Douluo's Psychic Scroll

Chapter 45 1V3 Competition Game 2


Everyone exited the field, and Dai Mubai and others entered the field. Oscar among the three was a little worried. After all, Eddie's battle just now reminded him that once the war started, the auxiliary soul master would most likely be the opponent's second choice. a goal

"Martial soul possessed!"

Three of the four people were possessed by beast spirits and succeeded in possessing them almost at the same time. Oscar was very smart and gave himself a mushroom sausage first. It was a very smart choice.

Dai Mubai put up a posture and warned, "Be careful, I won't show mercy."

Ma Hongjun smiled when he heard this and said: "Boss Dai, you should worry about yourself, Xiao Ao!"

"Okay!" Oscar responded in the air, and two mushroom sausages fell into the hands of Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing.

White Tiger Fierce Light Wave! When Dai Mubai saw the two of them having mushroom intestines, he activated his second soul skill.

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing dodged to both sides at the same time. While dodging, they also ate mushroom sausages.

Ma Hongjun flew in the air and smiled proudly at Dai Mubai below. The two soul rings on his body lit up. He used the second soul skill Phoenix in Fire and the first soul skill one after another. The phoenix fire line as thick as an arm spurted out. Dai Mubai Bai quickly moved to dodge. He had no intention of forcing a direct attack. After all, Zhu Zhuqing was of the agility attack type. It would be easy for her to find a flaw when the two of them were fighting against each other with soul skills.

It's only a minute, let you be proud for a moment. Dai Mubai sneered in his heart, turned his body, and once again avoided Ma Hongjun's Phoenix line of fire.

"Netherworld thrust!"

Zhu Zhuqing's figure appeared on the side of Dai Mubai. Oscar's mushroom intestines can provide a speed boost equivalent to that of a phoenix-tailed cockscomb, which greatly expands her speed advantage in the agility attack system.

The sharp claws scratched Dai Mubai's chest, and his strong fighting consciousness allowed Dai Mubai to lean back in time to avoid the blow, and at the same time activated his first soul skill, White Tiger Body Barrier!

After missing a hit, Zhu Zhuqing immediately chose to retreat. It was an obvious assassin's fighting style. Ma Hongjun continued to step forward to harass Dai Mubai with soul skills. Oscar was working hard to make sausages and provided Ma Hongjun with recovery sausages and mushroom sausages, but because of the mushrooms Intestines consume a lot of soul power, and they have to be produced every minute. Oscar won't be able to last long.

While dodging, Dai Mubai paid attention to Oscar's flying height, calculated the time in his mind, and smiled secretly.

He punched the ground suddenly, kicking up a burst of dust, but secretly held a fist-sized clod of soil in his hand.

"White Tiger King Kong Transformation!"

Dai Mubai shouted, and the purple soul ring melted into his body. Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing subconsciously focused their attention on the transformed Dai Mubai, and a brown thing came towards them. Ma Hongjun subconsciously turned around and hid. It happened to fall on the right side of Oscar's face, who was concentrating on making sausages.

"Ah!" Oscar screamed in pain as he was hit. He swayed in the air for a while. The sausage in his hand was broken, and the wings behind him became weak and transparent, and he began to land.

"It happened!"

Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing's expressions changed at the same time. Apparently they didn't expect Dai Mubai to come back with such a skill.

Dai Mubai looked at Oscar who had fallen to the ground and said maliciously: "Let's see how you run now!"

Oscar also came to his senses in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he saw Dai Mubai, who was coming towards him in a fierce manner. He subconsciously turned around and ran away. Even though he was an auxiliary soul master, he was not slow at all when running.

"You're still running!" Dai Mubai's face was gloomy, and he caught up with Oscar in the blink of an eye.

The Phoenix Fire Line was launched instantly. Dai Mubai smiled in triumph, raised his head, and the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave exploded instantly. Under the third soul skill, the White Tiger Fierce Light Wave's power instantly overwhelmed Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line, knocking him out of the field.

Zhu Zhuqing's attack also fell behind Dai Mubai, but because of the defense bonus brought by the White Tiger Body Barrier and the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Dai Mubai chose to resist forcefully.

"Second soul skill! Nether Hundred Claws!"

When Zhu Zhuqing used his second soul skill, Dai Mubai did not allow the opponent to attack. Instead, he turned around and opened his arms for a bear hug.

Zhu Zhuqing was a little confused by Dai Mubai's hug, and his soul skills were forcibly interrupted. He hurriedly said: "Let go!"

Dai Mubai repaid Zhu Zhuqing vigorously, smiled proudly, and while Zhu Zhuqing was full of anger, he threw him out of the field with all his strength. Although Zhu Zhuqing landed smoothly, there was only one Oscar left in the field, and they also lost.

Seeing that the second game was over, the master's face was not good-looking. Everyone stood up and looked a little uneasy.

The master said in a cold tone: "Let me ask you first, how do you think you behaved just now?"

Everyone was silent, and the master continued: "Let me first talk about the battle between Eddie and Tang Sansan."

"Let me talk about Xiao San first. Eddie's soul beast summoning is not instant. You should know this very well, but you didn't use Blue Silver Grass to interrupt the opponent's summons at the beginning? Instead, you gave the opponent sufficient Time is enough to carry out the possession. If you face an enemy in the future, do you have to wait for the enemy to be in full strength before taking action?"

Tang San lowered his head in silence, because in his opinion this was just a sparring match, so he did not interrupt Eddie's soul beast summoning and possession, but now it seems that he was wrong

The master glanced at Tang San, and then said to Eddie: "Then you Eddie, your performance is not a big problem. With your strength, it should be easy to crush Xiao San and the others, but because of you You were careless and suffered two losses at Xiao Wu's hands. Has the stable life in the academy made you forget the vigilance you should have as a mercenary?"

The master's tone was very calm. Eddie was very embarrassed after hearing this. He was indeed careless and he had nothing to say.

"Xiao Wu, your performance is good, both in your cooperation with Xiao San and in the timing of releasing your own soul skills. Your third soul skill must be well developed and trained. Teleportation is a rare and powerful soul skill. "

"And Ning Rongrong, as an auxiliary type, it's reasonable for you to be eliminated first by Eddie, so I don't blame you, but you still need to practice more, and being distracted during battle is a taboo, you It must be clear that support is the strong backing of a team and must not become a drag.”

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu nodded obediently and listened to the master's teachings attentively. Ning Rongrong, in particular, glanced at someone secretly, and a trace of determination flashed in their eyes. They must not be a hindrance!

After talking about the first group, it was the turn of the second group, Dai Mubai and the others, but their performance was pretty good. Oscar watched Eddie's battle in the first game, so he immediately gave himself mushroom sausage. Yes, but he failed to get out of Dai Mubai's attack range in time, and most of the sausages he made were given to Ma Hongjun and Zhu Zhuqing immediately, completely ignoring the fact that he was the opponent's first target.

Ma Hongjun had fought against Dai Mubai more than once and knew not to fight hard, so he used Oscar's mushroom intestines to restrain him from the sky, while Zhu Zhuqing waited for the opportunity. Although the two did not have much cooperation, at least they had a good division of labor. , but Ma Hongjun made a mistake at the end, that is, the clod of soil thrown by Dai Mubai before. He could easily block it, but he subconsciously avoided it, which hurt Oscar behind him.

Then Dai Mubai was also criticized by the master, because he and Tang San made the same mistake, and he should not have given Oscar the opportunity to make sausages in the first place.

After the evaluation, the master's already stiff face became more dissatisfied and said: "Is this the so-called monster genius? To be honest, your performance disappoints me, so you will all be punished. The punishment content is very simple. If you don't When using soul power, run from the academy to Soto City and back. Before lunch, I ask you to run ten round trips. You can eat when you finish. Tang San, you run two more round trips. "

Tang San was the first to run out. The master's words were no different to him than an order. As for why he had to run two more laps, it was naturally because the teacher was dissatisfied with his student's performance and imposed an extra punishment.

Eddie also followed, followed by Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, followed by Zhu Zhuqing. She was also the only one who did not make any mistakes in this competition, but when she saw Xiao Wu, who looked like there was nothing wrong with him, also joined the team and silently chose to follow the others.

Looking at the Shrek crowd rushing towards the school gate, the corners of the master's mouth raised, and a rare smile appeared on his stiff face.

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