Snakes at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 On the Train (Please recommend and collect!)

After the International Statute of Secrecy was signed into effect in [-], wizards completely went into hiding.

Perhaps naturally, they formed their own little communities within the community.Many small villages have attracted several wizard families, and these families unite to help and protect each other.

Under the International Statute of Secrecy, each magical government is responsible for concealing the existence of its own magical community.

In addition, they also need to control magical animals in their own country, curb public displays of magic by minors, and ensure that people engage in magical sports without the risk of being discovered by Muggles.

In general, the International Statute of Secrecy ensures the safety of wizards, significantly reduces the risk of Muggles discovering the magical world, and safeguards the fundamental interests of most wizards.

Until now, the International Statute of Secrecy has become the fundamental law that all wizards need to abide by.


The Magical History of Bathilda Bagshot

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On the emerald green field, a dark red train was speeding along the railway track, like a wild horse that had just escaped from its cage.

The time has come to noon on September [-]st. An hour ago, the Hogwarts train was loaded with four carriages of students and drove out of the platform amidst the roar of steam and the reluctant farewells of parents.

Looking at the changing scenery outside the window, from the big city with tall buildings at the beginning, to the low houses on the edge of the city, to the endless wilderness and rolling hills now, Andros felt very good.

Not only because his journey of magic was about to officially begin, but also because as an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, he had never been to such a far place and had never seen such charming scenery.


What about the two-person world we agreed on with Hermione?

Thinking of this, Andros looked at the other side of the seat with some depression. A fat boy with a round face was sitting there uneasily. When he noticed Andros's gaze, he looked out the window evasively.

The boy was holding a toad named Leif in his hand, but his grip seemed a little too tight. Andros was a little afraid that the poor toad would be accidentally strangled to death by his owner.

"The Longbottom family, is it true? I have seen the name of this family in the history of modern magic. Your history must be very long."

"My name is Hermione Granger, and that is Andros Lobacher. We are both wizards from the Muggle world. Nice to meet you, Neville."

"Why would you keep a toad as a pet?"

"No offense, I mean, since you come from a wizarding family, you must have learned a lot of magic, right? How about you, can you show us your skills?"

Beside the round-faced boy, Hermione chattered around him and asked questions. The barrage of questions made the dull boy not know how to answer for a while.

He looked at Andros opposite him for help, but the latter had already turned his head and looked out the window, admiring the scenery outside.

"I~I, I don't know any magic yet." Neville said stumblingly, and the boy's face turned red.

"Actually, when I was a child, my family always thought that I was a squib, a wizard with no magical talent.

Until one day, Uncle Algie grabbed me by the ankles and threw me out of the window. I bounced off the ground and flew across the garden, much to their delight.

Uncle Algie even bought me a toad. "

Speaking of what he was happy about, Neville excitedly raised the toad, as if he wanted to give it to Hermione to see, which made the girl shrink back unnaturally.

"That's it. I call it Leif. How about it? Is it very energetic? Do you want to touch it?"

"No, no." Hermione waved her hands repeatedly. She would never touch such a thing.

So stupid

How can any girl like this kind of creature with pimples all over its body and greasy mucus all over its body?

Even for a woman like Hermione who has the potential of a lioness.

"Next time, thank you, Neville." Looking at the somewhat embarrassed bully, Andros skillfully smoothed things over.

"I think you should let go, it's about to be crushed to death by you."

"Ah, thank you~ Thank you."

Hearing Andros's words, Neville subconsciously let go of his hand, and the toad named Leif was also very keen to seize the opportunity to escape from its master's hands.

It struggled to squeeze Neville's hand away, then jumped into the air, and rushed towards the unclosed box door amidst Hermione's screams, completely without the half-dead look it had just now.

Hey, he's still a toad who can act.

Seeing this scene, Andros thought in surprise.

However, Leif obviously underestimated how wary Neville was about it.

Before it could jump onto the box door and slip out through the loose gap, Neville quickly grabbed one of its legs and lifted it back.

"As you can see, Leif always likes to run away from me."

"Maybe it just wants to play hide and seek with you."

With an owner as careless as you, any pet will want to run away.

If I hadn't reminded you just now, you would have squeezed his entrails out.

Fortunately, just when the atmosphere in the car was getting so awkward that even Andros couldn't remedy it, there was suddenly a loud clicking sound in the aisle outside, as the wheels rubbed against the ground.

"My dear, do you want to buy some food?" A fat witch with a big smile pushed open the box door and asked Andros and the others.

"My~my grandmother prepared lunch for me." Neville explained with a blush on his face.

It seems that the Longbottom family's financial situation may not be very good either.

It's fair to think about it, after all, the cost of treatment at St. Mungo's should be a huge expense.

"Hermione, let's go out and buy some food. I'm starving."

Without hesitation, Andros took Hermione's little hand, and the two of them came to the aisle outside.

"Ender, I, I don't have any money anymore. I used the remaining gold galleons to buy a few books." Hermione whispered to Andros.

"It doesn't matter, this meal is mine. I saved some money by working at Old Tom's."

"But these snacks won't cause tooth decay if you eat them too much."

"Look at me, I used to go to Florin's Cold Drink Shop every day to get an ice cream, isn't it fine now?" Andros opened his mouth and showed off his white teeth to Hermione.

"Huh, the day you got cavities, I really couldn't understand why you didn't do anything when we ate the same thing every day." The girl pouted her mouth angrily. She had drank a lot of butterbeer before. The result directly led to tooth decay.

For this reason, she was often scolded by her dentist parents.

You may not know that there is a special potion in the wizarding world to treat tooth decay, Hermione.

All you need is a small bottle and a few gold galleons to say goodbye to tooth decay.

If you think about it this way, children who grow up in the magical world are still very happy.

You can have as many sweets as you want.

Selecting the snacks on the trolley, Andros was thinking randomly.

"I really don't understand why someone would choose a toad as a pet."

Beside her, Hermione lowered her voice and complained softly in Andros's ear.

The girl's hot breath slapped on his neck, making people unable to help but think about it.

Calm down, Andros, she's only 11.

"Maybe wizards' aesthetics are different from ours"

"Besides, did you hear what he said? He actually can't cast spells. I thought those children who grew up in the magical world can cast spells skillfully."

"You can't say that, Hermione. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I believe Mr. Longbottom will also have his strengths."

"I don't mean to look down on him, Ender, I just think, how should I put it, it's a bit incredible, obviously they can be exposed to magic at a very young age."

"Maybe you can ask him about the wizarding world, but don't ask a barrage of questions. That would be very rude."

"I see."

With their arms filled with all kinds of weird food, the two of them returned to their carriage. Bibi multi-flavor beans, Chuibao Super Bubble Gum, and chocolate frogs. Regardless of whether they had eaten them or not, Andros bought some of each. It's not expensive anyway, it only costs eight or nine silver coins in total.

"Let's have some together, Neville."

"You can also exchange it with us. We haven't eaten wizard food yet."

"Ah~ okay, thank you~ thank you, Ender. In fact, the food we usually eat is similar to you."

I never thought that such a shy little boy now would grow into a real Gryffindor in the near future.

When Andros first read the Harry Potter novel in his previous life, he actually didn't like the character of Neville. He was forgetful, had mediocre magic abilities, was introverted and timid, but was assigned to Gryffindor, which is known for its bravery.

He looks just like Peter Pettigrew back in the day.

I didn't expect to be so brave at the end.

"Have you decided which college you want to go to?" After giving Neville a few pumpkin pies, Andros asked the two of them with a licorice wand in his mouth.

"I'm going to Gryffindor. My parents, grandparents and grandparents all graduated from there. If I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor, my grandmother would definitely kill me." Speaking of his grandmother, Neville's His face was a little pale.

"Then you have to cheer up. Your current performance is not good. What about you, Hermione?"

"I haven't thought about it yet, but maybe Ravenclaw would be a good choice."

Bingo, Hermione finally decided to go to Ravenclaw.

If it was true that the Sorting Hat asked her to choose whether to go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as in the original book, then the probability of her going to Ravenclaw this time would be much higher.

For more than a month, Andros has been instilling in Hermione the idea that going to Ravenclaw is a good idea. In his plan, the best result is for the two of them to be sorted into Ravenclaw together, keeping a low profile. to spend these unquiet years.

It was definitely a good thing for Hermione not to get involved in the messy mess of the Savior.

But, can things really develop as he expected?

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