I have Naruto system

Chapter 3 The massacred village

"Company Commander, there is a village here, what should we do?"

Wang Dashan and the others spent the whole night wandering around in the woods, and when they came out in the morning they saw the village.

"Let's go directly, but Yongye's people won't let them go." Xiao Hai said worriedly.The education they had received told them that once this village was discovered by Yong Ye's people, at least half of the villagers would die, and the rest would be taken away by them.

Wang Dashan took out a cigarette given by the monkey, lit it, took a deep breath, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Dongzi, Xiaohai, go and ask the people in this village to hide or escape. The monkeys and mice have set traps and won't leave."


If you don’t leave, are you waiting to die?

They still have information that they haven't sent out yet.

At this time, Wang Dashan turned around with a smile and looked at the four brothers in front of him.

When Dongzi fought with the ferocious beast, one of his arms was disabled. The other three were also in good condition, but their clothes were ragged.He himself was injured due to the battle.

"Although I, Wang Dashan, am afraid of death, I can still be considered a soldier. If I knew there was a village here, I would not go here. If so many people died because of me, even if I could live, my conscience would be There will be no peace.”

"Do you still remember our oath? Rat, tell me."

The mouse hesitated for a moment, "I fight for my family, my brothers, and for the sake of peace and peace. If I fight to the death, it will be my glory."

"Haha, if you fight to the death, it will be my glory." Wang Dashan laughed at himself, and his voice gradually became louder. "We are afraid of death, but we are soldiers. If I had not seen this village, I could have escaped with peace of mind. But," Wang Dashan pointed to the village below, "They cannot lose their lives in vain because of me, Wang Dashan. "

"I have a family, a wife, and children. If there are our children in the village down here, do we still have to run away?"

"In the previous battle, I finally felt that the situation was not right, so I quickly retreated."

Wang Dashan dusted off the cigarette in his hand with one hand, and patted his bulging belly with the other hand, "Hey, I Dashan can't walk anyway."

"How can that be possible?" Mouse looked at Wang Dashan with a smile, "If you don't leave, company commander, why would we have the nerve to leave, right?" After saying that, he looked at the brothers around him.

Dongzi, Xiaohai, and Monkey all agreed, and Monkey said, "Yes, company commander, you underestimate us too much. Isn't it just a beating? I even killed one before."

"Okay, you two go and do it, Dongzi and I will go down and have a look."

"Yes, company commander." Monkey and Mouse agreed, clenching their right fists close to their hearts.

Wang Dashan and several others walked into the village, and one of them was discovered by the people in the village not long after.

Very few outsiders enter the village, and everyone knows everything about it.Several unfamiliar faces appeared in the small mountain village. Soon, the village chief, Nan Bo, stood in front of Wang Dashan and the three people on crutches.

"How many of them are soldiers?" Uncle Nan is old and well-informed. Although Wang Dashan and others are wearing tatters, the military uniforms can still be seen.

"Yes, old man, my name is Wang Dashan. I am the captain of the 3th Company of the 8rd Regiment under the Third Front Army. These two are my soldiers, Xiang Dong and Wu Hai." Wang Dashan introduced himself to Nan Bo .

"Oh, what a coincidence, this village is called Xiaoshan Village, and I am the village chief. Thanks to the people in the village, everyone calls me Uncle Nan." Nan Bo stroked his beard with trembling hands and said with a smile. arrive.

Wang Dashan straightened his face and said seriously, "Uncle Nan, it's like this..."

After telling Nan Bo the story and consequences of the incident, Nan Bo and other people in the village immediately changed their expressions.

Death is about to come. If you want to escape at this time, how can you escape?

There are no roads extending in all directions here. How can patients, the elderly, and children cross that mountain quickly? The elderly can usually walk slowly, but according to this company commander, there must not be much time left for them.

Nanbo gathered the people in the village and sat under a big locust tree, with an empty threshing floor in front of them.

Most of the people in the village had gathered, some were sitting on chairs, some were standing. Blacksmith Han, who had been forging iron for generations in the village, was still holding the hammer that he had not put down.

Nan Bo was holding a pipe and sucking it in his mouth. The thick smoke floated up and lingered.

Wang Dashan and the other two stood nearby, looking at the group of people in front of them without smiling.Looking at their slightly curious expressions, they put their heads together and whispered.

Some of them were feeding their infant children, there were old people who were lying on deck chairs basking in the sun, and there were also children who were running around and playing around.Noisy, yet peaceful and peaceful.

Wang Dashan had some feelings. What were they doing? Wasn't it just for this scene?When parents are old, they can squint and bask in the sun, and their children can play carefree.

But now, because of them, the originally peaceful life of this group of people is about to be broken.

Yes, because of them.If he, Wang Dashan, hadn't escaped, Yongye's people would have left the good road alone, climbed over the mountains, and found Dashan's children, the small mountain village.

"It's really fate." Wang Dashan sighed in his heart. His name is Dashan, and this village is called Xiaoshan. Doesn't this mean that he can protect this mountain village?

However, everything was not as Wang Dashan and others planned.

"Bang", the monkey's body flew towards Wang Dashan from a distance

Wang Dashan quickly turned around, silver-white Qi emerged from his body, and caught the flying monkey.

It has no limbs and a big hole in its chest. The monkey's eyes are closed, but it seems to still be breathing.

And Yongye's two teams were slowly approaching from a distance.

There were about 20 people, and the rat was tied up with ropes and dragged on the ground, unconscious.

Seeing the appearance of the monkey, Xiaohai and Dongzi gritted their teeth, and uncontrollable anger flashed in their eyes, like two enraged lions, wanting to rush out immediately.



Xiaohai shouted to Wang Dashan unwillingly.

"They beat the monkeys into this state. I'm going to kill them."

"Did you kill it? The mouse is still in their hands." Wang Dashan turned to Xiaohai and shouted.

"But" before he finished speaking, the monkey seemed to wake up.

"Company Commander, ahem, I, I failed the mission, ahem, I'm sorry." Monkey said weakly to Wang Dashan.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Monkey, don't talk." Wang Dashan said calmly.

"Company commander, brothers, all the brothers died before. I, ahem, it's enough to live until now. I want to see my brothers. Hehe, hehe." Monkey wanted to laugh, but his serious injury did not allow it.

"I want to see my wife. I haven't seen her in almost two years. I don't know how she is doing." Monkey murmured in a low voice, looking at the sky with lost eyes. The sky was very blue and the clouds were very white.

"So white." This was what Monkey said when he saw his wife for the first time, and it was also the last thing he said.

Wang Dashan gently closed the monkey's eyes, put it down, and walked towards Yong Ye.

"Dongzi, Xiaohai, you go take Nanbo and the others away and bring them to a safe place. I'll go rescue the mouse."

"Company Commander" Dongzi and Xiaohai shouted.

"Let's go, go as far as you can. If I didn't hold you back, the villagers would be relying on you."

"company commander"

"Obey the order." Wang Dashan turned his back to the two of them and said softly.


The two people talked to Nan Bo and organized the villagers to leave.

However, where can we retreat to?

"Captain Qin, what do you say?"

A person from Yong Ye's side came forward and said to the leader.

The man named Qin licked his lips and said, "Kill, leave no one behind. Leave that man to me." That man pointed to Wang Dashan.

"Hey, that's great."

There were 20 people in total, 19 of them drew their machetes and ran towards the villagers.

Seeing this, Wang Dashan rushed forward.But before he arrived, Qin Kai had already arrived in front of him.

A person who also has a silver-white mark on his body and possesses the domineering power of steel.

He didn't speak, just stared at Wang Dashan, his energy locked on him.

Wang Dashan didn't move. The same energy locked Qin Kai. He knew that he would lose every step of the way.All he can do now is find a way to kill the enemies in front of him and then support Dongzi and the others.

The reality is that after Wang Dashan was locked up, the fact that he won 2 against 19 only existed in the story.

Xiaohai and Dongzi were surrounded by two and two, fighting hard.The remaining 15 people raised their knives and slashed at the unarmed villagers.

Kill, kill, kill.

Blacksmith Han had been resisting and scolding Yongye's bunch of beasts, but how could a blacksmith beat a professionally trained soldier.

Dongzi and Xiaohai also lost their lives.

At this moment, Luo Yi was on his way back to the village.

"You are so annoying, brother Luo Yi." The little girl held a candied haws in her hand and said while eating, "Why don't you play for a while longer and go back as soon as you come out."

"I'm sorry, Hanhan, Brother Luo Yi forgot to bring something. I have to go back to get it and come out later."

"Really." The little girl snorted dissatisfied.

"You pulled too much, hurry up."

Although Luo Yi smiled, he felt very bad, as if something had been lost, and an inexplicable feeling appeared in his heart.

He has already sent a shadow clone over.

The speed of the shadow clone is not fast, but it is much faster than that old scalper.

When he arrived, he discovered that the originally peaceful village had disappeared.

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