Within a few days, a few people cleaned the store, hung up the signboard, distributed flyers in advance, and conducted free tastings. Now many people nearby already know that a new store is about to open here.

On the opening day, many people really came.Chen Huang made a big deal for the opening, buy two get one free.Candied haws, marshmallows, popcorn, fruit juices, homemade drinks, Oscar’s sausages, and lollipops. Buy two get one free for almost the same price.Buy two different products and get another free product.

Especially the new product, popcorn, is placed in a very conspicuous place.Packed in paper buckets.He didn't choose to use Coke in the end, because eating that stuff is actually harmful to the human body. Although he misses the taste, there's no need to worry about it. It's best not to drink it.Besides, nothing compares to a healthy drink made by yourself.

At least it was a good start.Chen Huang separated out several shadow clones and went around to solicit customers. How long will it take for him to come to customers at random?


Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena, Site No. 1.

In the stands, a soul master held a bucket of popcorn in his hand, eating while waiting for the start of the soul fight. What he bought was not only the bucket of popcorn, but also a large cup of drink, and a ten-centimeter-diameter lollipops.

He was eating popcorn, and there was a clicking sound when it entered his mouth.

The old man next to him couldn't help it anymore, and asked, "What are you eating?"

"Popcorn. It's the newly opened Xiaocao Dessert Shop on the street outside the Big Soul Arena. This is their product. The new shop is a bargain, buy two get one free. Would you like to try some?"

"Okay, thank you."

"Why haven't you started this soul fight yet?" He complained. If he continued to eat like this, he would almost finish the popcorn. It still tastes really good. The store manager said it was a well-known brand in Fasno province, so it seems he was right.

"Damn, there's a ten-minute intermission. It's said to give the audience time to pee. In fact, it means no one picks up. Just wait, it will probably start after a while after someone signs up."

Another five minutes later.

The host of this venue is a flying beast spirit master.The wings on the back flapped one by one, and flew above the field.The presence of the host means that the soul fight is about to begin.

After his introduction, the players from both sides also took their places. A twenty-level attack spirit master, his spirit is a stick. The other one is a level 23 agility attack spirit master, and his spirit is a hare.

They are all one white and one yellow soul ring configuration.

The audience felt more tired watching the two of them fighting each other than themselves. Both of them are kind of noobs, the kind who don't have much ability. The stalemate lasted for ten minutes, and the one with the stick didn't even hit him with a single stick. The hare soul master is similar.

"What are you doing! Charge up! Get him!"

"Aren't you a rabbit? Go up and kick him! Oh, you can see this! I am more anxious than him!"

The two of them ate popcorn and watched Soul Fighting. It's hard to say what the experience of watching was, but the experience of eating should be pretty good. The bucket of popcorn was almost finished.

"Oh? Did you find out?"

"What did you find?"

"I found out that watching them fight their souls, I eat very fast? Look at such a big bucket, it has already bottomed out."

"Yeah, it's really dinner. Why don't we buy two barrels after the intermission?"

"Okay, let's go together."

This kind of phenomenon happens frequently in the big soul fighting arena.Unintentionally, Xiaocao's business started like this.Chen Huang didn't know what happened, so he saw that the flow of people at the door of the store began to increase, and they slowly lined up.

"Hehehe, not bad. You can see a long queue on the first day." Chen Huang laughed.

Several people in the store are very happy and proud.After all, everyone participated in handing out leaflets and doing promotion.

After some inquiries, Chen Huang realized that it turned out to be the reason for the meal, and it became popular for no reason.This doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, I didn't do anything.It's not like they didn't bring food before, but they just changed to popcorn, and they started to feel it. This must be due to the popcorn, it's so good.

Chen Huang nodded. If this momentum can be maintained, the income of this store may be higher than that of several branches in Fasino Province.

After a while, the business gradually stabilized. At this time, there were two other employees in the store. Strictly following Xiaocao's principles, he summoned a handsome boy and a beautiful woman, both of whom were soul masters in their thirties. When it is taken out in the future, I am afraid it will be taken out and opened new stores in several other cities. Otherwise, it would be impossible for two soul masters to have such a big salary difference. Chen Huang is thinking about changing his salary system and considering adding some soul master level subsidies.

The staff's work is secondary, mainly because as long as he keeps these people, they can be regarded as a party's power.Some things should too.

Oscar gradually became leisurely. Because he was really lacking too much as a soul master, Chen Huang had to give him some extra lessons. Of course, he would take the lessons as a shadow clone.

From the knowledge teaching of soul masters, martial souls, and soul beasts, and then the use of martial souls and soul power.Hong Feng's level of teaching is not good, because his own level is not good.

Chen Huang himself has a lot of experience in the use and operation of soul power, so he happened to teach Oscar.Strange power technique, palm fairy technique, these all require very fine soul power control.

His usual daily practice time is still a little short. Now that he has some free time, he also wants to catch up on the progress. I torture myself every day, using soul bone skills to shock myself, and then recover when I'm almost ready. Also, he had been busy polishing his soul power before, and the growth rate before was still too fast. It was only some time ago that the previous quality was completely restored.

If your soul power is not solidified to the extreme, you will feel uncomfortable.It's like building a house. Strong bricks are more reassuring than bricks that break when squeezed.

Then he began to practice soul power and pure Yang Wuji Kungfu with confidence.Do dynamic and static exercises over and over again.

Chen Huang had already practiced Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu to a small degree. Mainly due to physical and age limitations, as well as soul ring limitations, otherwise under Zhang Sanfeng's guidance, he would probably have matured long ago.

But the small achievements are very good. He is only twelve years old now, and he is a pillar of strength every morning when he wakes up. He looks like a grown-up kid in his late teens. This is also a symbol of his strong yang energy and good health, which is a good thing.

However, he also considered whether to switch to other exercises at that time. This Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is the most rigid and yang exercise.

In fact, as long as you hear this sentence, "Zhigang Zhiyang", you should know that this can also be regarded as a child's skill. Only a child's body can display this skill perfectly. After all, it was Zhang Sanfeng's custom-made technique for himself.

But Chen Huang didn't have that kind of thought, he would get married sooner or later.Among other things, just a few years ago, he kept saying that he was not interested in little girls.But now the little girl is about to become a big girl.No matter how old you are, you can have children.

It would have been impossible if Tang Hao hadn't been there all the time. Otherwise, how could he just hold a little hand and touch his head now?

Therefore, it is imperative to change the practice in the future, but I don't know if there is one suitable for me in such a big mall.I'm afraid I have to get some points at that time.

ps: Please collect it! Please recommend! Mmm~(^3^)-☆


"Douluo: My Martial Spirit is a Weed"

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