Forget it, I'm already asleep. It's useless no matter what I say. I just hope you can feel comfortable. If you can't wake up, then I definitely won't be able to wake up either. "

Yishan and the others didn't know how anxious they were. This young man might have tried too hard, and he might have been desperate himself after encountering so many things. The pyramid was a very desperate place, and no one could do it. Can you survive here?

"If you are willing to give up, you have no chance at all. This place is such a headache. No one can see any hope here."

Now he has no choice but to wait here resolutely. He doesn't know how long the wait will be. These things seem really far away. Too many things have happened. He himself is also very panicked. The only possibility of survival is this young man. people.

It's a pity that he is in this state now, and he is still asleep. Falling asleep with such a serious injury is as painful as death. No one knows what will happen in the future. There may be something more fatal. .

"Are we really going to be okay? These feelings are so incredible that even I don't want to believe it myself. Falling in love is really amazing. It saved my life time and time again. I feel a little embarrassed."

"Okay, don't say that. We are not perfect yet. This place is full of rocks, which have been pressing down like this. We are not the same thing. We may never be simple. You have to know this. "

Lin Fengchen was very tired in his heart. What was even more terrible was that he had stayed here for so long with such a serious injury. It was his own fault. If he died, might everything be free?

Yishan felt very unwilling in his heart. He was not afraid of death before, but now he is completely afraid of death, which may be a bit embarrassing to say, so those people are many times stronger than him.

Anyway, he is already like this, and I don’t mind communicating with him more. This is what he thinks in his heart. It happens like this every time. What is there to say?

"It's over. I haven't woken up after sleeping for so long. It seems impossible that I can't wake up. Should I think of other ways to leave here as soon as possible? If I don't leave, I won't have a chance. left.

So many things feel like my own fault. Is this how sad I look? Never find a chance, never have anything."

I won't waste so much time here. Sometimes I always feel that something is wrong. It all seems like my own mistake.

"Don't look like you are lovesick in front of me every time. In fact, I want to die more than you do. Death may be very important to me.

Sometimes I really have a headache, but we can count ourselves lucky if we survive every time. "

Yishan felt that he was very unwilling and had no backbone, which was probably the saddest thing. He felt that he was like this sometimes.

"If you don't wake up, then I will really be helpless. I will think of any way to rescue you. You also know that I am very sad like this. My lack of strength is really annoying.

I can't do anything wherever I go. It's really useless to talk to me. This has always been my own fault. I blame myself for being too weak in the past. "

Yishan looked like he was about to cry. He was so spineless. This look really made people unable to hold their heads up. He thought for a long time and felt that he had no chance. He really wanted to do well this time. Yes, but the result is the same.

Yishan was still very pessimistic before, but now he has completely come out of this incident. This is really happy for him. He always thinks about those distant things, but he is not so worried now. .

"Okay, let me remove these bricks from your body first. This will at least make you feel at ease. A lot of things have happened, and I am thinking about them myself.

I can't ask you to call me every time. I occasionally come to do you a favor. Although it's all rubbish, I really try my best, so please don't blame me. "

Lin Fengchen said nothing, "My boss may have had too much of a headache. Now I think I need to take a rest. If I don't take a rest, I should probably know better."

Lin Fengchen has been sleeping for too long and has not woken up. All hopes have ended just like this. He was clearly told not to sleep, not to sleep, and he must continue to sleep.

Yishan didn't know any treatment methods. It had given them a lot of headaches before, and it seemed like there was no chance.

"If you had listened to me, you might have had a chance to live. But now that you have the chance, there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes people's fate is just like this for me. No one knows how it will be. That’s when I have the biggest headache.”

Lin Fengchen might have been seriously injured and fell into a coma. He must have ascended to heaven. It's really tragic. Is this because of his success or something?

Should I take it and bury it? Although it is a bit unethical to do so, and a lot of ideological work and struggle have gone into it.

Anyway, there are only so few things about this, and it is like that from beginning to end. There are so many things in it every time, which makes me feel really uncomfortable. "

"No, you must not say that. You are already like this. If you take a rest, it will be even more meaningless. I know it very well in my heart.

"It's all your own fruit vinegar. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have drank it like this. You have been lying to me before, but this time I tell you very seriously, don't sleep. ah."

"Okay, can you please stop quarreling with me? If you continue to quarrel with me like this, why should you and I be my friends? You can't give us some time to get along.

I just want to deal with these things as soon as possible. What happened before is completely different from what it is now. "

Lin Fengchen didn't say much. Now he regretted his original decision. He didn't know that he had to fall asleep early. If he fell asleep, nothing would happen. At least that's what he thought.

"But now it's a completely different change. Sometimes this person is very good at winning people's hearts. Everything he does can make others look at him with admiration. This is all like this. In this desert, you will die sooner or later. of."

It must have had such a big impact on him. Such side effects are so obvious that people really can't see it.

"Then I say you should put down the drugs you used before. It won't help you at all, but it will make things so bad.

It happens every time. Even I don’t quite understand what’s going on. Although I don’t want to tell you this, it’s the situation. "

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