"I advise you not to disturb me. A miracle will definitely happen after a while. Can you give me some time?"

"You liar, what are you still doing? I see you are very upset. I won't teach you a lesson today. If you dare to treat my father like this, I will never be done with you." Shan Dacai shouted angrily.

Lin Fengchen was tapping his acupuncture points, and suddenly the bodyguard punched him. The punch was so powerful that he flew away. Sure enough, this bodyguard was very powerful. This punch made him vomit blood. You must know that he has been strengthened. Understand.

"Just give me a few minutes. Why do you have to take action? Your father is very caring. I am definitely not wrong."

Shan Qing was crying. Lin Fengchen probably guessed what was going on and why she was crying, unless her father was dead.

Anxious, she rushed to the hospital, and sure enough, her father was dead. Lin Fengchen was also surprised. What happened was that Mei Mei was fine when she left, but why was she suddenly dead now?

Because he had just undergone surgery, this had a great impact on him, making people constantly wonder if it was due to the sequelae of the surgery.

Lin Fengchen took a look at the situation and saw that Shanshan had no breath. It was really broken this time. He didn't know what to say. He felt that it was not his fault.

"It's all you. After you helped my father perform the operation, he died. How do you explain this? It's your fault. If it weren't for you, my father wouldn't have died." Shan Dacai gritted his teeth with a look on his face. Hatred.

"I still have something to do." Lin Fengchen suddenly pressed a few of Shanshan's acupuncture points, and Shanda became dissatisfied. His father had already been killed by him, but he still wanted to do this. How could he endure such a thing.

Shanshan was dead, but Lin Fengchen was tapping his acupuncture points. This was disrespectful to the deceased. Who could endure such a thing? The Shan family looked very angry.

"The bodyguard subdued him for me. Someone who subdued him like him would definitely not be honest. I have to teach him a lesson. I was so angry. He killed my father."

"Aren't you kidding me? You actually said that my father can be saved. My father was killed by you, and you still say that. How can you be such a hateful person? You are so hateful. Give me your bodyguard. Destroy him."

Lin Fengchen did not refute immediately. He checked and found that Shanshan was completely abnormal. When he left, he also checked his body. It was completely different from before. There must be something wrong.

Unless he checked with instruments, it would still be difficult for Lin Fengchen to figure it out.

"Why are you silent now? Weren't you very confident before? Now that something happened to my father, you are silent." Shan Dacai asked aggressively.

Lin Fengchen raised his eyebrows, "My operation was so successful. I checked his body and everything was normal. Why did he suddenly die? Something must have happened. I left at that time. How do I know what you are doing?" ."

"What do you mean by what you said, what did we do? You killed me. Your surgery killed my father. Just wait and go to jail."

"What was the situation in Shanshan just now?" Lin Fengchen asked, and a nurse told the recorded situation.

"There were no signs of anything unusual. It was just that the situation suddenly became critical, and within a few minutes he lost his breath and the vital signs stopped responding."

Lin Fengchen thought about many situations. Normally, it shouldn't be like this, but what happened? Shanshan suddenly died.

Lin Fengchen went to check his pulse, and found that the situation was different from what he thought. He felt it was quite normal now, but the person was dead, so there was only one possibility.

"What are you doing? Stay away from my father. You are the one who killed my father. What are you going to do?" Shan Dacai said dissatisfied.

Lin Fengchen raised his eyebrows, his face was very ugly, and he felt that the responsibility for these things was forced on him.

"Haha, how glorious he was before, how miserable he looks now. It would be strange if the Shan Group didn't sue him until death. He is finished for the rest of his life. Shan Shan is actually dead."

Lin Fengchen's forehead was bleeding. The injury was really serious. He gritted his teeth. The bodyguard was trying to stop him. If he missed these few minutes, he would really be in trouble.

He could only find a way to get closer and tap the acupuncture points, but he couldn't think of any other way. However, this bodyguard was so powerful. Lin Fengchen felt that he was really troublesome.

Lin Fengchen tried to attack with a punch, but the bodyguard knocked him back with a backhand punch. The gap here was a bit big.

"Poof" Lin Fengchen fell to the ground and punched him in the abdomen again. He spit out blood. His face was ugly. There was no other way now but to use skill points to strengthen himself.

After strengthening his strength by five skill points, Lin Fengchen closed his eyes and the bodyguard rushed over. He felt that he had to deal with this kid quickly. After all, he was the one who killed the old man.

The bodyguard rushed over and there was a "bang". This time everyone was shocked. This time it was the bodyguard who was knocked away. They had no idea what happened.

Shanda was a little surprised. Their bodyguard was very powerful, but he had never been beaten before. Why was he beaten so badly this time?

Shanda opened his mouth wide and was stunned. How could this be possible? Didn't the doctor just say that his father was dead? Why did he suddenly come back to life now?

Shan Qing covered her mouth. After a year of experience, she didn't know what to say. This was probably the weirdest thing she had ever experienced.

My father was clearly not breathing just now.

"Okay, I don't want to explain so much. Go and treat your father quickly. Now that he is alive, everything will get better."

"Doctor, come on, why are you still standing here? Hurry up and save people. Now that my father has come back to life, are you still standing still?"

The doctor was panicked. His father had come back to life. Who knew what would happen after a while? If something unexpected happened and his father died again, wouldn't he be blamed to death?

The bodyguard stood up and shook his head. The punch just made him stunned. How could such a strange thing happen? This kid suddenly became stronger.

At first, he was able to catch him and beat him, but now Lin Fengchen was obviously stronger, and the bodyguard's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect to meet such a master in China, and he was a little surprised.

"What's going on here? You seem to have suddenly become stronger. Is it my imagination?" the bodyguard asked.

"If you keep stalling with me like this, your boss will really die. Now I still have a chance to save him."

"What kind of international joke are you making on me? How can there be a person like you? Shanshan is already dead. It was because of your surgery that he died. Now you actually say which acupuncture point to order?" The bodyguard was very angry.

What does Lin Fengchen look like? It is simply disrespectful to the deceased. The bodyguard must destroy him today.

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