"Let's give an example."

Kakashi looked at the three people standing there stunned,

"Sakura, kill Naruto or Sasuke will die."


Naruto looked at Kakashi and Sakura, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Being killed by Sakura like this...

But it was to save Sasuke...

That's not okay!

Shuang Yueyao looked at Naruto who was sweating and sighed secretly, it's not enough to be a dog licker.

A real licking dog at this time would just lead the neck and kill Quan Zuoying.


Lick the dog until the end has nothing.

"like this"

Kakashi took back the kunai.

"Why is this...it scares me to death?"

Sakura and Naruto breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Your companions were taken hostage by the enemy, forcing you to make a choice and causing your companions to lose their lives. You are all performing missions in which your lives are at stake."

"Then wouldn't it be better to just save your comrades before the enemy reacts, or kill the enemy?"

Shuang Yueyao interrupted, she was very excited after successfully defeating Kakashi.

"Look at this. The many names carved on this stone. These are all ninjas who are known as heroes in the village."

Kakashi ignored Shuangyue Yao's reckless remarks, but stood up and walked towards the stone monument behind him.

“This, this, this, this, this is good!

I now decided to get my name engraved there!

hero! hero! I won't die in vain! "

Naruto was so excited that he could not speak coherently. He dreamed that one day he would be called a "hero" by everyone in the village.

"But this is no ordinary hero"

Kakashi turned his head and glanced at Naruto.

"Hey? What kind of hero is that?"

Naruto continued to ask curiously.


Kakashi did not answer Naruto immediately

"Say it!"

Naruto persisted in shouting

"They are heroes who died in the line of duty"

"Died in the line of duty?"

Naruto didn't understand the deep meaning behind this word and was still asking with a smile.

"Tsk, idiot, dying in the line of duty means dying while performing a mission."

Shuang Yueyao couldn't stand it anymore and explained first.

Naruto slowly stopped smiling playfully, the smile on his face became stiff, and his head slowly turned to the side.

Everyone around him fell into a deathly silence.

"This is a commemorative monument, and it has my friend's name on it."

Everyone was silent, and they obviously did not expect the seriousness of this topic.

"You guys, I'll give you one last chance.

But in the afternoon, there will be a more brutal battle to seize the bell. Except for Shuangyue Yao, the other guys who want to challenge eat the lunch box, but they cannot give it to Naruto. "

Kakashi turned to face everyone.


Naruto didn't expect that he would receive special treatment.

"This is the punishment for breaking the rules and wanting to eat alone. If someone feeds it to him, that person will be immediately deemed unqualified. I am the rule here, do you understand?"

Kakashi calmly explained to everyone

The three of them picked up their lunch boxes and started to move. Naruto didn't make any noise and was tied to the log and motionless. However, his stomach was not very honest and made a huge "gurgling" sound.

The three people's eyes turned to Naruto unconsciously.

Naruto, who was stared at for a while, couldn't bear it anymore

"It's okay even if I don't eat. There's no problem at all!"

Although Naruto roared very loudly and sounded confident, the "gurgling" sound coming from his stomach again severely shattered his last stubbornness.

"it does not matter"

Naruto argued weakly.

As Shuang Yueyao ate, the lunch in her mouth suddenly lost its flavor.

"Hey, Naruto, you can eat my bento.

At my age, I can go back and study for another two years and start over, but you definitely don't want to go back and re-study.

And with my strength, old man Sarutobi will definitely not let me go back, so it doesn’t matter if I fail, you can just take it and eat it. "

Naruto was stunned.


Sasuke remained as indifferent as ever but handed the bento in his hand to Naruto.

"Wait, wait a minute, Sasuke-kun, forget it Shuang Yueyao, why even you... Didn't the teacher just say..."

Sakura looked around nervously, trying to make sure Kakashi didn't see this.

"It doesn't matter, that guy isn't here now anyway. The three of us are going to grab the bell together in the afternoon. If he gets in the way, I will have a headache. Shuang Yueyao has already eaten more than half of his portion. For you, Naruto? This must not be enough to eat, right?”

Sasuke didn't care, and still didn't take back the hand he extended.

As expected of a gay friend, the Mingzuo Party has won a great victory!

Shuang Yueyao looked at her lunch box and felt that there seemed to be a little less left, but she still shamelessly handed it over.

Sakura looked at the two of them, then at the bento in her hand, and then at Naruto, swallowed, and cruelly handed the bento to Naruto.

Naruto's eyes sparkled, he never thought that one day, he would receive a bento from Sakura.

"Thank you"

"Stop saying thank you and eat quickly."

Sakura was still a little anxious. She was worried that Kakashi would suddenly come back for a surprise attack and they would be in trouble if they were discovered.


Naruto was still hesitant

"I've been losing weight recently, no, I eat less than them, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Sakura explained forcefully, but her words seemed a little weak.

"Ah, but..."

Naruto stretched out his hand to indicate that he could not do anything.


Sakura is a little angry

"Hurry up, that guy doesn't know when he will come back."

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Shuang Yueyao and Sasuke were both a little impatient.

"Just this once! Listen up, you know it."

Sakura gritted her teeth, picked up a ball of rice, and slowly handed it to Naruto's mouth.

"I know this"

Naruto took a bite excitedly.

A gust of wind suddenly hit at this moment, and in the raised smoke, Kakashi's face suddenly appeared in front of the four people.

"You guys! How dare you disobey my rules? Are you all ready to wake up?"

Shuang Yueyao tried her best to release the heat flow in an attempt to resist the strong wind, but the force-bearing area of ​​the four people was too large, and her current strength was not enough to help the three of them resist such a powerful ninjutsu.

Kakashi's hand quickly formed seals, the sky began to darken, countless dark clouds gathered above their heads, and lightning and thunder thundered with great force.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

All three of them were trembling, Shuang Yueyao could no longer hold on, blood kept dripping from her face to the ground, and the surrounding air continued to heat up with the loss of Shuang Yueyao's blood.

"Because...because the teacher said it! So these guys..."

Naruto's teeth were still chattering, but the words he spoke revealed unshakable determination.

"We are a group of three, right?"

"That's right! The three of us are one!"

"Tsk, as a teaching assistant, what would it look like if I had enough to eat and drink but let the students go hungry?"

Even though the three of them could not even stand, they still responded to Naruto's words without hesitation and expressed their position.

"Are the three of them one body...

Do you have a sense of responsibility as a teaching assistant..."

Kakashi approached the four of them step by step

Shuang Yueyao took a step forward. Although the blood on her face had not been wiped clean and she looked a little weak, she still stood firmly in front of the three of them.


Kakashi's serious expression suddenly changed, and his eyes narrowed in laughter.

"You are still the first batch of qualified people. Those guys before were all idiots who only listened to my words. A ninja must be able to see through the trap."

How could we see through it? It's just that everyone did it when their brains got hot, okay...

Shuang Yueyao recalled her previous thoughts,

I think this is quite ironic to them.

"In the world of ninjas, those who break the rules are scum.

However, those who do not know how to value their companions are the scum of scum.”

Kakashi raised his head and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, seeming to think of someone.

"This exercise is over. All members are qualified. Class 7 will start performing tasks tomorrow! Shuang Yueyao, please come out with me, and the rest will be dismissed."


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