A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1541 Bloodthirsty

"Fortunately, these guys are stupid enough, otherwise it would be really difficult to get rid of them."

Looking at the "corpse" of the dark wizard lying on the floor in the corridor, Lee Jordan took a few steps forward, turned a certain Death Eater over with his toes, and then suddenly raised his foot and kicked the person several times. Cheeks vent anger,

It was this guy who used the Unforgivable Curse just now, causing the only casualty in this battle and taking away a certain unlucky guy who had never taken the Felixir.

Fred, who was finishing up the dark wizard, couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Lee Jordan and complained, "It sounds like you are so smart, and there is really no need to vent your anger on the dead."

"This man is not dead yet, he just fainted."

"If it were me, I would definitely not rush to death. Instead, I would blow up the wall next to me and jump off the building to escape. I wouldn't die if I had a magic wand." George also felt that those dark wizards were indeed stupid.

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work."

Cedric waved his wand and collected the trophies from these dark wizards, preparing to use them to support his family.

"Speaking of which, these dark wizards are really poor."

George, who was putting things in his leather bag, looked at the pile of silver coins and couldn't help complaining, "It seems that the idea of ​​using trophies to make up for the losses will probably not be accomplished."

"Dark wizards are a bunch of poor people. Otherwise, who would be willing to fight with Voldemort to the death? The only rich people are Death Eaters. However, even if those guys are rich, they probably don't carry a lot of Galleons with them."

"If Albert kills Voldemort, wouldn't he be able to collect a generous reward?" Hannah reminded kindly, "I remember..."

"One hundred thousand galleons."

"Yes, one hundred thousand galleons."

"Don't think about it. If you expect the Ministry of Magic to give you this bounty, you might as well expect a rain of candy from the sky."

"I assume the Ministry of Magic will say the bounty on Voldemort has been cancelled."

"No way!"

"Albert must have a way to get the Ministry of Magic to obediently take out the money."

"The bounty for catching Sirius was not given last time. The so-called bounty was just a pie created by the Ministry of Magic to make others die. They had no intention of fulfilling their promise from the beginning."

"I remember Albert saying that if he got that money, he would use it for everyone."

As he spoke, he looked up at Professor McGonagall, who was coming this way, and did not forget to raise his hand to say hello.

"It seems we arrived just in time."

"Mr. Longbottom, what are you doing?"

After Professor McGonagall nodded, she looked doubtfully at Neville and his team who were injecting the dark wizard.

"Finish it, lest they continue to harm others while still alive."

Ever since Neville used mandrakes to kill a group of werewolves on that viaduct, he had no objection to killing enemies.

He knows very well what should be done and what should not be done, and he also knows that some things have to be done by someone.

If it hadn't been him it would have been someone else.

If no one wanted to do that, Neville didn't mind doing it himself, but he had never forgotten that it was the Death Eaters who tortured his parents like that.

Although Neville could not seek revenge against his original enemies, he could seek revenge against the Death Eaters.


Professor McGonagall was surprised by the changes in Neville. He never expected that the once cowardly boy would now turn into a murderous person. Not only Neville, but also other students. ….

They ruthlessly ended the life of the fallen dark wizard, as if they had killed not a human being but a chicken.

"After all, it is an enemy, and a dead enemy is better. And Albert always said that this is a life-and-death war. To be lenient is to be irresponsible to your companions, so if possible, it is still very important to do a last hit. Necessary." Cedric knew why Professor McGonagall's expression was so complicated, but he still explained gently, "What's more, we didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, these dark wizards deserved to die."

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, but in the end did not try to refute Cedric's words.

"What's the situation with Potter? Has he found Voldemort's treasure?"

In fact, Professor McGonagall didn't care about why everyone became so murderous, and she didn't care about the life or death of the group of dark wizards who invaded the castle. She was more concerned about whether Harry could find Voldemort's treasure hidden in Hogwarts and end it completely. This damn war.

"Harry will definitely be able to find that treasure. Let's go reinforce the others first." Cedric was not worried about this matter.

In his opinion, both Harry and Albert are quite reliable. Since Albert dares to say that he can end the wizarding war tonight, he must have a certain degree of confidence. Maybe they will find the treasure very early. , just waiting for Voldemort to take the bait.

Therefore, instead of worrying about Harry finding the treasure, Cedric was more worried about Cho Chang's safety.

A sudden crackling sound immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the figure of Nelson Tobin appeared at the end of the corridor.

"Did you get the mandrake?"

After seeing that they were acquaintances, everyone lowered the wands they had just raised.

"I only found the one that was thrown on the broken bridge. The rest took time, so I came over first." Nelson Tobin explained.

"I remember you drank the elixir of happiness."

The twins looked at each other with strange expressions.

"Why not use the Flying Charm to summon the Mandrake?"

"The house elves helped find it."

It's not that Nelson Tobin doesn't want to find more mandrakes, but Felixir tells me that one should be enough.

So, he continued to waste time and rushed over.

"You can go to the stairs to ambush them first. We need to clear out the dark wizards on the third floor first. Then we will meet near the stairs to prevent the Mandrake from trapping us all one day. "

Mandrake is really useful, but sometimes it can be quite deadly.

Especially after using mandrake to kill hundreds of werewolves, anyone will be very wary of it, lest it really traps themselves.

"see you later."

Nelson Tobin simply turned and left.

He came here specially, not to join them, but to give everyone a warning to avoid unnecessary accidental injuries. In particular, the cry of Mandrake is very deadly. Even if it does not directly kill people at a certain distance, it will cause them to fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, any accidents must be avoided and the enemy must be killed as much as possible.

Of course, Fred and the others also knew this. As long as they had drunk the Felixir, they were not stupid, but no one would want to try and be accidentally injured by the cry of Mandrake.

So everyone instinctively avoided Nelson Tobin's battlefield. Fortunately, the other group of dark wizards who were besieging us were not there either.

I have been sick and coughing repeatedly in the past two months, which has made my health a lot worse and I have no energy left. I originally thought I could finish the main text this year, but now this is all I can do.



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