The Mightiest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 63 Chance Encounter (please vote for recommendation!!)

Seeing Snape's tired look, Link couldn't say much.

Resisting the desire to complain, Link thanked Snape before drinking the potion and leaving.

However, just as he was about to push open the stone door, Snape's voice came from behind him again.

"As for the Occlumency training, you can continue to try it after you go back." Snape paused and said, "As for the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, you should wait until you get to my place tomorrow to practice it."

"I understand, Professor." Link nodded and pushed open the stone door, "You should have a good rest."


With a muffled sound, the stone door closed again.

Link took a deep breath in the darkness.

Overall, he was in a pretty good mood.

After all, he has now mastered the positive and negative spells of Shen Feng Wu Ying, and has also begun to learn Occlumency, and everything is developing for the better.

The only drawback is probably that the method of learning Occlumency is a bit too weird and too difficult.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

But as Snape said, this is the measure of whether a person is a genius.

Geniuses can often discover the truth in the subtleties, while mediocre people will only think that it is ordinary even if they face the truth directly.

Link wasn't sure if he was a genius, but he would never give up.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

A bright and soft light rippled from the tip of Link's staff. Link moved his body, which was somewhat stiff from sleep, and slowly walked into the darkness.

He was also going to visit Arkham tonight.

Although Arkham kept saying that its injuries were fine, Link was still a little worried.

The dark bottle of unknown potion was specially obtained by Link from Snape for Arkham.

The quantity inside is not too much, probably not enough for Arkham Snake, but this is also Link's thought, and Link feels that Arkham probably won't mind it either.

Thinking this, Link couldn't help but speed up his pace.

But before he had gone very far, he bumped into something.



Link staggered and almost fell to the ground, and a slightly familiar groan came from in front of Link.

Link stabilized his body and looked towards the source of the sound, but found that there were only two calves twisting on the ground in front of him, and there was nothing above the calves.

This made Link a little surprised, but he quickly reacted and said with some uncertainty:


"Ah, Link, come and give me a hand."

Harry's painful voice came from the front, and an arm suddenly appeared in the air.

Link gave a tentative tug, and then pulled Harry up from the ground.

"Phew! Sorry, Link, I got distracted."

Harry scratched his head and said sheepishly, while Link was rubbing the cloth that originally covered Harry's body with great interest.

This fabric is so magical that everything covered by it will become transparent. It is a true invisibility cloak.

"Invisibility Cloak!"

Link said slightly excitedly.

Hearing this, a trace of pride flashed across Harry's face.

"Yes, it's the invisibility cloak." Harry said, "This is a Christmas gift I received. It is said to be a relic of my father."

Looking at Harry's triumphant look, Link smiled meaningfully.

At this time, Harry obviously only thought that this was just an ordinary invisibility cloak, but what he didn't know was that although there were invisibility cloaks in the wizarding world, the expensive props made of invisible tapir fur actually had a shelf life.

Generally speaking, even the best invisibility cloak can only guarantee effective use for one year, but the one in Harry's hand is different.

It is one of the famous Three Hallows of Death - the Cloak of Death.

It not only provides a permanent invisibility effect, but also shields the wearer from magic detection methods including prophecy and divination to a great extent. It is a real artifact.

After playing with the cloak for a while, Link finally gave it back to Harry.

At this stage, this thing is not within his reach. You must know that it was given to Link by Dumbledore. If it suddenly disappeared, Dumbledore would definitely not let it go.

"This thing is really good!"

Link sighed sincerely.

"Really? I think so too!"

Seeing Harry's excitement, Link shook his head and asked with some confusion:

"It's just that it's so late. Why are you here?"

As soon as Link said this, the smile on Harry's face froze.

He stood there blankly for a while, then gritted his teeth and said as if he had made some decision:

"I found something good, maybe you should come and take a look at it with me, Link!"

"What good stuff?"

"It's hard to explain clearly. You'll know it when you see it!"

After that, Harry didn't care what Link's reaction was, he pulled Link and started walking deeper into the corridor.

The two of them walked around in circles, passing up and down stairs one after another, which made Link almost lose his bearings.

It was only then that Harry, who was originally inexplicably excited, finally calmed down a little and began to tell Link:

"You should be able to understand me, right? Link, I just wanted to test the power of this invisibility cloak, so last night I wore it for a night swim. It turned out that it is indeed very strong. Last night I went I went to many places, including the restricted area, but no one found me. Of course, I went to the restricted area just to find Nicolas Flamel, not for anything else! Oh! By the way, you know who Nicolas Flamel is. ?"

"Uh, don't be clear."

Link lied very naturally, but secretly he was speechless.

That's a forbidden book area!

All the knowledge about dark magic in Hogwarts is locked inside. The famous Voldemort relied on the knowledge inside to grow up!

Harry was able to enter there with the invisibility cloak, and Link couldn't help but feel as sour as a lemon in his mouth.

But Link was just envious for a moment.

He knew very well that in order to prevent the birth of the next Dark Lord, the Restricted Book Area has always been the most tightly guarded place in Hogwarts.

Except for Harry, the chosen one, let alone Link, even super wizards like Snape and Flitwick probably wouldn't be able to sneak in.

Smashing his mouth several times, Link looked at Harry with a complicated expression.

But Harry didn't notice it and continued to talk to himself:

"You don't know who Nicolas Flamel is? This is really bad. Of course, I don't mean to blame you, Link. In fact, we have been looking for this Nicolas Flamel for a long time, but we have never found anything. What? Why do you think we are looking for him? That's because Hagrid let it slip last time. Nicolas Flamel is probably related to what's under the trap door. We all agree that we need to figure out what we want to protect. What, that's fair enough.

Of course, these are all digressions.In fact, what I'm about to show you was something I found after escaping from the Restricted Zone.oh!Here we are! "

Harry's voice became excited, and he pulled Link fiercely, and the two stopped in front of a classroom door.

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