Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 462 Gifts from the World

After the product Yaozai inquired, everyone in Zhu's group began to discuss the future way out.

Beimingyu Xingming first expressed his decision to return to the temple and become a real monk.

This decision did not surprise everyone who knew him.

Others have also made their own decisions.

Butterfly Kanae decided to go to school with her sister Butterfly Shinobu, with the goal of becoming a formal doctor.

Her words stunned everyone.

Indeed, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps are generally young, many of them are children, and there are also many illiterate members in the team. Everyone should go to school!

"I decided to stay and help your lord."

Immortal Chuan Saneya said a little awkwardly.

"But I have a younger brother, and I decided to send him to school as well."

"That's great! Then, my brother Senjuro should also go to school!"

Purgatory Anjuro loudly agreed.

"As for me, I want to go home and open a kendo gym and take care of my dad at home!"

Yusui Tianyuan said directly: "As a ninja, as long as the lord still hires me, I will continue to serve the product."

"I want to support Master Lintaki in his old age."

Tomioka Giyu decided to return to Mount Sagi to accompany his teacher.

At this moment, two old men walked in from outside the door.

The former Mizuhashi who wore a red Tengu mask, breeder Rinataaki Sakonji directly refused to Tomioka Giyu: "It's not necessary, I'm not old enough to need your care!

It's better for young people to venture outside more. I think you should stay here to help my lord! "

After saying that, he and his predecessor Naruhashi Kuwashima Jigoro next to him saluted the product Shiki Yaoya.

"My lord."

"Mr. Lintaki, Mr. Kuwashima, you are here."

Ubuyashiki Yōya quickly stood up.

"Please sit down and talk."

"Yes, I and Sakonji received the news from Niu Ya for the first time, so they brought everyone over directly."

Jigoro Kuwashima is a short old man with a cane and one foot is a wooden prosthesis.

He walked aside and sat down, and began to speak: "Everything is normal over there tonight, and there are no ghost attacks. I and Sakonji were lucky enough to complete the task entrusted by the lord."

"I hope everyone is safe and you have worked hard."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said: "Just now, everyone was talking about the future way out.

The product owners will provide jobs for everyone so that everyone does not have to worry about their future lives.

In addition, I decided to sponsor those young children or team members who want to further their education to go to school. "

Everyone continued to have a heated discussion.

Uchiha Li on the side began to be immersed in his own thoughts.

Others could not witness it. At the moment when Onimusuji Mu died tragically, Uchiha Li saw the ghost lamp leading countless jailers from hell to the living world and hunting down the souls of those ghosts.

Among them, Kibutsuji Mumei's soul was suppressed by Kiden himself.

As for the moment when Onibutsuji Muzan saw the ghost lamp, Uchiha still finds it a bit funny when he thinks about it.

As the ghost king who has cast a shadow over this country for thousands of years, he met the real ghosts and gods from hell.

The result was a violent beating without any suspense.

Only the blood-stained mace in Kiden's hand silently tells the beginning of Kibutsuji Mu's tragic life.

On the other hand, Demon Dance Tsuji Mumei was a person with an extremely strong desire to survive. Seeing that he could not resist the violent crushing of ghosts and gods, he became "behaved" without dignity.

For a moment, the jaws of Naru and Yutsubo, who were also present, were shocked.

"Enjoy the relaxing moment now. What awaits you will be an indefinite punishment."

At that time, Gui Deng looked like a beast and trampled Gui Wu Tsuji Mupai under his feet and hit his head with a bloody mace. Black gas was rising all over his body, and a frightening smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry about life being boring. I will let you experience all the punishments in hell. I hope that after you have experienced it, you can give me constructive suggestions."

Then the three ghosts were so frightened that their faces were deformed.

And at that moment, Uchiha Li got the biggest gain since coming to this world.

It cannot be expressed in words, maybe that is what King Yama calls "the gift of the world".

At that moment, he only felt that his soul was soaked in warm hot water, and a feeling of extreme comfort filled every corner of his soul.

His ears echoed with the thanks conveyed by countless different voices.

In an instant, he realized clearly that it was the collective consciousness of countless humans praying for no more evil spirits in the world. It was the obsession left by countless Demon Slayer swordsmen in the past, and it was the world itself.

At the same time, he clearly felt that his soul power was constantly growing.

That is an increase that is a hundred times and a thousand times more efficient than any cultivation.

When he "split" his clone to occupy the position of King Yama, although most of the growth of King Yama's soul depended on that huge sacrifice and the opportunity for his own hell to reopen, it did not represent the separation of Uchiha. I don't have any injuries.

After all, King Yama's personality is different from other clones.

Although other clones, such as the simplest paper man clone, can be considered to have some spiritual power, they are not true split souls.

To occupy the position of Yama King and become a true god, Uchiha Li must spend a lot of money.

At the beginning, he split some of his soul's original past.

Although it wasn't much, it still had some impact on him.

Afterwards, although he worked hard to practice and received the "Taishanfu Lord Festival" given to him by Seimei, although there was some progress in tinkering with it, he was never able to truly solve the problem.

During that time, he felt that the growth rate of his spiritual power had slowed down significantly while he was practicing.

Even though it seemed easy when he repaired Orochimaru's soul, they were two completely different things.

Orochimaru made his soul full of holes because of random experiments, and Uchiha Li did not repair his soul completely.

At that time, it was just to take back the soul of his lost hands.

After Orochimaru transformed into a monster, he completely abandoned the soul fragments he had hidden in the curse seal in the past, allowing his soul to become harmonious again.

Only then did his soul power regain the possibility of progress.

As for Uchiha Li, who wanted to return his soul to perfection, he didn't have many good ways and could only rely on long-term cultivation.

But the reality is that what he lacks is time. When the Otsutsuki clan may attack at any time, he cannot accept that his growth rate slows down.

This is also the reason why he agreed immediately when King Yama talked about the so-called gift from the world when he was invited by Ghost Lantern.

Fortunately, the result did not disappoint him.

The process of killing Muzan Kibutsuji was quite easy for him. It didn't take a lot of effort at all, but in the end he got what he wanted most.

Now, Uchiha Li's soul has not only become harmonious again, but has made greater progress than expected.

This fact made Uchiha Li suddenly feel that such things could happen more often.

Then let the Demon King take the initiative to contact other hells through Santuchuan. Maybe other worlds also have such "Business maybe?"

Just when everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps was thinking about their future, Uchiha Ri was also thinking about a bright future.

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