Douluo: I Can Raise Divine Beasts

Chapter 591 Immediately

When he went to a country around Xia Kingdom, Lin Fengchen didn't care what kind of country it was. He just felt that this place was very confusing, even if he bribed the investigation bureau here.

It was completely meaningless to him. He felt that he might not make any money, or even lose money. There was really no point in spending this money.

People with less vision may think this is an opportunity. Of course, this is just to defraud money. Lin Fengchen knows what Luo Yunshan is thinking.

He gathered a group of people and once wanted to spend money to buy the appearance of this investigation bureau, but in fact those people would lose all their money after they spent their money. These people were all deceived, and this cannot be changed.

If everyone pays 2000 million US dollars, then the money is still a bit big. I didn’t expect him to make such a calculation. Luo Yunshan can still do it.

However, he thought about things and realized that it might not be that simple. Everyone knows that it is a little too early to kill the Lord now. The best opportunity has been missed. Next time he wants to plan an assassination, he must be prepared. more.

Lin Fengchen went back, and he made some preparations in his heart. In fact, he didn't worry so much anymore. He had to be prepared when dealing with this person named Luo. Only in this way can he get all the benefits.

In fact, he didn't expect to make any money in this plan. He just wanted to do these things well. Lin Fengchen felt in his heart that he had to investigate all the things behind it before he could make improvements. Otherwise, he really couldn't swallow this breath. Mr. Liu died like this.

Lin Fengchen specially brought his second brother with him when he set off this time, but when he went there he changed his mind and thought that his second brother should stay as he might be able to help in other ways.

Lin Fengchen looked very happy on the surface during this day's play, but he didn't actually think so in his heart. He had always been wary of these people, but he still smiled happily.

As for Luo Yunshan, he seems to be a complete friend. I usually talk to him about everything, and this conversation is very friendly.

Lin Fengchen knew that Mr. Liu had done business with him. Although they had cooperated many times and made a lot of money each time, Mr. Liu had never trusted this person. This was a normal thing and he understood why. It was obvious. This man is not trustworthy, he is just an old fox.

This country is very chaotic. Lin Fengchen feels that this chaotic place is almost coming together. He knows why these are all happening. It is because of such chaos that he was able to buy the investigation bureau. Maybe it is because of this that he can build a scam and let others believe it. Well, there is intrigue between the two of them.

"Second brother, do you have any objections to this matter I have arranged for you? If you are unhappy, I can not let you do it. It is better for you to have less involvement in the business. I have nothing to say, Mr. Liu. That’s all the requirements are.”

Liu Dashan smiled reluctantly, "Actually, you shouldn't treat us like this. I'm very happy with the time you arranged for me, because it's all my brother's business.

I hope he can enjoy everything and not bring you any trouble. The family needs us and we can give everything for the family. "

Lin Fengchen shrugged and lit up his cigarette. In fact, he already knew these problems in his heart. This second brother was still a little uncomfortable in his heart. He seemed to be hesitant when he said these words.

"If our lives can be like this every day, then it won't matter. The business between us will be normal. I think smoothness should be a common thing for you."

"You still overestimate me a little. I have never said anything like this. Whether things go smoothly or not depends on other circumstances. Now we all know what will happen."

Lin Fengchen knew that Luo Yunshan was stalling for time, but it didn't matter that he was slowly playing with him. In the end, no one knew who would win and who would lose. Only in this case could everything be decided.

There are many men in suits around Luo Yunshan. Lin Fengchen knows the details of each of these people. They are all from other families. He has never had contact with them because his family is too powerful and there is no need to know about them. The existence of these small characters.

But others may not be able to judge, but he will know in one day that these words are false, and there is no need for him to believe him anymore. If he believes in his changes, he will definitely be the one who regrets it.

I really don’t want things to turn out like this. Lin Fengchen doesn’t want to believe that his second brother would do such a thing. After spending time with him, I know that he is a timid, cowardly and a bit stupid person. Such a person can easily be taken advantage of. .

"It's like this. I originally wanted to take you with me, but I think there are some things that require you to find another way out. I hope you don't mind."

Maybe they are all family leaders, maybe they all have a little money, maybe only 2000 million US dollars, which is very normal for Lin Fengchen. He first knows that these things are of great help to him.

In the afternoon, Luo Yunshan prepared a lot of entertainment, "Okay, today I forgot to mention that it is my birthday. I remember that I haven't eaten cake for a long time. In order to celebrate that our business can go smoothly, I think it is best for me to celebrate. .”

Luo Yunshan snapped his fingers, and someone came up carrying the cake.

Lin Fengchen looked disapproving. Every leader of the family always greeted him and called him "Your Excellency." Such a person with a solid status like him was very envious by the people next to him.

"Okay, let's talk about this business. It's so late and we haven't talked about business for so long. We want to buy the tea sets. From now on, this area will be under our control. You have to know How useful are our own resources, oil resources and other resources.

Liu Dashan nodded, "Look at what you said, I'm embarrassed. Why would I mind? I obey all your arrangements. You can arrange whatever you want. I don't have any objections."

Lin Fengchen patted him on the shoulder, "Well then, I'll go abroad first. If anything happens, I'll give you an order. Don't say that. Next time, my future will depend on you." "

Everything seemed friendly on the outside, but Lin Fengchen didn't think so in his heart. He knew that this matter was more difficult than imagined, so he still went to meet Luo Yunshan at all costs.

"I want to bribe foreign political and communication bureaus. Maybe you should know what is going on. Once bribed, we will completely control that area. Black and white are ours, so you should know something."

Lin Fengchen nodded, "This matter is very difficult. Can it be solved by just giving me a little money? I really resent things like this. Times have changed between the past and now. You should be careful when doing these things." It will go so smoothly."

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