"There are things happening online. I don't care about anything you do. Don't meddle in your own business here. I won't be happy if you tell me this again.

What do you think you can do to help me? No, you can never help anyone. You are just some little gangsters. I don’t care if anything happens to you again. "

"You are my real big brother. You saved my life before, but this time you are so embarrassed and look so shameless. I can't bear it. I must help your heart and bring you back your face." That’s what I should do, that’s how I feel right now.”

"I can't even remember your name. Why did you try to restore my face? Isn't it a bit ridiculous for you to just say, don't do these boring things? I have never given you any benefits, even if you help me. It’s just funny.”

We all know that we really want to avenge you, but I don't dare to do it without your permission. I'm worried about what will happen if you don't like it. "

Qin Feng never thought that this little brother would suffer so many things before. He didn't want to care about these things before, but it seems he can't do anything about it now.

He always has to face some things by himself. Many times he may not quite understand what is going on, but now it is another possibility.

Qin Feng hasn't been like this for a long time, but he must endure it.

"Remember what I said to you before? You are not qualified to negotiate any conditions with me here. You should shut up early. This is what you should do. It is not free to hand over this young man to you. "." If he loses this opportunity, it will be a nightmare for him. He may never have such an opportunity again. Sometimes he really can't let go of this.

For the first time in so many years, he felt so guilty, as if all this was his own fault, if not because he was too lazy.

"Brother Qin Feng, have you really forgotten me like this? It doesn't matter. If you forget me, I can leave all these things to you. That Young Master Wang beat you up before.

How could those people be so easy to talk to, especially that young man who was so young and would obviously do some impulsive things? It's really hard to think about.

Qin Feng had never acknowledged that little brother in his heart, but now another big man came carrying him. All this was like a mockery of him, and he didn't know what to do now.

I really don’t want to talk nonsense with this young man anymore, so I’d better leave early before going down. They have nothing to do now, so why are they saying so many useless words.

"If you are looking for death by yourself, then I can't control you, so don't talk about these things anymore, I will try my best to do all these things.

If it was broken like this, it would be difficult to say, and there was the support of the gods behind it. He was even more unwilling in his heart. Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

He's a tall bastard with very strong muscles. Everything doesn't look right. Is this guy here looking for trouble?

It's better not to do boring things. He has decided to give up all this, and he can only live a peaceful life. It is not easy. If he does anything at all, others will notice it.

Before he grew up, he had made up his mind not to compete with Wang Shuai, so no matter what happened this time, he was not going to have any reaction. This peaceful time was hard-won.

"If you don't agree, then I will make my own choice. Anyway, I never told you what I gave you. You may not remember it, but it doesn't matter. Everything will get better. There are many things. Yes, even we ourselves don’t know what happened.”

Qin Feng had a very strange feeling. This man's oppression was so strong.

It seemed that it was impossible not to take action today. The young man had been beaten to death, and his hands and feet were disabled. I really don’t know what he was doing. Why did he go to fight with others for no reason.

"How dare you find such a young man to cause trouble for us? Do you know that it's because you don't understand the matter or you are just too ignorant? Master Wang originally planned to let you go, but it doesn't seem that simple now."

I have never believed in these things. You also know what the situation is now. Anyway, these things will never happen again. "

Qin Feng looks extremely tall. The other subordinates don't understand why they give him so much face. Who is this person?

Although these people are not very powerful people, they are still a very good team, but their boss is so respectful to this young man, which is really a bit embarrassing.

"Brother Qin Feng, I want to get your approval. No matter what, I have to take some action. I am willing to give everything for you. Everything is my fault. I understand this very well in my heart. reason."

Qin Feng really didn't quite understand where this little brother came from. He didn't want to have anything to do with him anymore. Why did he always do these boring things? It was completely unnecessary for him.

"Well, the young man is not here for me, and you can't do whatever he says. If you believe him so much, why do you still come to ask me? I just want to live your peaceful life. This is how you completely retire, so It’s okay for me to forget the hatred I had in the past.”

"Haha, Qin Feng, you were a person before, why did you become like this all of a sudden? How do you know what's wrong with you?

It's really not right to talk about this. These things are all your own mistakes. Looking at your decadent look, I really don't want to talk. "

Qin Feng forced a smile and said, "It's best if you don't say anything. I never think there's any problem. If you look down on me, just look down on me. It didn't matter how powerful I was in the past, but now I It’s already a waste.”

This kind of young man is doing a disservice. If he wants to help himself find some face, that Young Master Wang is also a bully here. He has strength and power, and he doesn’t know how much money he has. For a person like this, he doesn’t want to spend more time. Tube.

"Master Wang's name is Wang Shan. He is a man who does all kinds of evil. It's really hard to swallow that he can live hungry like this, but I don't want to talk to him.

I just wanted to live a peaceful life, but then God refused to give me this opportunity. Even I didn’t quite understand what was going on. "

"This should make you feel at ease. Why do you have such a big opinion against me? There should be no hatred between you and me. I hope you understand this."

Because it is really not easy to argue that he is a waste. Normally, he should be able to resist. He used to be like a hero.

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