Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 446 Specialty of Hell

When Uchiha Li stepped onto the land of hell, he saw Oni Deng and Izuna standing in front waiting for him.

"Congratulations, Uchiha-kun, for successfully completing my commission and obtaining a precious treasure."

Oni Deng greeted him very politely, which was completely opposite to his previous behavior in front of Oni Wu Tsuji Muzan.

After several interactions, Uchiha Liya has understood the character of this ghost and god.

Normally, he is actually a person who pays great attention to etiquette, but he always shows his evil side unconsciously.

"Jun Gui Deng, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command."

Uchiha Riya responded very politely.


Then he looked at Quan Nai again.

"Is your exchange study also coming to an end?"

"Ah, I've basically figured it all out, and I can start a big fight when I get back!"

Quanna laughed.

"There was news from my hometown before that the recruitment conference in hell is in full swing there. We will go back just in time to visit the finals."

"Oh? That's a coincidence."

Uchiha Li was also a little curious about this.

"The work Izuna has been responsible for during this period has been handed over."

Ghost lamp said.

His tone when talking about Izuna was more casual than when talking to Uchiha Li.

"You two can return to their original world through Santuchuan at any time."

Then, he said casually: "But I recommend that you wait three days before leaving."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

Uchiha asked curiously.

At the same time, Izuna stood behind the ghost lamp and shook his head desperately at Uchiha Li.

"In three days, the Hell Snapdragon Competition, which I am responsible for organizing and serving as a judge, will be held."

Gui Deng said proudly.

"I don't think you should miss this event."


Although Uchiha Li had already accepted Izuna's signal to refuse, he was still shocked after hearing the introduction of the ghost lamp.

Snapdragon Contest?

What the hell is that! !

Does that strange creature that is neither an animal nor a plant, that just keeps making an unpleasant howl, have anything to compete with?

Whose voice is uglier?

Although it tastes good!

It's such a boring game and should really be rejected.

So, he ignored Gui Deng's vaguely expectant eyes and pretended to be anxious: "I'm very sorry, Gui Deng. I'm afraid I have to live up to your good intentions."

He smiled very naturally, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Although I am very curious about the Snapdragon held by you, things in my hometown cannot be delayed, so I can only regret to miss it."

"It's ok."

Oni Deng was very easy to talk to and didn't force anything, which made the two Uchiha secretly relieved at the same time.

"No regrets."

He is very considerate, and his attitude towards Uchiha Li has also become closer.

"As a reward for Li Jun's great help to us, I decided to give you a batch of snapdragons that are growing well.

Moreover, the environments of hells in different worlds are actually similar, so they should be easy to maintain after being introduced. "

"Thank you so much!"

Uchiha's smile suddenly stiffened.

Quan Nai didn't look at him with the help of the ghost lantern, and her expression was even more indescribable.

Only Eggplant looked up and saw the disgusted expression on Quan Nai's face. Just as he was about to say something, Tang Gua covered his mouth.

After that, Uchiha Li and Izuna were escorted by the ghost lamp to the Santukawa River.

The two of them looked at the boat in front of them with dead fish eyes at the same time.

You are so resolute, Mr. Ghost Light!

After turning around and cheering up, they said goodbye to a group of ghosts, gods, monsters and jailers who had come to hell to see off. The two of them took a boat of howling snapdragons back to the hell in the original world from Sanchuan Road.


"So... did you bring back specialties?"

King Yama looked at the hundred pots of dull-looking snapdragons placed under the steps with a subtle expression, swaying left and right and howling unpleasantly.

"This is Onito-kun's thank you gift." Uchiha looked at it with disgust, "Anyway, I'll leave it to you, Lord Yama."


King Yama also curled his lips in disgust and waved, asking the Uchiha brothers who served as jailers to quickly move all the snapdragons away.

"My ears are finally clear."

Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief and said to King Yama: "Then send me back quickly, King."

He is very concerned about the progress of the construction of space defense lines on the moon.

I don’t know what this guy did during his time on his behalf.

Uchiha Li looked up at Yama King.

Although they are essentially the same person, after this guy became a god, his way of thinking has become very different from his own.

"No need to rush."

King Yama stood up from his seat and instantly came to Uchiha Li to look at him.

"It seems that the harvest this time is good, the soul power has increased a lot."

"That's right, so from now on you have to keep an eye out for me to see if there are any such good things."

When Uchiha Li talked about this topic, he became obviously happy and temporarily put aside the worldly affairs.

"Easy to say, let's go, it's lunch break time."

King Yama patted Uchiha Li on the shoulder.

"Come to dinner with me and let's talk."


Uchiha is from the good side.

In fact, he was not that anxious.

After all, he knew that to some extent, King Yama was more reliable than himself.

In short, including Izuna, I don't know whether it was two people or three people, they came to the canteen at the back of the hall, and Yun sat in a private room.

"I heard from Izuna-senpai that the results of the recruitment conference are about to come out?"

During the meal, Uchiha asked curiously about the recruitment meeting.

"I wonder who has the hope of sitting on the other nine positions of Ten Palaces and Ten Kings?"

"The most popular candidate is Senju Hashirama." King Yama said, "After all, Madara, Indra, and the rest of the Six Paths family are not interested in participating. We are looking for opponents who can equal Senju Hashirama." Not one."


After hearing the news, Quan Na snorted in displeasure.

"By the way, I'm thinking, is it really appropriate for a ninja to sit on the throne of the Ten Palaces and Ten Kings?"

The Uchiha left the path.

"After all, they are a group of guys who are used to fighting and killing. There may be some troubles when dealing with the trial of hell."

"It doesn't matter, the guy selected in this way can be restored to the public."

King Yama didn't take it seriously.

“As for the trial, just let them find some suitable auxiliary officers when the time comes.

There are still many dead people in hell who are suitable as assistant officers.

Many of them were close ministers to the great names of various countries during their lifetimes, and there was no problem in helping those guys deal with those matters. "

"I see. I think even the candidates they choose themselves will ultimately have to get your approval."

Uchiha understood instantly.

"Of course." King Yama smiled, "Just like before, there were some guys who were daimyo nobles who protested to me."

"Those guys."

Quan Nai snorted disdainfully again.

"I think those guys who are reluctant to give up their power and status in life are also coveting the throne."

Uchiha was not surprised and shook his head.

“But the way the king selected candidates for the throne completely eliminated all hope for them, so of course there will be dissatisfaction.

They must think that compared to the low-status ninjas in this world, they themselves are more suitable. "


King Yama sneered.

"The poor guys have not adapted to the new environment and their new identities after their death, and they dare to speak nonsense in front of the king, so the king's judgment on them is a little harsher."

"That was quite a show."

Quan Nai regretted that she did not witness that scene with her own eyes.

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