Snakes at Hogwarts

Chapter 66 Meow~! (Please recommend! Please collect!)

I don’t think I need to describe the next plot in too much detail.

Facing Harry and Ron who were tied into rice dumplings, what would Draco do to his two mortal enemies as long as his consciousness was not suddenly replaced by a traveler from another world?

I'm afraid you can guess it without even thinking.

Or think about it from another perspective, what would a group of Slytherins do when faced with two defeated and incapacitated Gryffindors?

The fact was obvious. Under the leadership of Draco, the little snakes taunted the two guys who were tied to the ground and couldn't even speak.

As for Neville

who cares

The unlucky guy who had been ignored by the little snakes was standing there shivering. His face was bloodless and pale. The fists in his hands were clenched, then slowly loosened, and then clenched again.

Finally, before Draco could further humiliate Potter and Ron, Neville couldn't help but roar.

"Let them go"

His voice was loud, maybe, at the same time, Neville took out his wand from his large robes, and almost dropped the wand on the ground due to nervousness, which made the little snakes burst into mocking laughter. Voice.

"Isn't this Neville Longbottom, that little tearbag who accomplished nothing? The shame of the pure-blood family." Pansy couldn't help but said sarcastically.

This little girl has a very sharp mouth.

Malfoy stared intently at the guy who dared to disturb his good business. He stood up and approached Neville step by step. The latter pointed the wand in his hand at Draco with a trembling voice.

"It's hard to believe that the Sorting Hat actually sorted you into Gryffindor. Do you know what I think? I think Hufflepuff, which is full of trash and cowards, is the best trash can for you."

"Don't come here, I'm going to cast a spell." Neville pointed the wand at Draco, the hand holding the wand trembling uncontrollably.

"It's up to you to recite the spell." As if he heard some funny joke, Draco's face was full of teasing.

"Do you really think you can cast even a single spell?" he kept saying sarcastically.

"Come on, I'll stand here and you can use that little stick to cast a spell on me."

"Let them go or I will go find the professor and you will all be expelled."

There was a cry in Neville's voice, and he looked at Andros with pleading eyes.

He finally learned to be smarter.

However, it is only a little bit.

"Do you think we will let you leave here?" Draco didn't need to say anything. His good friends surrounded Neville very consciously.

These little snakes who have tasted the sweetness of bullying others will not let Neville go easily.

"Did any of you bring quills and ink?"

"I want to leave a deep mark on their faces and let everyone know what it will be like to go against the Malfoy family."

"Draco, it's almost done." Andros reminded him.

"Ender, you don't want to protect these Gryffindors, do you?"

Draco glanced suspiciously up and down at Andros.

"No, I just want to go back and rest early. I'm already very sleepy." He didn't lie to Draco. Andros was not in a good mental state at the moment.

He fell off his broomstick in the afternoon and almost died, and was dragged here by Draco to referee the duel in the evening, so he didn't get much rest at all.

"We have achieved our goal tonight, right? There's no need to make things too big." Andros patiently advised Draco.

"Well, after I leave a mark on their faces, we will go back. What do you think of leaving a few of them here?" Malfoy looked at Potter on the ground with a wicked smile.

"Scarhead, you must be very

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