A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 730 Self-knowledge

"Good morning, Bozo."

Rita Skeeter, carrying a crocodile leather handbag, stepped into the headquarters of the Daily Prophet and greeted a short man sitting at a table drinking coffee.

"Any news today?"

"It was revealed to us that Dementors broke into Hogwarts privately without the consent of the Ministry of Magic. Dumbledore seemed very angry." Bozo took out a piece of parchment from the pile of documents next to him, and read the words on it. Content, "However, the Ministry of Magic temporarily blocked the news, and the specific situation is unknown."

"anything else?"

Rita Skeeter took the coffee from her colleague, said thank you, and listened carefully to Bozo's news worthy of her in-depth investigation.

"There's news about Black again. Someone saw Black again outside London, but before the people from the Ministry of Magic rushed over, Black had already escaped." Bozo continued, "The Hogwarts Hippogriff has wings. Mr. Lucius Malfoy intends to make a formal complaint about the incident of the beast attacking the students, and hopes to refer the matter to the Committee for Handling Dangerous Creatures, so we can go and interview Mr. Malfoy."

"What about Albert Anderson?" asked Rita Skeeter as she drank the cup of coffee in her hand. "Isn't the Wizengamot going to award him the title of 'Wisengamwat British Youth Representative'? ?”

Rita Skeeter believes that Albert Anderson, who has won two international awards, is fully qualified. If he is not qualified, then no one is really qualified.

"It seems that there is such a thing." Bozuo looked behind the parchment and said softly, "However, there are quite a few people who don't want everyone to know about this."

"This is your share."

As he spoke, Bozo took out an envelope from the drawer and silently handed it to Rita Skeeter.

"It's really rare. I haven't received this item for a long time, and the quantity is even more than expected." Rita Skeeter stuffed the envelope into her crocodile leather handbag and asked curiously, "What's the reason?"

"That genius seems to be a Muggle wizard." Bozo lowered his voice for fear that others would hear.

"Damn it."

Rita Skeeter has that look you're kidding.

"Are you sure that guy is a Muggle wizard?"

"Isn't it?" Bozo asked confused.

Intuition told Rita Skeeter that there must be something wrong with Albert Anderson, and he must not be a so-called Muggle wizard.

A Muggle-born wizard couldn't reach such a height, but she didn't dare to dig out that guy's identity, feeling that if she did, she might be lost.

That's a ruthless character, the kind who can't be provoked if he can't be provoked.

Look, the unlucky President Bernard, life is not easy now, ever since the cheating was revealed, the Association of Extraordinary Pharmacists has questioned him no longer.

"The other party is very generous," Bozuo reminded kindly, "Stop discussing this matter."

"I understand the rules, you continue."

Rita Skeeter didn't intend to get involved either. This was probably a struggle between two factions, and getting involved would not end well.

"An exclusive interview with the Irish team. They have just replaced their new Firebolts. They are the favorites to win the Quidditch World Cup next year."

"Thunderbolt has launched a broomstick that claims to be able to compete with the Firebolt series, but it seems to have encountered some troubles during the test, and there is no suitable finished product yet."

"anything else?"

"Have you received a few more letters without addressing the sender?" Bozuo asked with a smile, "Where do you plan to start?"

"We can go and interview Mr. Lucius Malfoy." Rita Skeeter said without thinking, "I think he will welcome us very much."

After finishing speaking, Rita Skeeter returned to her desk and wrote to Lucius Malfoy, making an appointment for an interview in the afternoon.

Her eyes scanned the letters on the table, picking out those that had no senders.

Well, even with a sender, Rita Skeeter was very careful about opening letters.

no way.

Rita Skeeter often received some malicious letters, most of which were curses, or some malicious envelopes aimed at her. It was the best choice to burn these things directly.

However, one of the letters caught Rita Skeeter's attention because the envelope read: Dementors riot, Savior almost fell to his death, with photos inside.


Seeing this letter and the news she had just heard, Rita Skeeter guessed who might have sent the letter, took out the honesty detector to check the letter, and made sure that there was no spell on it before giving it to herself. Put on dragon leather gloves, open the envelope with a letter opener, and take out the letter and photos inside.

The content on the letter paper is very short. It briefly introduces the cause, process and result of this incident, but this information is enough for Rita Skeeter, especially there are a few photos, which are solid and iron proof .

As for the face of the Ministry of Magic, who cares?

At least Rita Skeeter doesn't care, and it's not the first time people have a right to know what happened.

What's more, Rita Skeeter couldn't refuse such big news.

What a dangerous guy!

Rita Skeeter couldn't help feeling emotional, and began to immerse herself in writing this matter, and questioned the authority of the Ministry of Magic by the way.

Rita Skeeter knew that one-quarter of these things were true, and the other three-quarters were pure fabrications.

It took only one hour to complete the preliminary draft of the manuscript.

"Bozo, please take these two photos and this manuscript to the editor-in-chief. I think this big news is more suitable for today's headlines. We have to get this done before the Ministry of Magic recovers, lest they The Daily Prophet is prohibited from publishing this story."

"Where did you get the news from?"

Bozo was very shocked by the content of the report. Although he also knew that most of what Rita Skeet wrote was false, the two photos attached were still very convincing.

Although the photo is a bit blurry, it can still be seen that it is Hogwarts school.

"I don't know, but the person who sent me the letter obviously doesn't need to lie, after all, even the photos are prepared." Rita Skeeter didn't think Albert would deliberately tease herself.

"Now, Fudge is going to be in big trouble," Bozo muttered.

"No, he won't."

Rita Skeeter knew Fudge, and the guy had gotten used to dealing with these sorts of things after a few years as Minister for Magic.

Barnabas Guffey, the editor-in-chief of the "Daily Prophet", seized the opportunity very well, and suddenly revised the headlines of the "Daily Prophet" while everyone was flipping through the newspaper, which caught the Ministry of Magic by surprise. Before they could react, everyone knew that the dementors broke into Hogwarts out of control and attacked Harry.

Fudge knew about this, but someone sent a letter scolding him for killing Harry.

In Rita Skeeter's pen, Harry, the savior, seems to have fallen to his death.

After reading it, Fudge was so angry that he locked himself in the office and smashed things, which was his negligence no matter how you looked at it.

Of course, Fudge wouldn't admit it was his problem, especially since Harry Potter wasn't dead.

How to deal with this matter, Fudge is very experienced.

He's the Minister of Magic, just brush it off and promise that the dementors won't show up at Hogwarts again, and that's the end of the matter.

Fudge didn't care that he would get a little reprimand, he was used to it.

However, Fudge didn't know that these were all in Albert's expectation, and the other party dug a hole for him, and planned to kick him into the hole.

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