Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 468 The current situation of the moon

"Is it gentle?"

Uchiha was a little stunned.

He thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm just being considerate as much as I can, but..."

However, he did not have this kind of thinking before.


There was no such word in his dictionary.

After all, since he was young, he has shouldered the heavy yoke of saving the world alone.

When he was young, he was brought to Dajiangshan. Although he gained unprecedented power as he wished, he also automatically took over the responsibility of protecting the world.

Although when he was young, he was always inexplicably confident in himself and never hesitated.

However, those responsibilities still affected him after all.

In the past, he only had his own goals in his eyes. In order to achieve his goals, he could move forward without caring about other people's moods.

Just like when he took over the responsibility of educating Sasuke, his only relative, his training was simple and crude.

He revealed the truth to Sasuke rudely and let him learn on his own, and later even left the job of educating Sasuke directly to Onikiri, Jiri, Izuna and Madara.

As for Sasuke's inner feelings, to be honest, he didn't care too much.

Although on the surface he gave Sasuke a lot of freedom and autonomy, fundamentally speaking, he really didn't have to worry too much.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Li suddenly said to Izuna and Jiri: "Izuna-senpai, Jiri-senpai, fortunately you are here, Sasuke has grown up smoothly."

"Ah, have you finally realized this?"

Quan Nai said bluntly.

"If it weren't for old guys like us, it's hard for me to imagine what kind of person Sasuke would have grown up to be with you."

"After all, Xiaoli doesn't even know how to take care of himself."

Zhili smiled softly.

"It's really too much to ask you to take care of the child."

"Ah, Yuan is also tolerant of me a lot."

Uchiha sighed.

"Perhaps it was the achievement of the staged goal, and I finally relaxed my heartstrings. Perhaps it was the completely different atmosphere between people in the other world that made me suddenly realize many things that I would have ignored before."

"You don't have to think so much." Zhili said softly, "It is precisely because we know the responsibilities you shoulder and your significance to this world that everyone will tolerate you and help you, and you have not let everyone down. Even now There are even new changes, this is growth.”

"Ah, having said that, I'd better return to the living world as soon as possible."

Uchiha stood up.

"Izuna-senpai, do you want to see Madara-senpai?"

"No need, Huangquan will be very busy recently. I have stayed here to help the king further establish the rules."

Quan Na unexpectedly refused.

"As for my brother, let him come to hell to help. After you go back, he won't have to sit on the moon anymore."

"Sit in charge? Isn't the king controlling my body?"

Uchiha Li narrowed his eyes and stared at Yama King.

"My energy is also limited, so I don't pay much attention there."

King Yama said confidently.

"So I leave a lot of things to Madara."


Uchiha Li looked at him with contempt.

That kind of thing is just like creating a clone at random. As a god, don't take it too easy!

"What are you dissatisfied with? I have good intentions."

King Yama was unmoved by Uchiha Li's eyes.

"You know very well that although my soul is essentially derived from you, it is actually fundamentally different from your soul."

He took a leisurely sip of tea.

"If you interfere with your body too much, it will cause problems.

The soul essence of the gods is higher than your soul, and I and you are from the same source. If your body accepts the aura of my soul, when you come back, it will create a relationship between the soul and the body. gap. "

"Is that so, I understand."

Uchiha Li nodded.

"Open the door quickly, I want to go back."

Of course, he did not actually accept King Yama's statement.

They say they come from the same source, but he still doesn't know His real thoughts.

It's just laziness.

As long as he hides his body well, he can use some power to pretend as he pleases!

Don't think that he doesn't know that this is what he did when he used his identity to set up the illusion array.

After all, although the human body can be relied upon by gods, it is not the best choice when it is not necessary.

He was just too lazy to talk to Him.

"Okay, I see."

King Yama stretched out his hand and pointed, and a black irregular-shaped space door opened.

"Then I'll go first."

Uchiha Li didn't say anything more, waved to Izuna and Jiri, and walked into the door.


Moon Castle.

The castle that used to be deserted is still very deserted now.

Except for the ninjas walking around the reincarnation room where the teleportation circle was installed outside the castle, the castle was still quiet.

Even the ninjas walking outside, no matter which ninja village they came from, couldn't help but slow down their steps when passing near the castle.

Inside the castle.

The door to the black space suddenly opened, and Madara Uchiha, who was sitting in the room bored, suddenly turned around.

"came back."

He looked towards the empty black space door.

"Your body is in the inner room."

After saying that, he turned his head and continued to look out the window.

A few seconds later, the door to the inner room opened and Uchiha walked out.

"Senior Madara, please look after my body."

"Yes. Is Quan Nai back too?"

Madara stood up and stretched his body.

Uchiha nodded.

"I'm back. Senior Quan Nai still wants you to go to hell to help for a while."

"I see."

Madara turned to look at the door to space that had never been closed.

"Then I'll go."

His soul broke away from the puppet and walked towards the door of space.

"The documents regarding the construction of the space defense line on the moon are on the table. You can read it yourself."

After saying that, his soul entered the door of space and disappeared without a trace along with the door.


Uchiha Li bent down to pick up the puppet and put it on the table. He glanced at the pile of documents on the table, shook his head and began to close his eyes to accept the memory in the paper man clone guarding the teleportation circle.

He quickly opened his eyes and had a general understanding of the current situation of the moon.

Before he left, he sent a message to the five great ninja villages, and then the five great ninja villages sent a group of people to the moon at the specified time.

King Yama showed up on his behalf, briefly described the situation, and then threw them off the floating castle.

Then, after a period of negotiations, the ninjas quickly divided up the vast land on the moon and confirmed the defense areas they were responsible for.

He also took the initiative very domineeringly to divide the territory of other forces.

After that comes the construction of the overall defense line.

King Yama didn't worry about this matter and directly gave the construction task to those ninjas.

Once the five major ninja villages were divided, they began to take the initiative to plan and build.

During this period, Madara was only responsible for supervision.


Uchiha was a little dissatisfied.

The construction of the overall defense line must also be carefully planned. After all, the so-called defense line still relies on him to arrange some barriers.

He frowned and rubbed his temples, sat at the table and started flipping through the documents.

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