the Otsutsuki clan, because they truly felt the huge threat posed by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In addition, Uchiha Li brought about endless new worlds during that war. Aliens, monsters, underworld, and even the Sage of Six Paths also endorsed him. Everyone was a little confused for a moment.

And the land distribution on the moon is a real benefit that everyone is coveted.

Uchiha Li naturally tied the whole world to his chariot.

But now...

Due to the absence of the reincarnated eye device on the land on the moon, climate change is gradually worsening, and the benefits that everyone has received have shrunk in their eyes.

And there has never been any trace of the so-called invasion of the Otsutsuki clan.

Many people began to doubt Uchiha Li's words.

Uchiha Li showed unprecedented power and even made crazy plans such as satellites orbiting the earth, which scared many people.

It's not just the person in front of him, these people on the moon, and all the insiders on the earth, they are also watching Uchiha Li's actions.

Not to mention organizational forces such as Ninja Village.

As the actual rulers of the country, the daimyo were excluded from the list of cooperation by Uchiha from the beginning, and they never even had any communication.

This caused all the daimyo nobles to have a bad impression of this guy who only heard his voice but never saw his person.

After Uchiha Li appeared, their status continued to decline.

Whether it is dividing the moon or fighting for the throne in the underworld, the daimyo nobles who used to be at the top of the world's hierarchy have been excluded.

Those politicians have always been very keen on issues related to their own interests and status.

They already feel a huge threat.

If the situation is allowed to develop like this, their advantages will be taken away bit by bit.

Nowadays, although there is no shortage of supporters of Ran Uchiha in several major ninja villages, the ninja villages living in the country cannot rely on the communication control of these people.

Uchiha Li understands that the aristocrats are trying to change the current situation through the guys in the Ninja Village who are always very wary of themselves.

Just like now, he clearly felt that most of the people sitting in front of him were becoming more and more shaken.

But he didn't care.

He also did not try to change the current situation through any means.

Because he knows very well that if he abandons his own advantages and allows himself to fight in a way that he is not good at, he will definitely lose at the hands of an enemy with more experience and more professional means.

Just like the ninjas in the Ninja Village era.

Abandon what the ninjas are good at and play politics with those politicians.

If you use your own shortcomings to compete with other people's strengths, it's no wonder that you are all controlled by others in the end.

His solution to the problem was simple.

Just make an announcement and wait for it to happen.

"In addition to handing over the keys to the satellite transmission array to everyone today according to the previously assigned plan, I have another very important announcement to make."

His tone and demeanor became solemn, which caused a change in everyone's attitude.

"Based on the changes in star orbits observed in the past few days, I have seen a clear future."

His words were unhurried, clear enough, and confident enough.

"The Otsutsuki clan's latest trial attack will come in two months."

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