Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 477 Transformation of Yin and Yang

After the game, Sasuke and the others began to enthusiastically try to practice the full concentration breathing technique.

Uchiha Li returned to his room and continued to sort out the design plans he had drawn previously.

After that, he put down his pen, walked to the suspended balcony on the other side of the room, and sat on the sofa to think.

He was thinking about the opening of the Samsara Eye.

What he said to Sasuke earlier wasn't entirely false.

Historically, Madara was the only one who opened and evolved the Sharingan Eye all the way to the Samsara Eye.Others, such as Kaguya, got brand new eyes after eating the fruit of the sacred tree, while the Sage of Six Paths inherited Kaguya's power.

Not to mention the Sage of Six Paths, even Madara's process of opening the Samsara Eye is basically irreproducible.

Madara's eyes themselves reached the level of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, and swallowed up the power of Senju Hashirama.

These two people are the reincarnation bodies of Indra and Asura Chakra respectively.

According to Madara, using this method, the speed of eye evolution is also extremely slow.

Nowadays, Sasuke and Naruto, as the reincarnation bodies of Indra and Asura chakra of this generation, may be able to try this method, but there is no 100% guarantee of success.

And now Sasuke's eyes level is not enough.

The evolution of Uchiha's own eyes is almost the same as the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, but he absolutely cannot use this method to achieve evolution.

So, he decided to start from another side.

According to the ninja's chakra theory, spiritual energy is yin and physical energy is yang.

And the powerful Yin Yang Escape can create all things.

The essence of Sharingan is Yin chakra, which is the accumulation and manifestation of spiritual power.

The bloodline of the Uchiha clan can accumulate abundant spiritual power in the eyes and activate the special structure of the eyeballs and meridians. This is the origin of the Sharingan.

The so-called pupil technique is the process in which the spiritual power of the performer interferes with reality through the release of the eyes.

Although Uchiha Li does not have chakra and has an untainted soul that is not infected by the power of the sacred tree, he is just unable to combine mental energy and physical energy into chakra.

As an Onmyoji, his spiritual energy is extremely powerful.

This is why even though he is not a ninja and has no chakra, he can still open the Sharingan.

When he clearly knows the nature of the Sharingan, he can also speculate on the reason for the birth of the Samsara Eye.

When the yin attribute evolves to its extreme, the yin pole and yang arise, which is the opportunity for the eyes of samsara to open.

Although I know the principle, it is not easy to reach that state.

As an Onmyoji, among the techniques that Uchiha Li has learned, he has been involved in the use of various attribute energies of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

It's just different from the attribute escape techniques used by ordinary ninjas.

The techniques learned by Onmyoji are similar to the sealing techniques inherited by the Uzumaki clan.

In order to reach the realm of yin and yang, Uchiha Li must focus on cultivating his own yin energy use and mental strength.

Different from the concept of ninjas, for Onmyoji, although spiritual power also belongs to the Yin attribute, the two cannot be confused.

In the Onmyoji concept, everything has yin and yang.

Heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, summer and cold, can all be divided into yin and yang.

In the use of magic, there are more yin and yang energy that can be used as the energy of the magic. For example, the resentment of ghosts belongs to yin, while the blood and energy of living people belong to yang.

Uchiha Li's current use of magic is still in the realm of [yin and yang].

In other words, when he uses which attribute energy, he can only cast certain attribute spells.

After completing the supreme goal of [Transformation of Yin and Yang], not only can he transform various energies into each other, such as arm control, which greatly enriches his spellcasting methods, but more importantly, he will also be able to naturally open the Samsara Eye.

Such a state is not an unattainable goal for Uchiha Li.

When he began to practice the "Taishanfu Junji" he received from Qingming, the practice for him was just a matter of time and effort.

So he actually knew his way forward clearly, and what made him think about it now was naturally Sasuke's problem.

For Uchiha Li, his goals have never been mundane.

However, he still retains many emotions that ordinary people should have towards the family and relatives he was born into.

Although the current Uchiha clan is rooted in the Underworld and its position is unbreakable, that is a matter on the other side after all.

Except for the indescribable Itachi, the only Uchiha in the current world is himself and Sasuke.

And his own situation is special, so Sasuke is the only Uchiha who has a foothold in the ninja world.

Although Uchiha Li didn't care too much about the advancement of the family, whether it was Izuna or Jiri, and many Uchiha people, they had high hopes for Sasuke, hoping that he could revive the reputation of Uchiha.

Uchiha Li's views on this are two simple and crude ones.

The first is to improve Sasuke's strength as much as possible, and the second is to let Sasuke create as many next generations as possible.

With more people and strong strength, wouldn’t it be possible to achieve the goal?

Now, although Sasuke's strength is not bad, he has good swordsmanship, and the Mangekyō Sharingan, it can be said that he is barely on the same level as the Kage of the major ninja villages.

However, this was not enough in Uchiha Li's opinion.

Therefore, he deliberately organized all the concentrated breathing techniques of the Demon Slayer Corps and brought them back, with the purpose of enhancing Sasuke's strength.

Moreover, this practice method from another world can also enhance the foundation of the Uchiha clan in the future.

If possible, he also wanted to help Sasuke open the Samsara Eye.

In that case, he would be completely relieved.

After all, with Sasuke's character, he really can't deal with complicated plots and calculations, and can only rely on absolute strength to crush him.

Thinking of this, Uchiha sighed a little.

I don't have any hope that the Uchiha clan will have another truly shrewd person like Izuna in the future.

After all, judging from the family's history, there is only one person like Izuna.

Just like the Thousand Hands, the Thousand Hands Tobirama is also unique.

Although Quan Na is now considered to have obtained immortality in an alternative way, once the hell of hell is on the right track, King Yama will not allow anyone under him to interfere with the affairs of this world.

This is the iron rule that He must abide by to secure his position as Lord of the Underworld.

Just how to get Sasuke to open the Samsara Eye, besides finding a way from the chakra of Indra and Asura, Uchiha Li seemed to have no better choice.

If he followed his own path, Sasuke might succeed, but the probability was so small that it was almost negligible, and it would take a long time.

Uchiha Li stretched out his fingers and tapped the armrest of the sofa, shook his head again, got up and walked into the bathroom nearby.

He decided to wait until Sasuke could train his eyes to the level of the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

Since going to another world, he has not slept for a long time due to his soul state.

Although his mental strength is huge, he has felt deep fatigue since his soul returned to his body.

It's time for a good night's sleep.

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