, Uchiha's Onmyoji

Butterfly House.

Kamado Tanjiro stood at the door of the ward, glanced worriedly at his father lying on the hospital bed and his mother taking care of his father, then turned his face but tried to show a stiff smile to his frightened younger brothers and sisters.

The family who originally lived in the mountains making a living by burning and selling charcoal, their almost unchanging and peaceful life was broken by the sudden arrival of the young lady a few days ago.

In order to treat his seriously ill father, the family suddenly left their familiar home and came to this strange place. Now that his father was seriously ill again, his heart was also full of panic.

no!I am 13 years old and the eldest boy in my family, so I must take on more responsibilities!

Cheering himself up in his heart, Kamado Tanjiro's smile became more natural, and he spoke in a gentle tone to comfort his younger siblings.

"Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru." He stretched out his hands and stroked the heads of his younger brothers and sisters in turn. "Don't worry, with the treatment of doctors here, dad's health will definitely get better."

And his sister, Kamado Nezuko, the eldest daughter, also helped her brother coax the youngest child in the family.

"Get some sleep, Mrs. Six." She hugged her newborn brother and coaxed her softly, "Be good, my sister will hold you."

"Someone is here."

Kamado Tanjiro suddenly sniffed.

His sense of smell is naturally much more sensitive than that of ordinary people, and he makes judgments quickly.

"It's Miss Butterfly...and there are nine strange smells."

"Nezuko, take everyone to the room first."

He stepped forward and let his younger siblings play a round before entering the room, while he stood guard not far from the door.

At this time, the sound of footsteps could be heard, and the person came out from the corner.

The current one was the Butterfly Ninja whom Kamado Tanjiro was familiar with.

after that……

how come!

Kamado Tanjiro's eyes widened.

There were actually ten people!

He sniffed again and looked at the elegant young man in white walking behind Butterfly Ninja in shock.

This person...has no smell...

The young man suddenly met his gaze, and his black eyes were suddenly filled with smile.

So...so rude...

Kamado Tanjiro came to his senses, and then heard the voice of Butterfly Ninja.


"Moses Moses...Tanjiro-kun..."

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Tanjiro Kamado's face turned red and he bowed repeatedly, "I was rude, Miss Butterfly Ninja, and this gentleman..."

Seeing the boy's helpless look, Uchiha chuckled lightly, causing the boy who lowered his head to tremble suddenly.

"No need to be polite, young man, your name is Kamado Tanjiro."

Ubuyashiki Yōya spoke, and his gentle voice seemed to have magic power, soothing Kamado Tanjiro's emotions.

"Ah! Yes, I am Tanjiro Kamado, the eldest son of the Kamado family!"

Kamado Tanjiro finally raised his head.

"Hello, my name is Ubuyashiki Yōya." The young man in the wheelchair smiled gently at him, attracting his attention. "Young man, we are here to meet your father Kamado. Mr. Tanjuro."

"This is the leader of the Demon Slayer Squad and our lord." Butterfly Ninja reminded from the side.

"Hello." Kamado Tanjiro bowed to Uyashiki Yōya again, "Thank you for allowing my father to come here for treatment."

Ubuyashiki Yoshiya nodded and said, "You're welcome. The Demon Slayer Squad also has something to turn to your father for help."

"Tanjiro, let Mr. Master come in."

Kamado Tanjuro's somewhat weak voice came from inside the house.


Tanjiro Kamado immediately put away the confused expression on his face and opened the door.

"Please come in."

"Then, Mr. Uchiha and I will go in first." Uyashiki Yōya looked at the other pillars behind him, "You can just wait outside."

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone responded in unison.

Tanjiro Kamado, who was standing at the door, turned his head and looked at the swordsmen carefully, and was immediately startled by the aura of these people that he had never seen before.

These... these people... all have knives on their bodies...

He wondered in his mind, could he be a ghost hunter?

After learning about the existence of the Demon Slayer Corps from Butterfly Ninja, the family had been doubtful.

In the end, the father, the head of the family, made the decision and the family came back here.

At this moment, Kamado Tanjiro felt the overwhelming momentum of the several pillars, but he couldn't help but believe it.

"excuse me."

Uchiha Li took the wheelchair from the Immortal Sukawa Saneya and pushed Uyashiki Yōya into the ward.

"It's really rude that I didn't greet you."

Mrs. Kamado, who was twisting a towel in her hand, turned to look at the visitor and bowed politely.

"I'm the one who's waiting to disturb you."

Ubuyashiki Yōya nodded to Mrs. Kamado and looked at the thin young man lying on the bed.

"Mr. Kamado, I'm really sorry for asking you and your family to travel a long distance to come here. I am the product of Shiki Yaoya. Please forgive me for not being able to visit your home in person due to health reasons."

"Ahem." Kamado Tanjuro coughed a few times and smiled friendly, "It doesn't matter. When I heard about the relationship between the Demon Slayer Squad and our family, I wanted to come and take a look."

"It's not too late to talk after the pleasantries. Let me check Mr. Kamado's body first."

Uchiha Li stood up and smiled at Kamado Tanjuro.

"Mr. Kamado, I am Ri Uchiha, an Onmyoji."

"Mr. Uchiha." Kamado Tanjuro nodded, "Ahem... Miss Butterfly mentioned you, please excuse me."

"Please, please."

Mrs. Kamado immediately gave up her seat next to the bed.

Uchiha walked to the bed, turned around and smiled gently at the children who gathered together and looked at him curiously.

At this time, Tanjiro Kamado, who was equally curious, also walked into the room.

"Don't worry." He stretched out his right hand and placed it on top of Kamado Tanjuro's body, "Now it's just a check first."

As he spoke, blue light radiated from his palm, covering Kamado Tanjuro's body.


The young child couldn't help but scream out in surprise, but his mouth was immediately covered by his sensible brother and sister.

The light dispersed, and Uchiha took back his right hand.

"So that's it." He looked at the scar on Kamado Tanjuro's forehead, "This is the half-open mark he was born with."

He turned to look at Kamado Tanjiro again.

"Father and son have the same talent."

"Sir, my husband's body..."

Mrs. Kamado didn't understand what Uchiha said, and just asked about Kamado Tanjuro's body anxiously.

"He was born with half-open markings. Although he has such a powerful talent, his physical condition has not kept up. This is the reason why Mr. Kamado Tanjuro's body organs continue to fail."

Uchiha Li spoke slowly and suddenly smiled again.

"But don't worry, everything is just as I guessed. I am more confident about the treatment plan I have prepared."

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