Lin Fengchen was special in the next few days. He didn't have to go to the other disciples' classes, and he didn't even go to the important martial arts classes. However, Lin Fengchen would occasionally show up during the martial arts knowledge classes.

The news immediately exploded among the outer disciples. Lin Fengchen seemed to be a privileged person.

Learning is not easy or smooth for Lin Feng. He doesn't know what knowledge of soul power he should master. What's even more detestable is that there are no relevant books.

Several books were about basic soul power knowledge. Lin Fengchen looked at them and saw that they were not of much help. Although he could use the upgrade system to memorize these knowledge directly, he could not use them at all.

We are still encountering a bottleneck. Lin Fengchen is depressed. If we continue like this, we will not be able to upgrade. If we break through the bottleneck, upgrading will not be a problem.

What is missing? Lin Fengchen thought of the martial spirit. He didn't have his own martial spirit now. Logically speaking, everyone should have it, but now he doesn't have it.

Is it because of this that his soul master level cannot be improved?

I remember Isis said that you can upgrade only after you have reached a certain level. The more Lin Fengchen thought about it, the more headache he got. Forget it, let's just take it one step at a time.

Lin Fengchen looked at his hands. Could it be that he didn't control his soul power enough? He should learn a few soul skills. He shook his head and was a little confused for a moment.

In class that day, Lin Fengchen felt a little strange. The other outer disciples were whispering something, and it seemed to be related to Zhao Na and him.

Zhao Na also looked at him from time to time. Lin Fengchen didn't know what happened, but everyone was talking about something.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Fengchen asked.

"Don't you know yet?"

Lin Fengchen shook his head.

"You're being targeted."

"Why?" Lin Fengchen asked in confusion. Who else could keep an eye on him?

"Isn't Zhao Na very close to you? There are rumors that you two are together. Zhao Na seems to be very interested in you. She finally likes to see you. When you are not around, someone will be unhappy if you look at your position."

Lin Fengchen was confused. What did it have to do with him? He didn't do anything.

Moreover, Lin Fengchen and Zhao Na didn't exchange a few words. He couldn't control such a thing when the girl observed him.

"She and I haven't even spoken a few words," Lin Fengchen said.

"Zhao Na seems to care about you. Those who pursue her will be unhappy. That Chen Tao said he would come to block you."

Lin Fengchen smiled bitterly, there were still people coming to trouble him

Zhao Na's cheeks turned red and she looked a little embarrassed.

"So what are you going to do?"

"What should I do if I can't escape? The soldiers will come and cover up the water and the earth." Lin Fengchen said with his hands spread out, looking very confident and not afraid of any trouble at all. The outer disciples were quite envious of him. Disciple, if you encounter such a thing, you will immediately hold your head and cry.

Lin Fengchen was already in a bad mood, but someone came to mess with him. No matter what, whoever dared to come would make him look good.

"I'm so sorry." A gentle voice said.

Zhao Na walked over and Lin Fengchen blinked, "It's not your fault. You can't control what others do."

"Don't worry, I will talk to Li Ming and tell him not to cause trouble for you." Zhao Na said guiltily.

"That Chen Tao is not simple. He is a member of the Chen family in Xincheng, Yangzhou City. He is a very arrogant and domineering person who bullies others. You must be careful."

Lin Fengchen smiled and said it was a bit of fate that he was from the Chen family again. Did he meet the Chen family again?

"You don't have to worry about me anymore. You should worry about him. If he dares to come, he will definitely pay the price. It doesn't matter if no one teaches him how to be a human being. I will teach him how to be a human being." Lin Fengchen said lightly.

"I heard that someone wants to teach me how to be a good person." A disdainful voice sounded, and a large group of people immediately broke in.

Everyone became frightened. Those were all inner disciples, and they, the outer disciples, were not at the same level at all.

The leader was none other than Chen Tao. He had a serious look on his face and was a bit handsome, but not as good as Lin Fengchen.

Seeing this Chen Tao, Lin Fengchen thought of that Chen Hao. The people in the Chen family still had a face, and they looked yin and yang.

"You are so brave. I don't know if the Chen family is a force. I want to see how capable you are." Chen Tao said coldly, and several people immediately surrounded Lin Fengchen.

Chen Tao is a disciple of the inner sect, and he is very powerful. Not long ago, he had just awakened his martial soul and became a first-level soul master, and he was even more prosperous.

Lin Fengchen naturally didn't pay attention to this person. He had already taught the Chen family a lesson, so naturally he wouldn't take Chen Tao seriously.

"I'll give you ten seconds to leave." Lin Fengchen said lightly. Chen Tao looked puzzled that this person dared to ignore him like this.

"Don't even think about leaving today. If you have a fight with me, it will be nice for you, and you definitely don't want to."

"Five seconds."

Lin Fengchen looked very contemptuous. Zhao Na was puzzled. It was already the time and he was still counting down. No one knew what he was doing.

"Three two one" Lin Fengchen's face turned cold, and the air instantly heard the sound of crackling ice.

Chen Tao was shocked. His whole body was actually frozen. He felt extremely cold. When he lowered his head, he saw that his body was actually frozen.

Chen Tao was shocked when his body froze. He only realized later that his hands and feet were frozen and he couldn't move.

Most of the people Chen Tao brought with him turned into ice sculptures, and they looked like they were really miserable.

Lin Fengchen looked at them with disdain. How could Chen Tao's physique be able to withstand such ice? It would only take a while for his body to be unable to bear it, and people might die here.

After a while, Lin Fengchen snapped his fingers, and the ice on their bodies was lifted. Chen Tao and others were trembling all over, it was too cold.

"This is to teach you how to be a good person. If you don't learn well, you can come to me again." After saying this, Lin Fengchen left without looking back.

Zhao Na was shocked. They did not expect such a result. They went to call the elders of the outer sect early to stop them from fighting, but Lin Fengchen actually took care of them all.

Lin Fengchen's back looked different. Zhao Na was agitated. He looked really handsome just now, but Lin Fengchen had already left. She took a breath and was at a loss.

Does Lin Fengchen have no interest in her at all? Zhao Na thought that because he was so pushy, he should have some interest in her, but now it seems that she is simply overthinking it.

He just left without looking back or saying a few words to Zhao Na. Zhao Na was filled with confusion.

"Wow, Lin Fengchen is so awesome. What kind of person is he?"

"It's really shocking that even Chen Tao has been dealt with."

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