Douluo's Psychic Scroll

Chapter 36 Welfare Distributor: Tang 3

Although he was excited, Oscar did not forget about business. The short blade in his hand unceremoniously inserted into the vital part of the wind-tailed cockscomb snake.

Then Oscar sat down directly next to the Wind-tailed Cockscomb, raised his hand to summon his big sausage, shrouded in pale pink light, pulled the Wind-tailed Cockscomb's soul ring into the main body, and began to absorb his The third soul ring

Seeing this, everyone was on alert in a circle around them. Eddie opened his left eye, and his vision was not blurry. He was a mere thousand-year-old soul beast. If he didn't want to resolve the battle as soon as possible, he would not use the third soul skill at all. This is a great trick that can be used to turn the tables.

"It's a pity that although this technique is powerful, it still has many shortcomings. I don't know if it can be improved."

Eddie frowned and thought. The third soul skill, Death Gaze, is a pupil-like soul skill. It needs to be pointed directly at the opponent's eyes to be effective. And once he controls the opponent, it will be difficult for him to move his body. It is useless to deal with those weaker than himself. Being stronger than myself has side effects...

Sigh... It would be great if the body-fixing and soul-consolidating powers could be separated, Eddie thought to himself, and was suddenly stunned.

yes! separate!

Why didn't I think of this before? If you separate the body immobilization and solidification soul power, you should be able to reduce the consumption and side effects. Although I don't know if the number of uses can be increased, it is worth trying!

Eddie kept simulating the possibility of this incident in his mind, and Eddie didn't even notice that someone was coming next to him.

"Are you OK?"

Eddie's worried tone brought him back to his senses, but Ning Rongrong came to him at some point.

Smiling and shaking his head, Eddie said: "Don't worry, it'll be fine this time."

Looking at Ning Rongrong in front of him, Eddie suddenly realized that he had not had much communication with her since what happened two days ago. It was strange... when did he become angry?

"I..." Ning Rongrong opened her mouth, but as soon as her words came out, she was interrupted because another person came.

Eddie's face changed slightly, and everyone quickly reacted to protect Oscar behind them, and then they saw clearly who was coming.

Two figures, one old and one young, suddenly appeared, coming in the opposite direction from which the cockscomb snake came.

When the old woman among the two saw the dead cockscomb, her face became angry and said, "Did you kill the cockscomb?"

Following her was a beautiful girl with short hair, who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old. .tingfree. A powerful outfit tightly covered her already well-developed figure. At this moment, a pair of big dark brown eyes were staring at the dead wind-tailed cockscomb snake on the ground, and her little face was swollen with gritted teeth. red!

"Six-ringed Soul Emperor?" Looking at the six soul rings on the old woman's body, Eddie's face turned cold. Although the other party's appearance was surprising, there was a Soul Emperor on his side.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Zhao Wuji came to the crowd, seven soul rings rising from his body, which made the old woman's face darken, obviously she didn't expect to meet a soul saint.

She looked solemn as she stepped forward and said, "It turns out to be the respected Soul Sage. I am so fragrant. May I ask who the Soul Sage is?"

"Chao Tianxiang? It turns out to be Senior Chao, the famous Snake Woman among the Unparalleled Dragons and Snakes. I'm Zhao Wuji. Senior Chao, Senior Long Gongmeng, why didn't you come?" Zhao Wuji first silently recited the other party's name, and then he suddenly understood. road

Seeing that the other party knew her name, Chao Tianxiang was convinced, but the other party's name seemed familiar to her. There seemed to be only one soul saint named Zhao Wuji.

"Zhao Wuji... I didn't expect to meet the famous Fudo Ming King in the soul master world here. I'm older than you, so I'll call you Brother Zhao. Brother Zhao, what you did today is a bit unethical?"

oh? Zhao Wuji's face changed slightly when he heard this. He really couldn't figure out what he had done today that was not authentic. After thinking about it over and over again, he said, "Isn't it authentic? Sister Chao, if you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Chao Tianxiang smiled and said: "Okay, let me tell you straight. We discovered this crested crested snake first and took the lead in hunting it. But something happened in the middle and it was delayed for a while, but we didn't expect it. Brother Zhao, you cut me off halfway."

When Zhao Wuji heard this, he glanced at the already dead crested crested snake. Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or false, even if it was true, it would be impossible to return it. "Sister Chao, you said this snake was yours first." Is there any evidence for what was discovered?”

Chao Tianxiang smiled when he heard this and said: "Of course, you can take a look at the belly of this wind-tailed cockscomb snake. There are two scars, which were injured by my crutch, and there are also scars on the underside of the wings."

Zhao Wuji turned around slightly, Tang San quickly took a look at the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, and nodded with a sullen face.

Since what the other party said is true, this is indeed a bit embarrassing. Zhao Wuji looked embarrassed and said: "Sister Chao, you have also seen it, and you are still definitely not good enough. Is there any other solution?"

Chao Tianxiang frowned slightly. She naturally knew that the cockscomb snake would not come back. She glanced at Oscar who was absorbing the soul ring. Chao Tianxiang looked slightly surprised and secretly thought, What a young boy!

Although she had looked at the people present before, Eddie and the others had not released their martial spirits and she could not see their strength. Oscar was blocked and could not be seen. Now that she saw it, she was naturally surprised. If they dared to absorb the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, then He must have reached level 30 at the very least, but from the look of that boy, it was obvious that he was not very old and was a genius!

Thinking of this, Chao Tianxiang made up his mind and said with a smile: "Of course there is a way, just follow the rules of the soul master world."

"The rules of the soul master world?" Zhao Wuji asked doubtfully

Chao Tianxiang smiled and said: "Yes, it's a competition between the two parties for the soul beast, and the winner gets the soul beast."

"But..." Zhao Wuji was about to say that Oscar was an auxiliary system and could not fight, but the next second Chao Tianxiang had already said it first.

"Don't worry, of course I know that kid won't wake up for a while, and even if he wakes up, it won't be fair to us. You can ask your other students to step out on your behalf! If we win, we will leave without saying a word, but If he loses, that kid will have to join our family."

Poaching? Not only Zhao Wuji, but everyone in Shrek also changed their expressions. This dig was too obvious!


Zhao Wuji lowered his head to think, glanced at Eddie and Dai Mubai, who had the highest soul power in the field, and shook his head secretly afterwards. This was definitely not possible, and the other party would not agree, so there was only...

Zhao Wuji looked at Tang San, who smiled slightly, stood up on his own initiative, and said, "Teacher Zhao, let me fight in Oscar's place."

"it is good!"

Seeing Tang San taking the initiative to fight, Zhao Wuji agreed without even thinking about it. Tang San's methods were very weird. When he and Eddie teamed up, they both suffered big losses, but it was not easy to win against a little girl from the opposite side. loose

Chao Tianxiang glanced at Tang San and said to the girl beside him: "Yiran, go ahead."

The girl nodded and walked aside. Seeing this, Tang San gave everyone a look of relief and walked out, standing opposite the girl.

"Tang San, Martial Spirit Blue Silver Grass, 29th Level Second Ring Battle Spirit Master"

"Meng Yiran, Martial Soul Snake Staff, Level 30 Second Ring Battle Soul Master"

Blue silver grass? Level twenty-nine? Can you practice even with a useless martial spirit? Looks like this is another genius! When Chao Tianxiang heard Tang San's words, she looked startled again, and began to look at the Shrek people in front of her, secretly wondering what kind of perverted academy this was.

After both parties reported their martial spirits, Tang San raised his right hand and said: "Please!"

Tang San's courtesy turned into contempt for himself in Meng Yiran's eyes. He felt angry in his heart, and with a flash of his body, Meng Yiran quickly came to Tang San.

The two-meter-long snake staff hugged the top of Tang San's head and hit it directly on the top of Tang San's head. Even though Meng Yiran was just a slender girl, this move was not only extremely powerful, but also filled with a domineering aura in his soul power.

However, Tang San just slipped and retreated quickly. At the same time, the first spirit ring on his body lit up.

He activated his first soul skill, entanglement!

The blue silver grass surged up from the ground, and instantly entangled Meng Yiran, who wanted to pursue Tang San. The spikes on the blue silver grass protruded, and the paralyzing toxin was instantly activated, and at the same time, it also scratched some of the opponent's clothes. It also gave all the men present a feast for their eyes.

Dai Mubai, who was watching the battle, murmured: "Xiao San, this Blue Silver Grass martial spirit is really good at taking off clothes. If he had controlled it just now, his opponent might have just given up."

Whether it was Dai Mubai or Ma Hongjun, their eyes were staring at Meng Yiran for a moment. Eddie glanced at Ma Hongjun with disdain and thought, can he be more gentleman? Although he also looked at it, it was for appreciation. You can see, but the fat man Ma Hongjun is already drooling there, and there is a strong tendency of evil fire rising.


A cold snort of dissatisfaction sounded from beside him. Ning Rongrong gritted his teeth and glanced at Eddie, who was admiring it with "glad eyes", then stretched out his hand and twisted his waist hard!

Eddie grimaced in pain and said helplessly: "Damn it! Ning Rongrong, what are you doing?"

However, the other party ignored him and turned around to leave, leaving Eddie alone in confusion, clutching his waist.

the other side

Tang San's battle has also ended. Meng Yiran broke free just now and wanted to continue fighting, but was soon trapped by Tang San again. In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and admit defeat.

Tang San, who returned to the team, found that everyone was looking at him a little wrong. He couldn't help but be a little confused but didn't ask any more questions. He had a feeling that it was best not to ask!

Now that the competition was over, Zhao Wuji looked at Snake Woman with a smile and said, "Sister Chao. What did you say?"

Snake Woman said calmly: "I am willing to admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. We will leave now, but I will remember what happened today."

Before leaving, she didn't forget to take a look at Oscar, secretly thinking that it was a pity that she couldn't bring him into the family. No, if possible, she wanted to bring all the little guys in front of her into her family.

"It's a pity, it's a pity," Chao Tianxiang said secretly, and then pulled Meng Yiran and disappeared in front of everyone.

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