"Although I don't want to admit it, I am also a little scared now. Has your power changed too much? It is completely different from what we expected before.

Is such a big change really good for you? They walked non-stop and came to an alliance where ten brutal bandits lived. After a battle of wits and courage, they won.They came to a kingdom again, and at this time a companion was possessed by a demon. Many times, things should not be like this. "

Lin Fengchen gritted his teeth.

"Haha, brat, I thought you were such an interesting person before, but now it seems that you are nothing more than that. What on earth are you wearing like this? You are already a complete waste. You must be helpless. At this time, you actually recognize me. Coward."

You don't even go there, you should hate me, who told you to waste so much time, you should kill me when you have time. "

"Maybe what you said was never wrong. They tried their best to restore order to normal. They continued to move forward and came to a mountainside again. The people here are particularly barbaric. Maybe I couldn't underestimate you before. , this thing simply cannot explain why your weapons cannot be used.

But it can destroy a sword. This is a mythical skill. It still gives me a headache to talk about it. What is going on with all this. "

When an old man knelt on the ground, he felt like a failure and almost sacrificed them all to heaven.At the critical moment, they used their money to bribe the other party's leader.After regaining his freedom, the fire he had been pursuing all his life was now like this, which showed how he could tolerate such a thing in his heart.

He can no longer think about this. After losing this weapon, the meaning of his survival will be gone. Such things have happened for so many years, making him feel very confused.

When Bai Ming was ill, that tall man had four arms. He couldn't beat him originally, but now he has four arms. There is no doubt that his strength has quadrupled. This situation is really serious. It's getting worse. What should he do?

"Since this is my destiny, they continued to move forward and came to a river. The people here were particularly cunning and deceived them. Although they suffered heavy losses, they continued on their way and finally came to a grassland. So Just let everything be over, it can be like this anyway, and I hope these things can be resolved as soon as possible.

But things always develop in the opposite direction to me. I don’t understand the meaning of this myself. Maybe I should be more serious sometimes. "

Lin Fengchen was thinking about how he could survive. This bastard would definitely kill him completely with one punch. Before that, he was very scared.

The current situation is completely different. There is a robot here. After hearing about their encounter, he was eager to help and went back to help them get back their lost things.The power of this person has exceeded his imagination. Every time it turns out like this, he is really embarrassed and even finds it difficult to handle himself.

"I'm actually crying about this. It seems that you are really, really sorry for this sword. You can't get it anymore, although it's a bit of a pity to say it."

"But what can I do? The other party outsmarted them and came up with a damaging move. Their weapons were lost and their people were caught. The enemy imprisoned them in a meeting place and couldn't do anything anymore. This is your tragedy. It’s better to deal with your destiny as soon as possible.”

Lin Fengchen looked very comforting at this time, which is a bit ironic to say, but now he doesn't take others seriously at all.

"A brat was still saying such sarcastic words at this time. They continued to move forward and came to a river valley. There was a clown here who wanted to take what they had, but they refused to give it to them and the negotiation failed. You are really looking for death. If you If you want to die here so much, then I will help you as soon as possible.

You said everything. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. You seem to be fine. "

"When everything disappears, you will know how miserable you are. If you can survive, that's fine. If you can't survive, then I will definitely kill you so that I can take revenge."

"If you want to kill me directly, you want to poison me. At the most critical moment, they remembered to use the one given by others. They continued to march. Six days later, they came to a river. There was a slave here. Lord, I don’t have nothing to say, since things have become like this anyway, I won’t have any complaints.”

"The words you said at this time are quite clear and very businesslike. If nothing happens, I won't tell you. All these things will be your fault.

You have to pay the price, no matter what, you will never get better, and you will completely regret it after all these things. "

Bai Ming seemed to have gathered countless forces to rob him and attack them. He used a despicable spell to catch them and turned them into wild geese. Now he is finally about to explode. Sometimes the situation is like this. Yes, even he didn’t know what the crisis was like.

Bai Ming's body emits a very strange light, which makes him so depressed. He has become stronger again. This smelly old man is so powerful. On the surface, he is just an old man.

But it was actually a powerful demon. Even he seemed to have a chill down his back. It was always a bit hard to describe when things got to this point. He knew that he could no longer retreat now.

"Have you seen my mentality? Fortunately, there was a fire in the area at this time, and they took the opportunity to escape. They recovered their bodies. They continued to march, and soon you will know my terror. I must get rid of that in your body, and then It has become stronger at this time, and now you can think about what you are worried about and it will happen, and you will know soon."

Lin Fengchen couldn't help but tremble now. This situation was really different from what he thought.

Something happened right away, which was very troublesome. It would be really terrible to fail to defeat these people, but fate is like this, so what can he do? Too many things happened, and even he himself didn't realize how it happened. .

"Although I felt helpless in my heart, I finally arrived at a historical site where a princess lived. She wanted to take away their property, but was counterattacked. These people became angry and angry, but I also thought clearly. Let all these things be like this. No matter what happens at this time, I feel the need to persist. Almost everything may be my fault."

"I think if you can't hold on to this punch and die directly, then I have no choice but to die, but if you are still alive, I will hand you over to God to deal with.

So you know your fate? You caught them and after a fight, because of their.

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