The Mightiest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Let’s go! (Please vote for recommendation!)

In the evening of the next day, Link slowly walked out of the dormitory.

With the help of the water of life and death, he completed fifteen hours of sleep, and this was the time when he was full of energy.

Taking a deep breath, Link used a bottle of nutritional supplements to satisfy his hunger. After the hunger in his belly completely dissipated, he walked towards the auditorium.

At this time, the auditorium was also extremely lively.

A large number of Gryffindors and Slytherins were gathering in the foyer, staring at the four gemstone hourglasses representing the respective houses of the four major houses.

This special scene also caught Link's attention. He slowly moved his gaze to the gemstone hourglass, only to realize that a large section of the hourglass belonging to Gryffindor and Slytherin was missing.

This made Link's mouth corners rise unconsciously.

However, Link, who was worried, did not leave. He quickly approached the crowd of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws not far away. At this time, in the center of the crowd, there was a Ravenclaw who kept telling things. of the process.

After listening for a while, Link finally understood everything.

It turned out that something unexpected happened to Harry and his team's plan to escort the fire dragon last night.

On the way back, they were unfortunately caught by Filch. Just as unlucky as them was Malfoy, who was said to be following Harry.

As punishment, Gryffindor was deducted a total of 150 points based on the number of people, while Slytherin was deducted 50 points.

The Ravenclaw who spoke seemed very excited.

This is not his fault, because after Gryffindor and Slytherin were deducted points, Ravenclaw has now become the temporary No. 1.

No matter who receives such an unexpected surprise, the reaction will be the same.

Unfortunately, he couldn't be excited for long.

Because of his behavior of preaching about Harry and their experiences everywhere, he quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking at the crowded crowd, Link smiled slightly, then slowly retreated into the shadows, heading towards the girls' restroom on the second floor.

"Xiao Xue Suo Suo..."

As Link moved around, a slight friction sound came from the wall next to him.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice sounded from within the wall.

"Link, I'm sorry, I still couldn't find any trace of the liar."

"Don't worry, Arkham." Link responded with a smile, "He will show up tonight. We just need to wait in the Forbidden Forest."

"Tonight? Okay!"

Akam said happily.

It's actually quite strange why Link dares to be so sure.

But this is not important.

The important thing is that Link will go out for a run with it again tonight.

Regardless of whether he met the liar tonight or not, it was enough to have Link by his side.

Thinking of this, Arkham's little tail started wagging happily.

Link had no idea how Arkham would react.

He hid in the bathroom and waited until the curfew arrived before silently taking out the elixir from his chest and drinking it.


He exhaled a long breath.

Link's eyes flashed with excitement.

Later, he would meet Voldemort again.

But what's different from last time is that their identities have been swapped at this moment.

Link firmly believes that he is the hunter, and Voldemort and Quirrell are just his prey.

Thinking of this, the corners of Link's mouth raised.

He turned his head and looked at the wall that was chattering like a wall, and said softly:

"You can't wait, right? Haha, let's go, Arkham."

"Let's have a good hunt tonight!"


At the same time, in the principal's office at Hogwarts.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his eagle-legged table, grading pieces of parchment expressionlessly.

Opposite him was Snape who looked a little restless.

"Do you know what would happen if Quirrell was suddenly taken off surveillance?"

Snape finally couldn't bear it anymore, he sat up and said.

"I know."

Dumbledore said without raising his head.

"Then do you know that tonight is the day when Harry enters the Forbidden Forest to enforce his confinement!"

"Of course I know."

"Then you specifically chose to release all surveillance on Quirrell today?" Snape slammed the table and roared, "Do you want to kill Harry!?"

The violent shaking of the table caused Dumbledore's pen tip to slip, and a perfectly signed signature was completely ruined.

He sighed, then raised his head and said:

"This is an exercise for Harry. Not only that, the trap door, the Mirror of Erised and even the Sorcerer's Stone are all tests for him. As for safety, Hagrid is actually not a vegetarian. Severus , you know. We don’t have much time, so we can only use this method to let Harry grow up quickly."

"Really!?" Snape took a few steps back and said with a ferocious expression, "Then do you know that Link also went out for a night out tonight, and if I guess correctly, his target is also strange. Luo!"


Dumbledore's face finally showed a hint of surprise, but it was soon replaced by a smile.

"Isn't this just right? Link's recent performance has exceeded our expectations, and we really need a node to verify the results." Dumbledore said with a smile, "Severus, you don't have to worry. According to me Didn’t you understand that you have already taught him Shenfengwuying and Occlumency? That child will be fine."

"If I knew that the reason why he wanted to learn offensive spells was to deal with Quirrell and that mysterious man, I would never teach him!"

Snape roared angrily, but looking at Dumbledore who was looking at him with a smile behind the eagle-legged table, the corners of Snape's mouth raised as if he suddenly remembered something.

He slowly approached Dumbledore, narrowed his eyes and said in a playful tone:

"Aren't you afraid that Link will kill Quirrell directly? In this way, no matter how many designs are made on the Sorcerer's Stone and the trap door, without Quirrell as a key role, your influence on Harry this whole year All plans have failed, right?"

Dumbledore chuckled slightly when he heard this, shook his head and said:

"Severus, I think you may have misunderstood something. Like Harry, Link is also our hope to completely eliminate Voldemort. So if things are as you said, Link killed Quirrell, this is also It's good news, because it means that our efforts have finally paid off. As for the subsequent test and training of Harry, I don't think you need to worry. I have my own arrangements."

"Sorry, Severus, I hope you don't blame me."

Listening to Dumbledore's sincere words, Snape's face turned extremely ugly.

"You are a hard-hearted butcher!"

After saying that, Snape shook his black robe and walked towards the exit of the office.

Looking at his back, Dumbledore behind the eagle-legged table also sighed and said slowly towards Snape's back:

"Go, Severus, protect those children. With you here, I feel relieved. By the way, let's go and see how outstanding these children we have trained are."

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