Snakes at Hogwarts

Chapter 177 Hagrid’s mother~

My name is Louie, and I am a three-headed English pastoral dog who grew up in Scotland.

Luwei is not my original name. Before that, my former master, an old man with almost all his teeth, called me Cerberus.

He told me that this was the name of my ancestor. I don’t know how many days and nights ago it guarded the door to and from the underworld for Hades, the king of Hades.

My former master hoped that I could grow into a powerful being like my ancestors, but at that time, I, who had just been weaned, did not understand what these words meant.

When I was one year old, he brought me from what he called "Greece" to here, Scotland.

Human language is really strange, why do they name these places with these meaningless words?

I still can't figure it out until now.

To be honest, I don’t like the weather in Scotland. It’s rainy here and the winter is much colder than in Greece.

Even though I have fur that is thick enough to keep out the cold, this weird and changeable climate is still like a tarsal maggot, making people, no, the three-headed dog feel quite uncomfortable.

The climate here is far less pleasant than Greece.

In fact, not long after I arrived here, I fell seriously ill due to acclimatization.

And my master, that bad old man who always wore a wide hood, seemed to have encountered some problem and had to escape from Greece.

This means that he doesn't have enough money in his body to treat me.

There was no way around it, so he eventually found me a new owner.

It was a giant who could stand up and cover the sky. When he stood up from the dark tavern, his burly body suddenly reminded me of the bedtime story I heard told by the previous owner when I was a child.

On the other side of the sea, there is a place called Sicily, where there lives a kind of mountain-like creature, the Cyclops. They have a single eye on their forehead, so people prefer to call them The creature is a cyclops.

"Then I will take this little guy away~ Don't worry, I will take good care of him. If you want to see him again in the future, you can come to Hogwarts to find me."

After leaving these words, the giant hugged me and left.

Curling up in his chest, feeling the heat rising from the giant's body, I felt a feeling in my heart that I had never felt before.

It was so warm lying in his arms, and the coat made of unknown animal fur was also very comfortable.

"Little guy~ I'll call you Lu Wei from now on, okay?" Hagrid's voice was very soft as he looked at the puppy that had just been weaned in his arms.

He tried his best to control himself and smiled warmly.

That was the first time he controlled his loud voice.



Speechless, I whimpered slightly, and then couldn't help but crawl into the giant's arms.

"Hahahaha~ It seems you like this name very much, so I will call you Lu Wei from now on."

In this way, I got the second name in my life, fluffy.

I later learned that it was the human language for furry.

And I gradually learned the name of the giant.

Hagrid's mother.

What a strange name.

He is obviously a male creature, why does he need to be called mother?

I haven't figured this out until now.


Anyway, under the care of Hagrid's mother, I quickly recovered and, as time went by, I grew in size.

In just a few years, I grew from a puppy that barely lay in his arms to a giant dog that was much taller than Hagrid’s mother.

To be honest, I don’t like the feeling of growing up, because I can’t roll around in Hagrid’s mother’s arms as much as I did together.

As I grew up, I became more and more aware that the two heads on the left and right, which were originally under my control, gradually had their own ideas.

They begin to have their own consciousness.

Although they were still very immature at first, I could easily suppress them, but soon, these two consciousnesses began to compete with me for the main control of this body.

Those days were truly nightmares. I couldn't rest for a moment, because if I relaxed even a little bit, the two consciousnesses in my mind would take over the control of my body.

They don't understand human emotions like I do, they only have the most primitive and crazy animal nature.

Naturally, I became very irritable and would regularly attack Hagrid's mother out of control.

Fortunately, the consciousnesses in the other two heads share my extraordinary fascination with music.

As long as Hagrid's mother sings the lullaby she used to lull me to sleep when I was a child, my three heads will always quiet down quickly and I will slowly fall asleep with the sound of music.

In order to prevent me from accidentally injuring other people in the castle when Brother Hai's mother was away, he took me to the forbidden forest on the edge of the castle.

And finally made me a new home deep in the Forbidden Forest.

He would visit me often, and every time he would bring the cookies I had grown up with. They were dark brown cookies and were my favorite food.

Accompanied by Hagrid's mother, I gradually reached a consensus with the other two consciousnesses in my body in that forest. We divided the day into three time periods, each of which was dominated by one head. Let's jointly control this body.

I just don’t know why, after I calmed down again, Hagrid’s mother still left me in this forest.

It was not until two hundred days and nights before he took me out of the forest and placed me in a secret room in the castle.

"I want you to keep guarding here, above this trap door. Little Lu Wei, except for this old man with a white beard, you need to stop anyone who comes here."

Hagrid's mother pointed to a short distance away, and then I realized that there was an old man with blue eyes and a white beard looking at me with a smile.

He looked much older than my previous master, but strangely, he seemed to have more energy than the old man.

And for some reason, I actually felt a sense of extreme danger from this harmless old man.

It was strange, he looked so thin.

I thought with some confusion.

"Quite intelligent eyes, Hagrid. You are really good at training these magical creatures."

"Ahahaha~ These are all little tricks that can't be put on the stage." Hagrid scratched his head in embarrassment, his face turning red.

"You can understand what I'm saying, right, Lu Wei?"

"Wow~" I nodded slightly.

"Very well, I need to remind you one more thing. You can't hurt those students who don't look big. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Very good, Hagrid, leave this to Lu Wei. Let's leave first."

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