Uchiha's Onmyoji

Chapter 443 1 trial

"I will wait in hell for Muzan to arrive. Please, you and the Demon Slayer Squad must win."

Tamashii in the soul state finally said this to Uchiha Ri, and then followed the ghost lamp into the gate of the underworld with Yushiro.

"You will wait."

Uchiha Ri said with a smile, and then walked into the door with the surprised eyes of Tamashiro and Yushiro.

"Kiden-kun," he said to Ghost-Deng, "I need to rush back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters as soon as possible, and I happened to meet you, so I decided to borrow a way from hell this time."

"Please feel free."

Although Oni Deng has a wicked character, he is still very polite to Uchiha Li who comes to help.

So Uchiha Li first followed a few people to hell, and then the ghost lamp helped open the door to the underworld to the Demon Slayer headquarters again.

"Then farewell here, Miss Tamashii, Mr. Yushiro. I hope you can be reincarnated as happy people in a world without ghosts in your next life."

Uchiha Li finally smiled at the two of them, turned around and walked into the door.


On the mountain road near Butterfly House, Uchiha Li appeared quietly in his soul state.

He picked up a paper figure and patted it on his chest, then returned to the physical state.

Looking up at the sky, he walked forward, passing by the Butterfly House, and finally walked directly into the headquarters mansion.

Several children playing in the courtyard turned around together.

They are the five children of the product family.

Although they have four daughters and one son, probably for the sake of making a living, the only boy wears the same women's clothes as his elder sisters.

"Mr. Uchiha, are you back?"

As the only boy in the Uchiha family, the six-year-old Uchiha Teriya ran over and saluted Uchiha Ri.

"Father has been waiting for you."

"I understand, thank you, Teriya."

Uchiha Li bent down and smiled at him, then stood up and walked towards the house.

Mrs. Amane has already pushed Uyashiki Yōya out in a wheelchair.

"Mr. Uchiha, I didn't expect that you are already back before the crow who delivered the message has come back." Ubuyashiki Yōya greeted.

Only then did Uchiha think of the unlucky crow.

"I was planning to come back tomorrow."

That's what I told the bird.

"I didn't expect something unexpected happened, so I came back early."

Uchiha took off his clogs, walked onto the wooden floor of the corridor, and sat on the ground.

Next, he told the product Shiki Yaoya what happened in Tokyo today.

"I didn't expect you to meet Miss Juyo."

Ubuyashiki Yaoya was a little sad.

"I never thought of that." Uchiha lowered his eyes, "The original plan was to wait until Kibutsuji Mukai died, and finally send away those ghosts who were not controlled by Kibutsuji Mukai. Those ghosts were basically controlled by Miss Tamashi. Transformed.”

"Mr. Uchiha, there is no need to blame yourself. As you said, the existence of ghosts violates the rules of the world."

Uchiha Shiki Yaoya saw that Uchiha was not very interested, so he spoke warmly to persuade him.

"Even if Miss Zhushi has not harmed humans in these years, since the ghosts and gods in hell do not allow ghosts to exist, then you sent them away to complete the mission entrusted by the ghosts and gods."

"I'm not going to feel sad about something like this." Uchiha Li raised his eyelids, with only calmness in his eyes, "It's just that I suddenly realized that I may have forgotten something."

He put his right hand into his right sleeve and pulled out the somewhat worn Nichirin sword.

"This time, in order to revive the Nichirin Sword, I killed the ghosts of the Underworld based on the information from hell."

He placed the knife on the wooden floor in front of him.

"It's a pity that I forgot to catch a ghost." He looked up at Uyashiki Yoshiya again and smiled apologetically, "We need to give a ghost blue Higan flower as bait, so that Oniitsuji Muzan can't refuse. Come."

"Leave this matter to the swordsmen." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said with a smile, "If there are no clues about the ghosts, there will still be many ghosts imprisoned in Fujisaki Mountain, which is the place where the Demon Slayer Team is admitted."

"Then please ask someone to go and capture the most powerful ghost in Fujixi Mountain." Uchiha nodded with satisfaction.

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that Fujisakiyama, which is the initial trial, only has the lowest ghosts."

"Then let's go to another place farther away." Uchiha said, "Among the information I got before, there is another place where the former Shimojiro Land is entrenched."

He took out a small scroll from his sleeve.

"This is intelligence."


Ubuyashiki Yaoya opened the information, looked at it, called a crow, and immediately arranged the task.

"The stepson who was arranged for Yanzhu?" Uchiha Li heard the familiar name, "Miss Kanroji, I promised Yanzhu before I went down, but I haven't had time to open the markings for her."

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded: "Just think of this mission as a trial. Although Kanroji Mitsuri's strength has been recognized, fighting a ghost is different from competing with companions. If we can successfully capture the ghost alive Come back, you’re turning on her markings.”

"I understand." Uchiha understood what he meant.

"In addition, everything you need has been prepared." Ubuyashiki Yoya said something else, "The lost sword was transported from the Sword Forging Village, and the wood was urgently transported from Ise Shrine. "

"Now that we're here, I'll start working."

Uchiha Li stood up and looked at the beautiful courtyard in front of him.

"Mr. Ubuyashiki, are you sure you want to place the main battlefield here?"


Ubuyashiki Yōya's eyes followed the children running in the courtyard, and he inadvertently showed a gentle expression.

"To defeat Wuhan, everything is worth it."

"Don't worry." Uchiha Liya looked at the children, "With the barrier I have set up, everyone outside the barrier will be safe."

"Then please."

The product, Yaozai Shi, suddenly bent down and bowed solemnly in a sitting position.

"This is what I should do."

Uchiha Li stretched out his hand to help him up.

The two smiled at each other.

"I can't express my gratitude enough. Anyway, thank you for your help."

Mrs. Tianyin also thanked her.

"No need."

Uchiha waved his hand.

"Please also ask Madam to tell me the location of the missing knife and wood. I need to deal with it in advance."

"It seems that the workload is not small, so you should need help, right?" Uyashiki Yoya asked.

"Let Yin's people come to help." Uchiha said, "It's all labor work, so there's no need to disturb the swordsmen's training."

"I understand." The product manager Fu Yaozai nodded, "I'll give the order now."

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