Elven Taboo Catalog

02 Temporary adoption

(Please collect and recommend, please give me everything!)

Goblins are a very special kind of creatures. Although they have a body shape that is almost the same as that of humans, they live longer and even have better looks than humans.

At the same time, goblins are also selective creatures, meaning they can choose their gender.When a living being born with the characteristics of two genders wants to completely transform into a male fairy, it will increase the secretion of male hormones and reduce the secretion of its own estrogen within a certain period, and then the female characteristics will Gradually disappear, and the male characteristics will gradually grow.

The book that suddenly appeared in Liu Hengrui's mind was slowly opening, and the page of knowledge belonging to the fairies was constantly penetrating into Liu Hengrui's mind, making Liu Hengrui self-taught.

Liu Hengrui raised his head and stared at the male goblin hybrid in front of him with exaggerated body proportions. He subconsciously understood that at this scale, he was probably starting to transform into a male goblin, thus attenuating a certain amount of female characteristics. Such a scale, what about the previous scale, are you sure you can still move with such a huge thing?

"Boy, what are you thinking about?" The low and slightly magnetic voice was the first sign that the goblin was undergoing gender transformation, which made Liu Hengrui come back to his senses from his dazed state.

Liu Hengrui smiled naively and shook his head guiltily. Although he said forcefully, "I didn't think anything of it", his eyes looked at the other party very honestly, especially since the other party had just experienced a big battle and his short-sleeved shirt was already a bit torn. It was tattered and even exposed a lot of fair skin, which is undoubtedly a huge benefit for an LSP.

Liu Hengrui felt a little regretful. It was a pity that his brother did not travel through time when Lian Mai was playing games. Otherwise, when the lsp saw this, he would not be able to rush to Liangshan?

As for this mixed-race human being, there may be a natal sword under his body, but that may not be important. Maybe that kid will be even more excited!

Before Liu Hengrui could think more, the place was quickly surrounded by heavily armed personnel.


This is the [-]th District of Dongliange. In the urban area of ​​Tokyo, the casualties caused by the wild elf intrusion incident that just occurred are somewhat heavy. The specific casualty information has been released. Although this affects the specific control order of the [-]th District, Those specifically involved in the incident were punished as they should be, and the matter was quickly calmed down.

Kotaro Koizumi, one of the members of the Elf Contractor Association in District [-], has a human father and an elf mother, but he is an orphan now. It is said that his parents died in an incident, so he became an orphan.

Fortunately, his father's powerful elf contractor ability and his mother's strong bloodline were both inherited well in his generation.

These are the relevant information about Kotaro Koizumi introduced to Liu Hengrui by the personnel of the [-]th District organization. Because the attack of the poisonous lizard led to the death of Liu Hengrui’s parents, and the buildings in the area were destroyed, Liu Hengrui was already homeless. After an internal meeting of the Elf Contractor Association organized by District [-], they decided that Kotaro Koizumi would temporarily adopt Liu Hengrui, and they were willing to provide Kotaro Koizumi with some additional subsidies.

Perhaps out of sympathy for the orphans, Kotaro Koizumi did not refuse the result. He just asked Liu Hengrui to wait in a corner while he went through the relevant procedures.

It was during this free time that Liu Hengrui had time to sort out the memories he inherited from this world and his current situation.

This is a world where humans and all kinds of creatures coexist, but humans have special characteristics. Different from the power of those biological species, they do not have a strong body, nor the magical ability to manipulate various energies, but a contract!

The contract creature turns the creature into an elf, which improves the growth of the creature, so that it has the ability to rapidly grow in strength, and then gets the ability of the elf to feed back to humans, so it has a certain magical power similar to the ability of the elf, and the elf gets In order to grow, humans will also receive corresponding power feedback. This two-way existence is dubbed the "Elf Contractor".

According to different strengths, the strength of elves and elf contractors can be divided into entry level, elite level, commander level, and lord level. According to the level classification, the danger coefficient caused by the invasion of wild elves to different degrees is divided into tiger level, ghost level. level, dragon level and god level.

The venomous lizard that caused turmoil in the eastern urban area today is the leader among elite-level monsters. The hazard level is classified as ghost level. Within the danger coefficient range, it will cause destruction to a large area in the urban area. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and it was just right. Kotaro Koizumi was nearby, which allowed her to prevent the expansion of the affected area.

The memory in his mind was reviewed. After confirming his relevant situation, Liu Hengrui found that in addition to related life issues, the existence of so-called relatives seemed to have gone away from him. He seemed to have become a person in this world. Being completely alone was a really bad start.

Liu Hengrui closed his eyes. In the depths of his consciousness, there was a black book wrapped in animal skin floating. It was the mission materials that he and his old brother needed to collect when completing the dungeon mission in the virtual game. It was a magic book without a name. But just after he obtained this book, he inexplicably traveled to this world. Could it be that everything is related to this book?

correct!Liu Hengrui remembered that when he saw Kotaro Koizumi, the book opened automatically, and then a lot of basic knowledge about fairies came to his mind, and even specific knowledge information such as gender changes were recorded. Of all the blank content in this book, only characters related to goblin knowledge appear on one page. This is text that Liu Hengrui has never been exposed to. The problem is that Liu Hengrui can completely understand it.

This is probably the special benefit that comes to this world, the so-called golden finger.

In other words, from now on, I will become an elf trainer... no, an elf contractor?

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a scolding voice from over there: "What are you watching here?"

Kotaro Koizumi seemed to have completed the procedure. As he walked towards Liu Hengrui, he shouted at several people not far away. The inhalation movement when shouting made waves form on his chest.

Liu Hengrui squinted his eyes with some enjoyment.

Now that the situation has been formed, Liu Hengrui can't bear to interfere too much. After all, he can't resist, so he might as well just enjoy it, right?

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