The Mightiest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 24 The so-called curse

"When heating the liquid, the valve of the small magic blast furnace only needs to be turned three times. You have to turn it four times, so the liquid is a little burnt."

Hermione pointed at the parchment in front of Link and spoke quickly in the tone of a teacher instructing a student. After speaking, she looked at Link with a look that asked if she understood.

At this time, Link's face was already filled with astonishment.

He did know that Hermione was very smart and studious, and the amount of knowledge she possessed even led to her being nicknamed Miss Know-It-All not long after she entered school.

It's just that it's only been a week since Hermione and the others entered school.

In just a short time, Hermione had already started her second year Potions course.

Link was full of doubts about this.

With almost no hesitation, he blurted out:

"How did you know"

"I just know it"

Hermione replied, glaring.

But after saying this, she seemed to realize that her words and deeds were inappropriate. She glared at Link one last time and then lowered her head and continued reading, ignoring Link no longer.

Link had no intention of continuing to pester Hermione. Just to be on the safe side, he wrote down what Hermione had just said and stopped dwelling on this issue. Instead, he began research on the Continuing Curse.

This is the first magic spell he learned, and it is also the highest level magic spell now.

Due to the simplicity of its upgrade, Link made it his first choice for upgrade after some thought.

His research lasted all afternoon.

During this period, he read many books with relevant knowledge, which resulted in a small mountain of books piled up on the table in front of him.

To be honest, this process of learning by reading alone without any guidance is actually very difficult and very boring.

But Link persisted.

This is not because of how strong Link's perseverance is, but because the pieces of experience 1 information that keep flashing before his eyes give him the motivation to persevere.

This is not a wild shot.

There were many video games in Link's previous life, and among them there were some BitTorrent beings whose arrogance was astonishing. If we really talk about how hard it is, learning such a trivial matter can't even compare to the corners of them.

However, many players who can play games like Liver Penetration complain endlessly when learning, and even cannot persist.

This is precisely because those video games can continuously give players positive feedback through the growth of a series of values ​​such as experience, attributes, equipment, etc. during the player's playing process.

Although there is not much positive feedback at each point, don't underestimate them. It is precisely because of them that players can continuously gain pleasure and continue to play.

The pieces of experience 1 information that Link saw were just like this positive feedback mechanism.

At the same time, the knowledge instilled in him by upgrading before refilling the spell was also of great help during the learning process.

He only needs to read many basic theories once and he can instantly understand them based on the original knowledge in his mind. Such high efficiency allows Link to push the experience of replenishing the curse to lv3% in just one afternoon. Around 50, I also have a general understanding of the magic system in this world.

As we all know, the so-called spells in this world are composed of wands, spells and magic.

This is a relatively simple and complete set of spell-casting procedures that have been summarized over countless years of development in the wizarding world.

It is precisely thanks to the power of this spell-casting program that young wizards like Link can easily cast spells.

Normally, except for powerful wizards who have received professional training and can directly skip this set of procedures and cast silent or even wandless spells, ordinary wizards can only cast spells step by step and in order.

In this set of spell-casting procedures, the most important thing is magic power.

This is the basis of all magic spells. It is through the operation and expression of magic power in different forms that the magic spell can be released.

The so-called spells and wands are actually just tools to consume magic power in a fixed way.

After figuring this out, Linkton had a guess.

That is to say, your own continuous mantra may not be able to be upgraded in a short period of time.

Because according to the previous theory, if he wanted to achieve the level of silent or even wandless spellcasting, he must first understand how the magic power of the continuous spell works, and how to accurately control the magic power.

Only by achieving the above two points can Link skip the incantation and wand and cast the spell directly.

But this is not something that can be done easily, at least with Link's current knowledge base, it is absolutely impossible.

He even complained in his heart about why such a simple spell as a mere renewal spell was so difficult.

But in fact, Link understood it in his heart.

What stood in front of him now was not the continuation spell, but the silent casting skills and the wandless casting skills.

Let’s not talk about ethereal things like wandless spellcasting, but as for the silent spellcasting technique, professors generally only teach it after the students advance to senior grades. It is a truly advanced spellcasting technique, and it is normal that it is difficult.

And if Link truly cracks the silent spellcasting technique of the Continuing Mantra, he will also gain endless benefits.

Because this series of processes will become his valuable experience, allowing him to get twice the result with half the effort when learning other silent spell casting techniques.

After slowly accepting this fact, Link put down the book in his hand.

It's already dinner time, and learning something like this requires state of mind. With his current tired and hungry state, he won't make much progress even if he continues to study.

With this thought in mind, Link moved his joints, and after hearing a crisp crackling sound, he stood up contentedly and prepared to eat.

However, as soon as he got up, he found that Hermione, who was sitting opposite him, was still holding a book and looking at it without any intention of eating.

This made Link a little hesitant to remind Hermione to eat. After all, he didn't really want to deal with the other party in principle, because it might involve him in some bad things.

However, after thinking this way, after seeing Hermione's lips that had become white and dry due to not eating or drinking for too long, Link finally softened his heart.

He followed Hermione's example and waved the quill in front of her face. He waited until the other party raised her head and said:

"It's so late, why don't you go have dinner?"

"No, I haven't finished reading this book yet."

Hermione said without raising her head.

Perhaps due to being too tired, her voice sounded a little weak.

This made Link frown.

"You are a freshman, right? You can't get anything to eat after meal time. Do you want to be hungry all night?"

"Thank you for your concern, but can you please leave me alone? I want to finish reading this book quietly."

Hermione seemed to be very dissatisfied with Link, the guy who was always bothering her with her studies, frowning and choking.

Hearing this, Link was also happy. His good intentions were treated as if they were a donkey's liver and lungs.

Shaking his head helplessly, Link left the library directly. Dinner time was about to pass, and he didn't want to go hungry because of his entanglement with Hermione.

After Link left, the empty library became quiet again.

Hermione was hiding alone behind a tall mountain of books, watching the standardized production of potions in her hands. Now she could finally continue reading.

However, her attention was still unable to focus on the densely packed characters in front of her, as countless thoughts were racing through her mind.

If you think about it carefully, what I just said was a bit excessive. Although that person was a little annoyed, he was doing it for my own good.

Thinking of this, Hermione couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

She sighed lightly and looked up to the opposite side. However, at this moment, Link was no longer there.

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