A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 696 Old Friends

Harry was very concerned about Albert's words, but he didn't expect Professor Lupine to be his father's good friend, and Hagrid knew about it.

Why didn't they mention this to themselves?

Harry hesitated for a few days, and finally decided to ask Hagrid about Professor Lupine.

"Hagrid, is Professor Lupine really a good friend of my father's?"

Hagrid paused while pouring tea, looked up and asked, "Who told you?"

"Albert." Hermione answered Hagrid's question for Harry.She found that Hagrid didn't seem to want to bring up the subject.

"Lupine and James were indeed very good friends when they were at school." Hagrid spoke slowly, "But..."

"Is their relationship dead?" Harry asked tentatively.

"No, no." Hagrid put the poured three cups of strong tea in front of the three of them, and recalled, "They have always been very close friends, the kind that are inseparable, very similar to you."

"But why didn't Professor Lupine come to see me when I was young?" Harry was puzzled. He felt that if Professor Lupine was really a good friend of his father, it would be impossible for him to ignore their only son after his friend died. Do not ask.

At least, Harry didn't think he would do that.

"Professor Lupine hasn't been doing very well these years, and I don't know about other things. If you have any questions, I suggest you ask him directly?" Hagrid threw Harry's question directly to Lupine, and said: Take pleasure in your wit.

There were some things that Hagrid really didn't want to tell Harry, and telling him now would not do any good, it would only make things worse.

"All right!"

Knowing that he couldn't get anything out of asking Hagrid, Harry gave up.He felt that he could go to Albert to inquire about the news, or go to Professor Lupine directly.

"Hagrid, what did Albert come to you for?" Hermione changed the subject.

When they first came here, they happened to meet Albert.

"He came to ask me about magical creatures." Speaking of this, Hagrid was a little proud, and Albert also recognized his ability in the field of magical creatures.

It's just that I have just joined the job, and the teaching level still needs to be improved.

"Ask about magical creatures." Ron couldn't help but raise his voice a little bit, his tone was weird, and even Harry and Hermione's expressions were a little unnatural, there is no way, Hagrid's protection of magical creatures class It's too bad.

"Ahem." Hagrid also noticed the expressions on the faces of the three of them, and cleared his throat, "Albert is going to participate in...something called the Magic School, oh yes, the Magic School Potions Tournament. So , He came to me to learn about the habits of some magical creatures, what to be wary of in the forest, and where to find them."

"But these and potions..."

"Sorcerer School Potions Tournament," corrected Hermione.

"Yeah, what does it have to do with the Potions Tournament?" Ron asked confused.

"I heard that contestants need to enter the magic garden to collect raw materials by themselves within the specified time."

"How come I haven't heard of this?"

"Hagrid, tell us about the Magic School Potions Tournament." Hermione was very interested in this matter.

"It is said that all eleven wizarding schools in the wizarding world will send people to participate in the potion competition. It has been a long time since Hogwarts won the championship." Hagrid was also very happy that the topic was led to Albert, "However, this year Hogwarts has a good chance of winning the championship, and you all know that Albert has always been very good."

"He's a genius, after all!" said Ron sourly. "There's hardly anything that can stop him."

"He is indeed a genius, no matter what." Hermione whispered.

"You don't know how much Fred and George admired Albert and believed everything he said."

"That's because Albert knows divination!" Hermione reminded.

"Albert is really good!" Harry admitted as much.

At least, Albert had mastered the profound Patronus Charm very early on, and he had practiced hard for a week, and the Patronus was still extremely weak.

"No, you don't know, I once heard Fred and George say that Albert was eyeing Sirius Black's high bounty, and predicted that Black would appear at Hogwarts, ready to find a chance Catch Blake, take him to the Ministry of Magic for that bounty, and then take that money and start their joke shop." Ron recalled overhearing the twins' conversation after they'd just returned from Egypt.

"Then I should thank him. If he needs bait, I can help. Just let him remember to give me Galleons." Harry said half-jokingly.

"Harry, that's not the point. The point is that Albert thinks Black will appear in Hogwarts." Hermione frowned. Although she was reluctant to admit it, Albert's judgment was always accurate, since he Say Sirius Black will be at Hogwarts, and Harry needs to be careful.

"Maybe, we can ask Albert to help predict when Sirius Black will appear, and then we can go to ambush Black together!" Ron suggested excitedly.Black's reward of [-] Galleons was really tempting. If possible, he wanted to get some money from that reward, even if it was only a few Galleons.

"Don't be delusional, Black is not so easy to be caught, otherwise the Ministry of Magic would not have been looking for him now." Hagrid was taken aback by their boldness, and said quickly: "I asked Albert, He said the chances of that were low ... and the timing wasn't there yet."


"Don't ask me, I don't know, anyway, fortunetellers are mysterious." Hagrid recalled Albert's appearance when he said this, and couldn't help shaking his head: "I remember that you all seem to take divination courses."

"Stop it, that Professor Trelawney is a sly liar." Hermione began to tell Hagrid about Professor Trelawney's prediction that Harry would die in the first class.

"I'm not very familiar with Professor Trelawney, but I heard many students call her an old liar in private." Hagrid turned his head and looked out the window, stood up and said to the three of them, "Okay, I'll take you back to the castle!"

"No Hagrid, we can . . . "

"I insist on Harry, you should pay attention to your own safety now." Hagrid got up and prepared to send the three of Harry back to the castle.

"Hogwarts is safe, and there are a bunch of dementors around the school."

"Albert thinks the dementors are unreliable. I think he is right. Since Black can escape from Azkaban, there must be a way to hide the dementors." Now Hagrid is more willing to believe in Albert's judgment , especially after the accident in the first class, I regretted why I didn't listen to Albert's advice.

"Harry, promise me you won't run around after dark?"

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