Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 471 Finals Begin

"Reincarnation Eye?"

After hearing Uchiha Li's words, Sasuke finally couldn't help but turned his head.

"The eye of reincarnation."

Uchiha nodded affirmatively.

"How to do it?"

Sasuke asked anxiously.

You know, he has been envious of Madara's powerful reincarnation eye for a long time.

"I just have some clues." Uchiha said, "I will tell you after I am sure."

He picked up the chopsticks and smiled slightly.

"Now, let's eat first. I'm starting."


Sasuke couldn't help but roll his eyes.


After the meal, several young people were responsible for clearing away the dishes, while Uchiha sat leisurely drinking tea.

Not long after, there was a sudden noise outside the castle.

"What's going on here?"

Uchiha Li asked aloud.

"The battle for the throne of hell is about to begin."

Sasuke's voice came from behind him.

"Oh? So that's it. Did King Yama set up the illusory magic circle here?"

Uchiha Li put down his tea cup and stood up.

"Let's go, let's go and see who can make it to the finals."

The uncle and nephew walked towards the door together, and Neji and the three on the other side also hurried over at this time.

"It's about to start!"

Shuiyue shook the water drops on her hands as she ran, causing Xianglin to scold him angrily.

Uchiha walked out of the castle gate and instantly attracted the attention of the ninjas outside.

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Not long after, several figures walked out of the crowd and came forward.

Minato from Konoha, Maki from Sunagakure, Ao from Kirigakure, Darui from Kumogakure, Loess from Iwagakure, Okusuke from the Iron Country, and Asho from the Oni Country are all moons sent by various forces on the mainland. Construction manager.



"Master Li."

Everyone greeted Uchiha Li one after another.

"Hello everyone, we are all acquaintances."

Uchiha smiled, and at some point he held a snow-white folding fan in his hand and shook it gently.

He exchanged a few words with everyone and agreed to gather together the next day to discuss the construction of the defense line. After that, he walked aside and looked at the illuminated magic circle in front of him.

Only Minato stayed by his side and seemed to have something to say.

Sasuke and several other teenagers had already run to the other side and mingled with a group of ninjas of similar age.

Uchiha Li glanced around and saw Naruto and Shikamaru from Konoha, Kankuro from Sunagakure, Chojuro from Kirigakure and others.

"Speaking of which, Sasuke said that he has been practicing in seclusion recently. Could it be that his strength has reached a new level?"

Minato asked in a casual tone.

"You can say that." Uchiha said with a smile, "But it's not a retreat, it's an exciting journey to another world."

"Another world? Really?" Minato's eyes suddenly lit up, "Why didn't you call me for such a fun thing? I remember we signed a contract. In fact, I don't mind participating in the battle as your shikigami."

"Don't you doubt the authenticity of my words?"

Uchiha glanced at him.

"And you have a wife and children to take care of. Where can you follow me?"

"Because it's you. If it's you, I don't think it's weird no matter what you do! Naruto has grown up and can take care of himself."

Minato smiled brightly.

"As for Kushina, she can come with me. She also signed a contract with you, right?"

"When I asked you to go to hell to apply for a job, you didn't even go, but now you want to run away?"

Uchiha said helplessly.

He didn't want to bring this loving couple into trouble in front of him.

If you want to take someone with you, wouldn't it be better to take Yuan along with you?

"Hahaha..." Minato laughed dryly, "Sure enough, ninjas are not used to taking time off. They used to look forward to peace when they were in war, but they didn't expect that they would not be used to ordinary life after too long. "

"It's just itchy hands."

Uchiha hit the nail on the head.


Minato continued to laugh dryly.

"Don't worry." Uchiha said, "There will be many opportunities to fight in the future. Otherwise, do you think my proposal to set up a space defense line on the moon is a joke?"

Hearing this, Minato looked up to the space above his head and said, "Even if the space defense line is completed, we will only be passively defending. Who knows when the Otsutsuki clan will arrive?"

Uchiha Li also raised his head and looked into space, his eyes reflected the constantly moving star trails, and his expression suddenly changed slightly.


he said softly.

"The fate predicted by the star trails has changed, and this time it's really fast."

At this moment, the illusion array on the other side changed, and a clear image suddenly appeared in the array, accompanied by deafening cheers.


Minato asked loudly, he didn't hear Uchiha Li's words clearly just now.

"Nothing, let's watch the game."

Uchiha Li shook his head and turned his gaze to the magic circle.


Minato didn't care either.

At this time, the picture displayed in the magic circle swept across the dark scenery of Huangquan, the majestic Yama Hall, and the dark figures on the square in front of the hall.

"I saw my dad!!!"

"Ah!! That's my grandfather!"


At this time, the ninjas gathered in front of the Moon Castle were intently staring at the fleeting figures in the screen. Once a few people saw the familiar deceased, they would shout excitedly.

The picture moved quickly, and finally settled on the high platform directly in front of the Yama Hall.

A young man with a handsome face occupies the center of the picture. He is wearing a thick black kimono, and the complex patterns in his blood-red eyes slowly rotate.

At this time, the square in front of the Yama Hall also became quiet.

"Who is that?"

"What's going on? Where is Miss Zhili? We want to see Miss Zhili!!!"

There were voices of dissatisfaction among the audience on this side of the moon.

In the crowd, those who knew the young man's identity silently glanced at Uchiha Li in the distance, and secretly shed a cold sweat for these complainers.

"Hello everyone."

At this time, the young man in the picture spoke, his voice cold and sonorous.

"I am Uchiha Izuna, the first assistant to King Yama in the Yama Palace of Hell."

"Oh, Izuna-senpai is so high-spirited."

Uchiha looked at this scene with a smile.

"Hell's first recruitment conference is the battle for the position of the ten kings of the ten palaces of hell. After this period of fierce competition, the competition has reached the final stage.

Quan Nai stretched out her hand neatly.

"Now, let's invite the 49 contestants who entered the finals of this competition!"

"Contestants please come up and show your face!"

The screen in the magic circle zooms out.

As Senju Hashirama took the lead on the high platform, the finalists appeared one after another behind Izuna.

At the same time, unprecedented loud cheers erupted simultaneously, both inside and outside the screen.

People shouted loudly the names of the players they supported, as if they were competing with each other on the pitch of their voices.

On the moon, the spectators who were originally mixed together to watch the game immediately separated into multiple small groups due to different supporters, and even started to quarrel with each other.

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